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Status Updates posted by ~kh

  1. I did? Sorry, I didn't know it was you. Refriend me, please. Also, we might as well give our MLN names so that we can all befriend each other. I go by SonofSkywalker777. Totally lame, I know, but I created it long ago.

    Oh, and if any of you have two spare rubies, I need them badly to move up to Rank 5. They're the only thing left.

  2. ~kh

    Nah, VTP's just kidding, Vahi. Don't take him that seriously =P.

  3. Oh yeah, also, what Phil said, only about LLL =P...

  4. MLN? I guess we can have a short intermission...

    Yeah, I need some jewels and stuff to make it to Rank 5...

  5. ~kh

    I would have commented before about you leaving, but now you're back, so that completely defies the point.

    Welcome back. Even though you didn't leave in the first place =P

  6. Who's idea was it?

  7. Who are the members invovled?

  8. What is this "Ultimate Duel" advertised in your banner?

  9. oh noez memory wiper! now i dont kno anything! i dont remmeber that my name is kahinooba or dat u r tavakai!!!

    waet a minute...

  10. Oh, and do you want to be called Colea or Coleanuva?

  11. No problem. You have a sort of bio or something you want me to use?

  12. You know, if you want, I can mention it in "Entombment" for canon's sake.

  13. I'll give it to you anyways, because you asked. I actually meant that I had wanted to do an EM comic series, but that's okay. Remember, though, that they are rare.

  14. You should at least update your blog saying that you're a FA sometime soon...:P

  15. yah itz asssins CREED!11!

  16. You hear that they may be doing a Zelda game using the Wii Motion plus?


  17. o hai thar im a zombee nao. i eatz brainzer onomnomnom *tears off Tavakai's head and chews on his brains* lol i star in horur movee an video gaem!1!!

  18. ...


    I'm debating whether to switch or keep it.

    I didn't steal it fro you, though ;)

  19. ~kh


  20. o yeah wel i have infitiy to infifny cubed to the square of googleplex cubed to.......o noez 2 much math head expoderz self-ditruct in 10...9...8...7...um, what cumz after 7, oh yeah 4...11...6...2...pi...o noez more math HEAD EXPLODER!!1!!

  21. o yeah wel i haz infiniti CUBED taek DAT

  22. ~kh

    It's another fad that Dok started. Dorek's joined it this time...

  23. o yah i haz infinitie litesaburz!1!!

  24. hahaha i haz dubul litesabur!!1!

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