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Thomas Hunter

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Status Updates posted by Thomas Hunter

  1. @ Your Post(About my sig): It the equasion for Evil :P

  2. *-Toa Lhikevikk-*

  3. *Eyes wide in fear*

    Prompt ninjas?


  4. *Facepalm* Didnt tink of that.

    Im so slow =P

  5. *facepalm* I really need a better keyboard.

    In my prevous comment, I ment to say; "Oh" instead of "Of"

  6. *GASP*

    You're right!

    *Looks around*




    Say... you know latian. You want to be my bodyguard.

  7. *lightbulb*


    I guess I don't get Kudoes then huh?

  8. *lol*

    I think thats the right lyrics too, I just randomly remembered it from a Dirty Jobs commercial

  9. *Looks at last comment*

    You're greeting yourself... why? :P

  10. *Reads interests*

    Uhh... 149?

  11. *refers to name*

    Wow. Just wow.

  12. ♀ = Evil :P

    Thats the gender sign for girl if for some reason you didn't already know.

  13. 0_o

    So while you swim, do you want to RP in Heroes? I'll be sitting in the topic until you post, because I have nothing better to do =/

  14. 2 days in advance? XD

    Anways, marrah christmas to you too.

  15. Aaaah.

    So I guess you saw the end?

  16. Actually, it's not mine, but I still like it =P

  17. Alright I give... whats a PK?

  18. Also, I'm readding "God's Smugglar" for schools now.

    Started it monday

  19. And now i'm confused again... XP

  20. Another Ted Dekker fan! Sweet! Say where did you find your Personal Photo?

  21. Ao4p was FUNNYLARIOUS!

    Is that even a word?

    Don't think so.

    And I don't know if you put this on accadent, but the author of the book Thomas Huner is from, his first name is Ted XD

  22. Are you enjoying your snow? I hear you got a TON (I know because my Grandma lives near Pittsburgh)

  23. Awesome, another BZP christian!

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