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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Well handled, SPIRIT. *lol*

  2. You may have missed my question the other night--what is trance music like?

  3. Just glanced down the birthday list and noticed you were on it--happy birthday! ^^

  4. Or it could rain at Singapore. =P Or even Brazil for that matter. That track gets rather nasty in the wet.

  5. I honestly think Vettel has no chance at this point. All Button has to do is score twelve points and Vettel's done for. As for surprises: You mean like Raikkonen and Hamilton winning after how they looked at the start of the season? =P

  6. Truthfully, that probably wont be the quality you'll get out of the actual epic, save for about a third of the chapters, unfortunately. Thanks for the continuing support, though, and I would've enjoyed competing with you if you had an epic written. =P

  7. Yup, that's it. =) It makes more sense if you read the story. I'll be honest--I put 110% effort into that, and I really hope it does well in the contest.

  8. Thanks big time for the review on "The Sniper"; it really needed that. =D Also, Vylevski is meant to be a Russian Toa. Just a new concept I was trying--as long as his name seems Russian, that's good enough for me. =P

  9. Judging by the names of those two types, I'd think they'd be somewhat similar to Pink Floyd's music. I've never listened to either of those types, though. What're they like, if you don't mind me asking?

  10. Ah, okay. I've had a bunch of their songs stuck in my head lately and I became curious. =)

  11. Hey, random question--do you like Pink Floyd?

  12. Yet Vettel continues to say that there's still a chance of winning it. =P I think Vettel is definitely World Champion material, though.

  13. Yeah, I guess it's fine. *lol* I'm pretty sure everyone's seen it now. Also, new word on the Abu Dhabi track at the end of the year--apparently, a portion of it goes through a hotel.

  14. *lol* You've got two people talking to you now. =P

    I didn't see much of Alonso during the race, except for when Hamilton came out ahead of him. Didn't hear from the Toyotas until they nearly KO'd each other, either. *lol*

  15. One heck of a race, hey? I have a hard time feeling sorry for Hamilton's crash because stuff like that has happened to Raikkonen so many times. *lol*

  16. Tifosi 92

    A C T Studies

    This is probably coming a little late (Don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. ), but good luck on the tests, and don't get too stressed about them.
  17. Thanks much for the long review on "Burning Bridges"; it's definitely what I needed to get motivated and finish S&D. I might just do another songfic again soon, too.

  18. Guess what? I'm awesome. =P You might be able to hide that better if you use "".

  19. Stop. Spamming. My. Comment box.

    Now. =P

  20. Hey, you say that one of your interests is reading; I actually do a fair share of Bionicle fanfic writing. You ought to check 'em out sometime (links are in my sig), as well as any stories by Lady Kopaka, Toa Velox, and Spink. =)

  21. Hey, quick question: Where would we actually log our entries for the Writers' Club contest?

  22. BZP>Xbox in my opinion. BZP encourages creativity and discussion, while 360 encourages the opposite. I think Lego threw away a huge opportunity with TLR. I mean, I think the least they could've done was make the action less cartoony, and I didn't even see that in any of the previews we got. I think it's safe to say I'll be waiting for this one to re-air over TV before I watch it.
  23. Haha, plot-twist me it did. I've got some writing that needs doing over the next couple days, (Like finishing S&D finally. Whoops. =P) but drop me a comment if you ever feel like talking. I'm always happy to chat. =)

  24. I got your message, and I was like, "Wait... Long Messages... what now?" *lol* I've got a bunch of free time until the end of this week most likely, so I might see about responding to that tonight after posting the story.

  25. *lol* Of course not! =) I have been busy with school and stuff, but I'm also doing some work on the game my brother and I are making as well as writing stories. I just haven't been on BZP as much lately.

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