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Status Updates posted by ~kh

  1. also thnx blaed.

  2. @LL361: See back history on comments to see how I saved the noob dimension.

  3. Update your blog sometime this year, Gurky...

  4. Wow, are all the mods changing their names to popular movies?

    BTW, do you know of a "Star Wars" Moderator?

  5. I'll do that next...

  6. waet we not debaeting!!! we mus debeaet!..um...hows u guyz liek my new usarname?

  7. ~kh

    lulz add meh 2 ur friendz liest kthnxbi

  8. I just couldn't resist...

  9. do we cal u TVK nao?

  10. *LMB Moderator* I'm sorry, but in Soviet Russia, you do not press "post"...

  11. What's the new name mean?


  12. o yeah wel i sleeep wif a flamethurwer taek dat!

  13. I've tried sending you a PM and posting in the topic, but you haven't answered. PLEASE SEND ME THE SPRITES FOR THIS IS MADNESS!!! Seriously, I need those to make the next comic since iPenguin's gone.


  14. no pikle r sour. unles dere sweeeet. but i also aet bil ciltun!1!

  15. o yah, wel i aet nicolas gaets taek DAT!

  16. gud. nao letz dbaet. letz talk about POLITIKS!1!!!

    mudkipzer for prezidint!1!

  17. Yeah, but who would lower my rating?


  18. Um...are you REALLY 53? I find that hard to believe, no offense...plus, you're married to a 17 year old...


  19. Whaddya mean I'm biased towards NR? And how does that have to do with someone lowering my rating?


  20. but weh dont uze et. we jus MISPEL!

  21. What's Paper Cuts?

    And whatever it is, it's due tomorrow.



    *u were rigt, gurky...*

  23. and blaed, lawyurs dont taest gud. spt dem out b4 they giv u lawyur flu.

  24. >:(

    u can't use my chraterz aganst meh! please, dis is a NOOB warz. be a noob, please. ur no fun at all, and im gettin tird of it.

    lets debaet insted.

    i liek chiken burgur bettr.

  25. GAH!!!!

    *erases anyone that is associated with dark blazer from existence from all dimensions*

    nao taek DAT!

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