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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Fine by me. =) Hope to see you done in time, and I hope you're feeling better!

  2. After last check, you're in the clear. =) Usually, I'd report stuff like that. *lol* It pays to keep an eye on other people's stuff. If you see something breaking the signature guidelines, send a a PM reporting it to a Forum Assistant.

  3. Wait are they disabled or something? Whoops. Fixing that now...I was wondering why I wasn't getting any comments. *facepalm* I was wondering too. Gibbs sounds okay by the way. It reminds me of Tibbs for some reason, and it's driving me nuts 'cause I can't figure it out. *lol* EDIT: I think I've got it. Wasn't Sgt. Tibbs the name of the cat on the original "101 Dalmations"?
  4. "Iron Demise"... Sounds good; I'll have to read it soon! Don't think I'll be entering the Core War contest though--not enough scope for storytelling.

  5. Renault's hearing for the Singapore investigation will be Sept. 22nd, from what I hear. No word on the FiA's view yet.

  6. Hey, you might want to change your avatar, mate. Its file size is way over the 100kb limit. You'll need to find something that, when combined with the picture in your sig, is less than 100kb. =)

  7. It's a kitten! I'd say my best shot at a name would probably be something Bionicle-related, unfortunately. Something like "Taka". That would probably end up sounding too much like "taco", though. By the way, out of curiosity, do you have comments on your profile disabled or are you not tending to them?
  8. Pink Floyd = awesome. ^^

  9. It doesn't leave Kimi anywhere, apparently. I still think there's something we haven't heard about Felipe's injury yet; they wouldn't axe Kimi after he won a race for them and outscored Felipe consistently before the crash. At least, they shouldn't. =P

  10. My entry for Epics Contest #8 is finished--look for "The Sniper". Are you entering by any chance, or not?

  11. I suppose we could get something going in the F1 topic. Coming from the US, there are very few F1 fans here, so it's always nice to run into a fellow fan, especially one that likes Ferrari! =)

  12. I think Kimi was pretty happy to win a race for the first time in what, 28 races? Fisi sounded kinda sad in the interview room, though. The names aren't hard to remember unless it's something like "Alguersuari". =P

  13. Wild race today, eh? I didn't believe Kimi was going to win until after he crossed the line (I was like "Please don't rain!"). Fisi did a good job, and I think he's got a good shot at Ferrari. Too bad for Alonso, though.

  14. It's got less to do with a manner of getting the images and more to do with not being able to post them. I don't have an image hosting account, or the ability to attach files to posts.

    Anyway, good to hear from you again!

  15. Man, was quali interesting! I never would've thought for a second to tip Fisi for pole. I think Ferrari will be eyeing him as Badoer's replacement come Monza...

  16. *lol* I would, but I don't have access to a scanner, unfortunately. =( I'd say it was the least exciting comic of the year, though. If you ask someone else when they get the mag, I'm sure they'd help, though. =)

  17. I was thinking about you, too. Yes, I am feeling better, but schoolwork is still hectic. I'll be getting at least one week of time off around when the Epics contest ends, though. Seen the news page lately? =P

  18. Pardon me for being a little out of the loop, but I've neither played Portal or heard of the "All your bases are belong to us." (Although I have a hunch it's from "Starcraft" or something). 1. "Well I'll be a capitalist forklift!" 2. "Life force bingo." 3. "I am cardboard elite." 4. "Note the imperial saucepan." 5. "Bug repellant and flamethrowers do not mix." 6. "I think I can smell boulder emergency rate and keep Wallace. You are out." 7. "Me can clean room and Great Britain DVD sales, as you know." 8. "I almost got owned by a flying couch!" 9. "Not to the best of my recollection." All of these are original; most are drawn from random (really random ) conversations with my brother.
  19. Hey! You're back! =) Good to see you again.

  20. I'd be pretty miffed if they showed Kimi the door, true, but all good things come to an end at some point. I think his quiet personality helps him focus on his job. I don't mind Felipe as a driver, either, but most of all I'd like to see MS make a return (he almost did at Valencia). =)

  21. The Alonso-Ferrari rumors intensify as Santander says its their dream to have "world's best driver in the world's best car, sponsored by the world's best bank". I can't believe they'd kick Raikkonen when Massa might not even come back.

  22. I believe I owe you a message. =) With all the chaos concerning the boards (and some other things) I haven't been as active lately. Hang in there--we all know you'll be back soon!

  23. It was incredibly awesome seeing the races live. The start was just a noise beyond comprehension. Oh, and thanks for the reminder on the sig; I almost forgot. I was glad to see Barrichello win that race--he needed it.

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