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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. A band from Glasgow, Scotland. Pretty good music, except most of the songs have more language than you'd hear on ten episodes of the Jerry Springer show. =P

  2. A pirate? Nah. I'm a twitchy Scotsman. Woman. Something or other.

  3. Actually somewhat busy for a change. :P But it's a happy kind of busy, so 's aaaaallllll good.

    How're you?

  4. Actually, I may or may not be getting sick. =P It would be really nice to know for sure NOW so that I knew if I had a valid excuse for staying home from school tomorrow...

  5. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I'm later than you are. =P

  6. Actually, no, believe it or not. XD Bilbo Baggins *is* my brother though. The member, I mean. :P

  7. Actually, no. =P Daniel Faraday.

  8. Ah, but you see, I have a plan. *Narrows eyes triumphantly*

  9. Ah, I am, I just got socked in the face by life and kind of got thrown off track. I'm gonna try to get a profile or two together over the weekend.

  10. Ah, I see. She's very pretty. Is it just the lighting, or is her hair really dyed blue?

  11. Ah, I see.

    So no go on Titans either?

  12. Ah, I would if I could. Alas, I embody the concept of ineptness when it comes to anything relating to computers and technology. My ignorance in these matters rivals that of an Amish farmer.

  13. Ah, okay. I can't seem to find the full lyrics anywhere. Odd.

  14. Ah, okay.

    WOAH HEY WAIT A MINUTE. When did you turn seventeen? I need to pay more attention. Bah. Have a rectroactively happy birthday.

  15. Ah, sorry, OoT. I'd forgotten that it shows up in TP too, it's so different. XD

    Just google "Kakariko Village song" and "Windfall Island song," and I think you'll see what I mean.

  16. Ah, that may be; I just assume it's Latin based on the order of the noun and adjective in addition to my own limited vocabulary in the language. ^^

  17. Ah, that's good; not too long a wait.

  18. Ah, we're a dying breed, eh? =P

    And "Kayak" is a he... I think. o0 If one's superpowered evil side can have its own gender.

  19. Ah, yes, that would be quite fitting. :P

  20. Ah. I wanted to watch that movie for a while, but my parents have informed me that I will not be doing so until I am married. =P

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