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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. My Maserati does 185, I lost my license, now I don't drive. I have a limo, ride in the back. I lock the doors in case I'm attacked. One of my all-time favorites. "Hole in the World" is an awesome song, too.
  2. Hey, I have been keeping up with Hydraxon's Death; I read the latest chapter yesterday. I've been meaning to leave a review, but I've been busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can. =)

  3. Hey, no problem. I'm not trying to pressure you into replying or anything; just making sure you're doing alright. =)

  4. Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while... you doing okay?

  5. Looks like quite a few teams passed Brawn this race, Ferrari included. ^^ But I have a feeling RBR's momentum won't last long. Vettel will be winning the next race hands down. =P Oh, and I can't wait to see who the Stig is!

  6. I wasn't online much during the weekend either. *lol* Did you have a good trip? It's a bit of a shame you missed the race; it was a fairly active one. There isn't another one for three weeks, unfortunately... *grumbles*

  7. Hey, I found out that the race is going to be on at 3:00 PM EST tomorrow on whatever local Fox affiliate you have. Same time the last one was, basically.

  8. Thanks. =) You're on your way there yourself, aren't you?

  9. Hey, I've got a thousandth-post story appearing in the SS forum at some point tonight. It shouldn't be too long; would you be interested in checking it out?

  10. No problem. I saw the entry in your blog about how you were sick again, so I thought you were offline mostly because you were sick. Glad to see you back, and I hope you're feeling better! =) (Oh, and I might have a 1000th post story up tonight, so keep an eye out in the SS forum!)

  11. That's never fun. =( I used to hate it when they gave Massa preferential treatment to Kimi even when Kimi had a better shot at winning the race. I like Massa, I just like Kimi more. =P

  12. Well, I like both M&L better than Pit, but Pit is near the top for me as a character; if I couldn't pick Mario or Luigi, I'd use Pit. I think Luigi's a better character than Mario, actually.

  13. Pit is second only to Mario and Luigi in awesomeness. =P He has a bit of an ego, but I like him as a character for his speed and specifically his dash attack, which is awesome in sudden death. ^^

  14. Hey, just took a random peek at the Birthdays List, and noticed today was your brother's birthday. Tell him I wish him a happy birthday, 'kay? =P

  15. I didn't see what happened to Alonso; I don't think they showed it on the coverage we had. Vettel is actually my next favorite driver behind Raikkonen. I think that he'll end up at Ferrari one day. Vettel could be the next Schumacher, IMO.

  16. It was all right. I don't think Button will surpass Schumacher's '04 win record, though. I liked the battle between Hamilton and Piquet, though. That was awesome!

  17. The race is going to be delayed here until roughly 8 o'clock your time, so no spoilers, please! *lol* I have a feeling Vettel did well, though.

  18. If you're talking about the one with the link to the '96 Monaco GP highlights, then yes. =) Thanks for those, but I meant to tell you that the video didn't work for some reason; said it wasn't available in my country. Oh well; it was a nice gesture. =)

  19. Best Stig Fact Ever: "Some say that he knows two facts about ducks, and they're both wrong." *lol* At least, that's the funniest one I can think of.

  20. Cool! I don't know when we'll be getting the next one here...

    Anyway, I also liked the one where Jeremy drove across Japan in a Nissan GT-R. That one was funny, too.

  21. Oho, yes. =P My favorite episode is the one where they drive across the desert in Africa. *lol*

  22. Yeah, Vettel's tires ran out too quickly 'cause they were the super-softs. And I did notice that all the teams had submitted entries, but those are pending removal based on next year's rules, from what I've heard.

  23. Hey, just letting you know I might not be able to message you back for a little while; I'll be concentrating on getting S&D finished this weekend. If I have the time, I'll try to get back to you though. =)

  24. Apparently, I was the 10,000th person to view your profile. *lol*

  25. Yeah, that was a bit of a relief. He blew the start, though. Kimi could've taken Button at the first turn with a better start. I was surprised at Vettel's mistake, too.

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