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Everything posted by Fenrai

  1. May 4th. Why, you may ask? May the fourth be with you.
  2. Link to Topic This is the first Lego MOC I've posted. Thoughts?
  3. AAAAH ITS A SIX-ARMED SANTA RUNNNNNNNN Sorry, had to let that out.
  4. After I post Fluffy Skirmix's PBZP, I'm gonna try something. I'M GONNA MOC A BIONICLE PIECE. I'll start with the Inika's upper leg armor. EET WEEL BEE SO AWESUM
  5. This is the preliminary voting entry for the Sonic MOC Contest. To vote, just place a comment saying who you vote for. Please vote for one in each group. (Note: Because Group 5 has three entries in it, the top two will be able to continue to the semis to even out the number of entries.) Group 1: Shadow Destroyer- E-Series (Comparison Pic) Junkmaster- Metal Sonic (Comparison Pic) Group 2: Fearlix- Yellow Zelkova (Comparison Pic) Longcat is Long!- Motobug (Comparison Pic) Group 3: Silver the party Hedgehog- Neo Metal Sonic (Comparison Pic) Longcat is Long!- Crabmeat (Comparison Pic) Group 4: Longcat is Long!- Buzzbomber (Comparison Pic) Chibinuva Sonic Burst- Wisps (Comparison Pics: 1 2 3 4) Group 5: Silver the party Hedgehog- Sonic Colors Starlight Carnival or Asteroid Coaster Boss (Comparison Pic) ankyfdarkness- E-102 "Gamma" & E-123 "Omega" (Comparison Pic) TakuaTheAvrahk- Yacker (Comparison Pic) Preliminary voting starts now and ends Chrismas Eve (December 24) at 11:59 PM EST. Semifinal Voting starts Christmas Day and ends New Year's Eve (December 31) at 11:59 PM EST. Final Voting starts New Year's Day and ends on January 7 at 11:59 PM EST. Results will be posted on January 8. Good luck to all who are entering!
  6. SCRG-3's Topic Thoughts?
  7. Fenrai

    Tron: Legacy

    Best. Movie. EVER. I love the plot, and the special effects were really cool. The equipment they use is really awesome (I mean, they use LIGHT CYCLES!). The music was good. Daft Punk did a really good job. I also like how they had a cameo in the movie. I highly recommend watching Tron. It will be worth the time.
  8. the Sonic MOC Contest. There's still time to enter! I'll open up the prelim voting tomorrow, so good luck to the entrants!
  9. Well, this is my first Bionicle blog contest, and I've decided to base it off of one of my favorite video game series: Sonic the Hedgehog! So, the goal is to build anything from the games, comics, TV series, etc. It just has to be from Sonic. Rules: 1. The MOC must be from Sonic the Hedgehog media. Games, comics, you name it. Just make it Sonic-related. 2. No painted, cut, broken, or altered pieces. Prototype pieces, however, are allowed. 3. No editing the photo to change the MOC's appearance. You may edit the background or add text as long as it doesn't interfere with the MOC itself. 4. You are allowed as many entries as you want. However, you cannot get 1st and 2nd place at the same time. If two of your MOCs have the top 2 places, then 2nd place will be given to whoever was closest behind you. (This may seem unfair, but I just want to give everybody the most opportunities for winning.) 5. There is a 75-25 Technic-to-System ratio. 6. The entry may be a MOC that was previously posted on BZPower, but it may not have been entered in any other contests. 7. You may retract and/or edit your entry before the deadline. 8. To enter the contest, just comment in this topic in the following format: Entry Name: Entry Pic URL: Topic (optional): Comparison Pic (optional): 9. The deadline has been changed to Friday, December 17, 11:59 EST. This blog entry will be closed on December 18, and a preliminary voting entry will be posted soon after. Prizes: I was originally going to have the prizes be custom T-shirts, but I decided I didn't want to have anyone give their addresses. Instead, I'll be giving Premier Membership to the winners. 1st Place: 1-year Premier Membership 2nd Place: 6-Month Premier Membership Note: You may give your prize to somebody else if you are already Premier. If you want to, just PM me saying who you want to make Premier. Questions: Q: Would non-Lego fabric be allowed? A: Sure. Q: Would something from Sonic Colors be okay? A: That would be fine. Q: Can I enter 2 MOCs as a single entry? A: Sure. Q: Could I make gear from Sonic Riders? A: Sure, as long as it's an actual board/bike/air-ride thing from the games. Happy building!
  10. These are the entries so far. To enter, just place a comment in this entry with the format specified. ----------------------- Shadow Destroyer- E-Series (Comparison Pic) Junkmaster- Metal Sonic (Comparison Pic) Fearlix- Yellow Zelkova (Comparison Pic) Longcat is Long!- Motobug (Comparison Pic) Silver the party Hedgehog- Neo Metal Sonic (Comparison Pic) Longcat is Long!- Crabmeat (Comparison Pic) Longcat is Long!- Buzzbomber (Comparison Pic) Chibinuva Sonic Burst- Wisps (Comparison Pics: 1 2 3 4) Silver the party Hedgehog- Sonic Colors Starlight Carnival or Asteroid Coaster Boss (Comparison Pic) ankyfdarkness- E-102 "Gamma" & E-123 "Omega" (Comparison Pic) TakuaTheAvrahk- Yacker (Comparison Pic)
  11. When I was on a mission in Lego Universe where I had to give Master Kenji ten bananas, I gave them to him, and he thanked me. But when he finished, he ate them with an "Om nom nom." NINJAS KNOW MORE THAN WE THINK
  12. Happy birthday, Zorrakh! :)

  13. when you hug a gift card stand in the middle of a grocery store.
  14. My dad went to get a new computer so I wouldn't constantly get on his work computer to play it. When I tried the game on the new computer, all of the buildables and enemies were gone. All of the smashables were gone too, except for those purple gargoyle heads in Forbidden Valley that you're able to rebuild into turrets. I walk around in the game to see what's going on, and I accidentally slip and fall. But strangely, I DON'T DIE. So now, my character is stuck in the bottom of Forbidden Valley. AUGH :angry: EDIT: Nevermind. It was just some weird settings in Windows 7 that caused it. But all of the quick builds are still just identical piles of red, yellow, and blue bricks. smaller augh EDIT AGAIN: Never mind above. My dad fixed it. No more augh
  15. I'll wait, I guess. (This would be my first name change fad, so I don't really know what to do.)
  16. If I made one, who would join in? I also made some avatars and banners for the occasion. Hammerling (5.71 KB) Wisp Lee (4.68 KB) Dark Ronin (70.81 KB) [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/SkrallSword/FR-Banners/darkroninbanner.jpg] Maelstrom Horsemen (69.78 KB) [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/SkrallSword/FR-Banners/maelstromhorsemenbanner.jpg]
  17. Fenrai


    My dad found a really weird trick with pi on the internet. The first three digits are 3.14, right? Well, if you write it backwards, you get: (PIE) Weird, right?
  18. I vote for (Insert Name Here).
  19. Fenrai

    Let It Snow

    Let it snow, Let it snow, so school can be cancelled.
  20. Fenrai

    Dawn Treader

    Dawn Treader = WIN. I just loved that movie. It was amazingly awesomely cool in an epic way. And the ending was very sad.
  21. Fenrai

    P B Z P - N

    Link Thoughts?
  22. Fenrai

    Sonic Moc Contest

    TakuaTheAvrahk, your entry is in the contest!
  23. I really liked the movie. The plot was kind of confusing, but it made sense near the end. Eustace was very funny at the beginning. His fail-ness makes him win. And personally, I like having Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace in the movie as opposed to Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.
  24. Imagine an invincible star for boxing. Or the Pink Wisp for mountain climbing. Or a Mega Mushroom for basketball. Or... *gasp* KIRBY ABILITIES!
  25. Fenrai

    Art Project

    The assignment is to build a clay box, but add a unique twist to it. I'm making clay Lego bricks that can open up and that can attach to each other. I'll post pics when I'm done.
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