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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. It's my job. No need to thank me. :P

  2. Yeah, I made that my personal statement after I encountered a particularly pathetic group of racists on some website. They thought "minorites" should rule the world, and that all white people were ugly because they didn't have "Dark Hair Eyes & skin" and had "No Culture."

  3. Yeeeeah, that was sort of annoying. Not that the conflict was resolved I mean, just the *way* that it was. Characters are a huge selling point for me, so OOCness really bugs me. =P

  4. Not much. =P Nothing interesting, anyway.

  5. Don't mock me. ;(


  6. Well, that sounds fun. I don't think I'm really ready for school either... still got one more assignment to finish. And a summer reading sheet to fill out, but that doesn't count because the hardest part of that is explaining in a paragraph how "Sons and Lovers" has impacted me.

  7. Hi M.I.A. :) Can you tell who I am? :P

  8. I couldn't agree more. >>

    Ooouuch, I can identify with your personal statement.

  9. For the record,its primary impact was discouraging me from ever, ever reading another D.H. Lawrence book again. :D

  10. ...I basically fail at anything not involving straight lines. :P

    Buuut thanks. I'll keep it in mind when the drawing mood come on me again.

  11. ...Excuse me while I go virtually smack Alex upside the head. :P

    Okay, that's very good to know. I shall stop bothering you now, go get to work on my homework, and FINALLY finish two very overdue profiles.~~

  12. Ah. Nevermind me then. :P

  13. Quite welcome. =D

    How was said vacation?

  14. Thanks. Death Cab *is* great.

  15. Nice personal statement. :P

  16. Ah, I see.

    So no go on Titans either?

  17. Your personal statement is rather... sadistic. :P

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