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Thomas Hunter

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Everything posted by Thomas Hunter

  1. Thanks, I took a pic on the front of my graphic novel, which I got the name "Thomas Hunter" from(the pic is of him btw)

  2. Is it me, or did yu lose more proto? 0_o

  3. Hey cool another homeschooled Christian!

  4. Happy (late) Birthday!

  5. Hey cool our Birth days are 4 days abart... plus we have the same religion! =)

  6. Im on Desecration (the 8th)

    Anyways its nice too see another Christian on BZB!

  7. Hmm.. I think im stuck between E and F.

  8. Yes, cant wait till it comes out

  9. Another Ted Dekker fan! Sweet! Say where did you find your Personal Photo?

  10. Hey look at that i think i started a fad, Becuase a guy named Tobi has "Song lyric of the week" in his sig now. =)

  11. oops i ment to say "your"

  12. lol i see you've changed our name

  13. Ugh Charlie the Unicorn =P

  14. hmm no dont think ive heard of them.

  15. Hey we got the same Religion. Cool

  16. What does the "CH" Stand for in your name?

  17. Hey we have pritty much the same interests (dont know how your Grandmas tacos tase though...)

  18. How did you end up with so little Proto...

  19. Hey I realy like your location, mostly because its mine too. =)

  20. ok im not 99 anymore

  21. yippie im average! OMG I just notised I have 5 stars!!1!!11!ONE Sorry for the random noobish outburst.
  22. I think it dosnt matter what your name is... on the other hand, Im thinking about makeing my name Thomas The Raptor Hunter
  23. Hey im going to be in China sometime this year... maybe I can stop bye
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