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Everything posted by Fenrai

  1. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    Okay, Longcat, your entry is in the contest!
  2. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    Alright, Silver, your entry is in the contest!
  3. They are so GOOD! and she let me have AS MANY AS I WANT! :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: ...Sorry, had to get that out of my system.
  4. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    Oh. Well, it should probably be of an actual Sonic character, since I don't really want people to sort of bypass the "must be a Sonic character" rule. Sorry. Yeah, that would be fine.
  5. I played it at my cousin's house, and it's a fun game. You get to roll up stuff! And what could be more fun than rolling people up with a large ball? The story is kinda weird though. It looks like somebody went crazy while making it. But other than that, it's very fun.
  6. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    Actually, the comparison pic is of Neo Metal Sonic from Sonic Heroes, so yeah, that's fine.
  7. Fenrai

    Pokepark Wii

    I got it yesterday at GameStop. I won't be able to play it until I get back on Sunday night, but when I am able to play it, I hope it'll be good.
  8. and my dad and I beat my mom and sister by 62 points. B)
  9. So, I just came back from the zoo, and it was fun. There were alligator feedings, zookeeper meetings, and a lot of other stuff. One of the animal exibits was a Yellow-Bellied Duiker and I was like "lololol thats like Daiker". At the end, I got a stick of rock candy (pretty much huge sugar crystals). AND ON THE DAY BEFORE MY DENTIST APPOINTMENT. AND MY UNCLE IS THE DENTIST.
  10. I was thinking of changing it to something else, possibly from the Pokemon Ranger, Kirby, or Sonic series. I'm probably going to keep the "____Rider" theme, just a different beginning. But I'm not sure if I'm even gonna change it. Any ideas if I do?
  11. Fenrai

    Profile Game!

    I landed on Kurahk Rahkshi of Anger's profile.
  12. Fenrai

    An Informative Chart

    I'm guessing that's either a poem or song lyrics in chart form. But who's Rick Astley?
  13. Fenrai

    In The Plane

    I'm flying above I-don't-know-where, and I'm using the free Wi-fi on the plane to post this. I'M SO EXCITED! I WANNA LAND NOW!
  14. Link to Topic Kind of last-minute, because I'm going on vacation in like a half-hour.
  15. Umm...you do know that the title mentions CRABFIG without all-caps, right?
  16. Such an awesome song. It's catchy, fast, but it also sounds dramatic. (oh and it's the theme of Free Riders) This will be the first to receive the award that I have just made up: the FR Awesome Song Stamp!
  17. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    ME ME! After all, I'm on your friends list. Anyways, as soon as I saw this I wanted to make some wisps from Sonic Colors (which was confirmed after I saw that stuff from Sonic Colors was allowed.) I've made two (the blue one was annoying, since we can only do a maximum of 25% system but I got over it,) and am wondering if I could do more. (I can't do either of the purple ones, the pink one, or the cyan one [wish I had teal,] but I could do the orange one or the red one.) If not, I'll just post the blue and white ones I have now. If so, then I'll get to work on a red or orange one (probably red.) Yeah, entries with multiple MOCs are allowed.
  18. Fenrai


    I'M GOING TO FLORIDA! I'll be there for a week for Thanksgiving. I won't be able to be on BZP for a while, so I wanted to let you know in case you see a decrease in activity.
  19. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    Yep, that would be fine, as long as it's actually a board/bike/air-ride thing from the games.
  20. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    Alright, Loncat is Long!, your entry is in the contest!
  21. "Polish", "mall-ish", "smallish", and "wall-ish". Pretty much anything that ends with "all" + "ish".
  22. Oooh, I saw the "invisible text"! Anyway, onto the musical: Nate's deep inside a miiiine but his Pokemon are fiiiine In order for his events to turn-o, he needs a reply from Vak's Inferno Skye's gettin' a tour and show of what goes on in the Alamo but what he really needs is a reply from Appleseed I'm terrible at making up songs.
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