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Blog Comments posted by Skrade

  1. Oh wow I hate Wal-Mart so much. The problem is, I live RIGHT NEXT TO IT. Interestingly, although I live in a great neighborhood, crime is always attracted to that Wal-Mart, which is next to my neighborhood. Two weeks ago at 2 p.m. (in broad daylight), a woman got mugged in the parking lot. A while before that, another woman got shot there. All in all, I'm not even going to Wal-Mart for 10 FREE Zurg sets (well... maybe for that).

  2. f56iyr.jpg


    Member Name: ToaAvahkan


    Entry Name: Kohrok-Kal


    Topic Link: Maybe later


    Category: MOC


    Explanation: His feet can propel sonic power strong enough to lift him off the ground, allowing him to levitate. He is big and bulky, but by using his sonics in the right way, he can travel, run, etc. at speeds of up to 195 mph. His claws can be supercharged with sonics, so they can vibrate fast enough to knock apart virtually any substance they touch. He can also unleash his sonic powers at an oppenent (like the original kohrok-kal). That orange piece on his chest is a heartlight, FYI, not a death lazer. :P

  3. DON'T STRESS OUT AND GET FRUSTRATED. Plus, go buy tons of bulk Bionicle parts from *Not saying website*. Of course, I have no talent whatsoever in this field, too, but keep practicing. That's what I did, and I actually did start to get better, even with the pathetic amount of pieces I have. :)

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