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Everything posted by Fenrai

  1. Fenrai

    Bzp Monopoly

    O and then they could make BZP Monopoly tabs at McDonalds! O.O But I wonder what would happen too.
  2. Ooh, that'd be fun. I didn't really get to buy any during BrickFair. I kinda liked the BrickFair designs since they seemed very Bionicle-ish.
  3. Fenrai

    Combo Breaker!

    Lol, SPIRIT, that's mean. But funny. EDIT: Quick! Everybody make entries titled "Combo Breaker!"
  4. Fenrai

    New Blog Title

    This was so predictable.
  5. *looks at picture* WOW. I did not see that. *goes to do that*
  6. I can't beat him! No matter how hard I try! NYEHBLARGHRAEGRAEG On a better note, I'm doing good in Guardian Signs. I just captured Raikou and saw a strange emblem in the sky *coughRangersigncough*.
  7. No, they're not random letters, they're the two new games I got today (at around 3 to be exact)! I just got Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity for $50 bucks at Best Buy! (PR:GS was $30, and SR:ZG for Wii was $20). Anyway, I've pretty much been playing Sonic Riders Zero Gravity since then, and I've already beaten the Heroes story. That game is FUN!
  8. Fenrai

    Lab Report

    I had to do one over the weekend (which, for me, is still going on! ). It was on yeast and sugar and CO2 and BTB and more science-y stuff. It was about two pages long. I think mine is actually pretty good, even though science isn't my best subject.
  9. Fenrai

    Got A Poketch

    in my new Diamond file. I finally got to doing that, and the theme in my team is..... to only use Grass-types! (Sorry, AR for not using your idea, but I found out my neighbor is doing the exact same thing.)
  10. Fenrai

    Cee The Wat

  11. Fenrai


    My Halloween was awesome. I got a lot of candy. But I don't have a sweet tooth so my sister gets it all. :angry:
  12. 8-9. I couldn't find Rock Climb anywhere, so I used that. Of course, right after I save, I find it.

  13. I was thinking of deleting my file in Pokemon Diamond and making a new team with a theme/challenge to it. ...but I can't think of any themes or challenges. Any ideas?
  14. Fenrai

    Starkid Day

    Today, my Literature class is having something called "Starkid Day", where we all wear stuff that represents ourselves. It's based off of the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, which we read in class. I couldn't really think of much, so I decided I'm gonna wear a T-shirt with "Wii" on it. My mom made it with the same kind of iron-on paper I'm gonna use for the Sonic Contest, but it turned out that the shirt was all faded. I'm gonna postpone the Sonic Contest until the iron-ons can be un-faded. I'm still gonna wear the Wii shirt, though, because it kinda looks cool.
  15. Fenrai

    Hero Factory

    OHOHOHOHO Also that hurt my ears 'cuz the volume's on high.
  16. Fenrai

    Hero Factory

    I just got Thunder and Breez. They're actually pretty cool, but Thunder's arms are a little awkward, and Breez is a snap-together instead of a buildable figure. Overall, I like them.
  17. Fenrai

    It's My Birthday!

    Thanks, guys! I just got $70 from my grandparents, $10 from one of my classmates (to be honest, I wasn't seeing that one coming), and Lego Universe. Also, I got a card from another classmate that said I looked like a blonde Harry Potter.
  18. I'm so excited! It's gonna be awesome! My family and I are going out to dinner at Mitchell's Fish Market. Their crab cakes are SOO good. Also, I tried Epic Yarn, and it is fun too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
  19. Fenrai

    Pbzp V

    Vamprah9588- Omega of Fire. Topic Link C&C?
  20. Happy Birthday! :D

  21. Well, an alternative to Print Screen (Screen Cap) could be used if you have Paint Shop Pro. ~Make sure the window with the thing you want to Screen Cap is directly behind the Paint Shop Pro window. ~When you're on the Paint Shop Pro window, press Shift-C to set it to Screen Cap mode. The PSP window should disappear. ~Then, you should be on the window with the thing you want to Screen Cap in it. Right click, then left click on the top-left corner of the area that you want to Screen Cap. ~You then move the mouse down to the bottom-right corner of the area you want to Screen Cap and left click again. If you did this right, the PSP window should reappear and you should see a pic of the area you Screen Capped on Paint Shop Pro. Then, you can print it out.
  22. Fenrai

    Kirby 64

    I beat it this morning. 02 was actually pretty easy. I was only hit two or three times. Anyway, after looking back at the game, I can sum it up in three words. BEST GAME EVER. I wonder if Kirby's Epic Yarn is gonna meet up to the expectations after Kirby 64. I'm getting it on my birthday (Thursday)!
  23. Fenrai

    Orange Mech 2.0

    I really like the way you've taken this. The red really fits in well with the color scheme, and the legs are better. Turning the Inika lower legs upside-down was a really good idea. Good job!
  24. I finally got them. I just need to test one out and see if it works before I can open the contest. EDIT: Any ideas for the test shirt? I'm not sure what to make.
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