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Status Updates posted by ~kh

  1. I myself always dreamed of a Professor Layton/Ace Attorney crossover. Not likely to happen, but whatev...

  2. Fine, I might as well hint at it: miniseries for LLL coming soon, starring a certain Ace Attorney.

  3. While Pearls just watched the Children's Masterpiece Theater...

  4. Well, it's never happened before, so I don't know :P

  5. I already defeat them by then.

  6. Your case is taken.

  7. ~kh

    All shall be explained in LLL later on.

  8. I...don't really know what you're talking about...

  9. I'm Tim "The Toolman" Taylor and this is my assistant Al "This land is" Borland.

  10. Does anybody know what "time" it is?

  11. Movie? MOVIE? THAT'S AL FROM HOME IMPROVEMENT!!! Emkay, you win forever.

  12. This is a forum. I can give my opinion to any topic I see fit to as long as it goes along with the rules. The purpose of a forum is to get other people's opinions. And disliking my comics simply out of spite isn't really the best way to go with ANY series.

  13. o wow i am so smartz lol!11!

  14. dat menz dat ebbas leif is not a kit theef!!1!

  15. o waet if ebbas lief is a lai den lai must be ebbas lief!

  16. o noez ebbas lief is a lai!!1!!

  17. Elementary, my dear boy. Your "speech" patterns are identical. Additionally, the wiki that you have in your sig says that no articles can be made if they're not by "Voukor", and since you call it "your wiki", the rest explains itself.

  18. Clean it all it must be clean...

    Clean it all it must be clean...

    Clean it all it must be clean...


    Clean your inbox, dude.

  19. Kahi used "Destroy Boot Sector of Hard Drive". It destroys the game!

  20. Kahi used "waet waaaaaaaht?"

  21. The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Wild Silence Shards uses lawsuits!

  22. cricket cricket criket

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