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Everything posted by Roablin

  1. I'd generally be dropping out of Lego, but I'm still interested slightly. The LotR sets in particular have renewed my interest.I'm here because of the community and frankly because I've never found a better forum. I quite like the effect the word filter has on the community, even if it may seem harsh.I think that BZP discussion can really go anywhere, but I think that the site itself (such as web skins and names) should remain firmly bionicle themed. I'd like it if Hapori Tohu posted more. However in general discussion should go to constraction and other lego lines, and every where else in COT.
  2. Granted, but after you learn how to control your power you are promptly locked up in an asylum for mutants.I wish I had angel food cake in front of me right now.
  3. Roablin


    After watching it two and a half times, I like to think I understand it all. You just half to pay attention to what they're saying all the time.
  4. A bloke looking inquisitivly at something while holding a game controller.
  5. Granted, but you spend all your money before they come out.I wish I was skilled at wielding my ginormous spatula.
  6. Roablin

    New Pieces

    *Massive drooling*
  7. The ninjas take time to research so ignorant samarai post before them.I wish I didn't have to manually make my posts green.
  8. Don't have SWTOR.TPBM is an evil undead robot alien skeleton.
  9. I don't remember what he looks like, so he might be.TPBM is pumped for lego LotR.
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