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Hanako Herupa

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Everything posted by Hanako Herupa

  1. IC: (Hari) "What did he do to get on that list? What did you do Darylhii?" Hari growled, her eyes still narrowed.
  2. IC: (Hari) Hari was dumbfounded, Naona used to be his student? "What kind of teacher greets his student with a crossbow bolt?" Hari hissed.
  3. IC: (Hari) Hari's eyes narrowed. "Really? So Naona just happened to be nearby the section of the ship you were shooting?" She didn't take her eyes off the man that just came aboard their Dekhaz's ship. "Even if he doesn't he could have killed Naona." OOC: Double ninja'ed
  4. IC: (Hari) Hari stood in the way of Darylhii and Naona. This man had just fired on her commanding officer. "Why did you fire on Naona?" Hari growled, it was rather strange given how she was normally the one suggesting peace, but had that stake been a few inches closer, Naona would be dead and the thought made Hari sick to her stomach. "Answer me you son of Kavinika!" She growled, her crossbow ready to fire. Her turquoise eyes like a greenish blue fire, raging out of control.
  5. IC: (Corporal Hari - Fowadi) Hari frowned slightly, in all likelihood the Toa of Sonics was still in a state of distress. She gripped his hand a little bit tighter and just turned to see that Naona had nearly been shot. No one shot at Naona. No one. She gripped her crossbow and pointed in the direction of the voice. "Who are you?" She asked. "Answer me or my neck shot gives you a new hole to breath through." She growled.
  6. IC: (Corporal Hari Korari) "Just thinking..." She sighed, if anything she was worried about Krayn, about all these weighing down on him. Part of her was angry, she wanted to hug Krayn, to make him feel better, to convince him things would get better. She smiled weakly and walked over to him. "I'm fine...how are you holding up?" It was a question that Hari was afraid to ask, but if she wanted to help Krayn, if she wanted to be there she needed to stop guessing and assuming and actually start doing something. Maybe it wasn't the time, or the place, but Hari wrapped his hand in hers in a firm but comforting grip.
  7. IC: (Corporal Hari Korari, Deck of Fowadi, currently awaiting new orders) Hari said nothing, so they were going to meet the pirates? A group that the Po-Koro Guard had previously fought against? Well given all that occurred and what Lieutenant Naona, Krayn, and the ILF leader Kethyre were talking about, it seemed that if they wanted to deal these forces from Xa-Koro, they would need their help. Hari kept her mouth shut, normally she was bubbly, energetic but the site of a slowly recovering Xa-Koro and a barely recovering Krayn had quashed such behavior. Even now it would seem in bad taste. She would have to meet Krayn in private later, even if they didn't talk. Given all that the Toa had been through he needed it, even if he didn't think so.
  8. IC: (Alrin) I sighed, barely any evidence to truly back up his claims. In all honest he sounded like a mad man when he said he needed to blow up an entire village to stop them. Such ideas they didn't really make any sense. Well initially, I knew the intent, well my gut did. His attacks were to strength the village, to point out the various weaknesses in our structure and how easily our village could be destroyed. Now he was talking about a group trying to destabilize the current power structure on Mata Nui. What had the destruction of the Kumu Islets yielded? Well now there were more criminals than ever on Mata Nui itself. Those surviving had already struck out against Le-Koro, as they had hear Xa-Koro forces had struck Le-Wahi, but had been defeated. So if you don't have any proof, do you know how to find these people, how to draw them out? Currently the only way to find out is to get my hands on mask on Psychometry and possibly see if I could use that in a roundabout way to see what he saw. Who killed your friend by the way? I am still inclined to let you out, but some ground rules will need to be set: 1. I am going to kill you. When we find these people who attacked Le-Koro and destroyed the Kumu Islets. When we put a stop to their machinations, I will kill you. Justice still needs to be served. 2. You're going to have to trust me and I'm going to have to trust you. I'm going to need you to find these people and you're going to need me to keep you alive till we get there. 3. We will do what we have to do to stop these people. Since you are a mass murderer and terrorist, I don't think you'll have any problem seeing this through to the end. 4. We're going dark. My plan to get you out of here means we'll both be free to do what we need to do. That will come at a cost. My current plan is to kill you, well to make it look like you died. You see there's a market everywhere for medicine, and poison. There's even a plant extract that can convince people you're dead, when in reality you would really have to look close to make sure you're dead. Since I'm going behind my superiors' backs to "kill" you. They'll fire me, but not before I cremate "your" body. Effectively dead to society you will assume a new identity, I will likely have to do the same too. You see if these people are as big as a threat as they say you are. They might already be convinced you're a threat, if you're dead you are not a threat anymore. They'll never see you coming. I finished writing with the charcoal and pushed it back to him. My arms were folded, I looked to his face, seeing how he would react. If wanted to escape here with little fuss, if he wanted some actual support. He would answer my questions and agree to the plan.
  9. IC: (Hari) -Fowadi A slender and athletic Toa of the Green appeared to the group, recently she had found herself busy helping the villagers repair, a duty she had decided to fulfill before returning to the Fowadi. Rynekk seemed to be recovering from something, but she came in on the tale end of this discussion. She turned to Naona and then to Dehkaz. "Sorry ma'am and sir I had to handle a few things," Hari smiled, it ate away at her that she hadn't been much help. She felt distant and Krayn, well it seemed like he had been busy, so she wasn't spending as much time as she would like with him. Of course though she had that warming smile she was almost always found with. Here she was on the team with Naona and her crew and she felt like dead weight. A load that was just being dragged around. Shifting from unit to unit cemented this idea in the head of Hari. That while she was friendly, and bubbly and that could liven things up. More than once she had been unprepared, she had screwed up, she had imposed on others. Hari refused to wear these feelings on her sleeve. Frown and everyone asked how you were feeling. The field she was studying, the person she wanted to be, did not show their own problems. They simply helped others with theirs'. Hari smiled and spoke again. "What are our next orders, ma'am?" Hari asked, her arms crossed as she waited for the answer. OOC: Well this is awkward post, but I've been out of the game for a bit.
  10. Kings have their reign and then they die, it's inevitable.

  11. IC: (Valria) Valria awoke the next morning rejuvenated, the first time in a long time that she felt that way. The day before had lifted a great weight off her shoulders and now she actually looked forward to the future. When they had gotten a room thanks to Kaiapo. Kuyre had slept in the same one as her. The next day she cleaned up, sighing once more about the state of her armor and lack of weapons. These particular issues needed to be resolved, soon. She had joined up Kaiapo and wordlessly followed him in the direction of Ga-Wahi. OOC: Valria to Ga-Wahi, with Kaiapo and Co.
  12. IC: (Alrin) I cuffed him immediately, it was an act of course. I should have shot him, then the message would have been sent to any other criminals, but I needed more time to talk to him, alone. I needed people to think that I was going to simply lead him back to his cell for a talk, which I was, but what we would be talking about would raise the alarms. I grabbed some paper and a few pens. I ordered the prison guard to leave, I lead him to the interrogation cell and unshackled him. I sat down and motioned for him to sit across from me as I began writing. When I was finished a pushed the paper in front of him. Alright, let me start. My name is Alrin, currently a Captain of the Sanctum Guard, temporary promotion that unfortunately stuck. How do I know you're telling the truth about these people? These people who are like phantoms, ghosts, the people responsible for so much destruction? Logic tells me I have to regard your tales with skepticism. My gut tells me different. I have been honest with you so far, now you must be honest with me. OOC: Apologies Biobeast, a chain of events and the holidays kept me from being able to respond in a timely fashion. Hopefully we can move this much quicker now.
  13. IC: (Alrin) "Hmm, fine you can keep your armor, but you're not keeping your weapons." Drop them and walk back to your cell, I'll be following." I replied. "Maybe I decided I'd like to hear you out, when we aren't pointing weapons at each other. By the way, I won't be bringing weapons in. So you can trust me not shot you or stab you in the neck." Dangerous manuver? Yes. Necessary if I wanted to find out more? Definitely, he wasn't telling me everything and he still regarded me with distrust. Fine, I trusted him as far as I could throw him. I didn't need his complete trust, only a little so we could properly talk.
  14. IC: (Alrin) I lowered my crossbow, if but only slightly, but he would get the message. Normally Ko-Koro natives aren't ruled by their gut but rather by their mind. I was one of the exceptions to this. My gut told me this man was telling the truth, as hard as that was to believe. I couldn't just let him walk out of here. So I needed a plan and one was already formulating in my head. "Well that is an issue, but all the same protocol dictates you need to drop your weapons and get back to your cell. I'll escort you back myself and maybe you can tell me more about who they and their allies might be. Cause if this is widespread as you some of the Guard might have already been compromised." I sighed. I shortly scratched my mask, it was obviously a tell to criminal, but the guy beside me it would have seemed that I just had an itch. I needed to talk to him, in private. He wanted out, he would get out, but only by my hand. I wasn't just going to let him walk.
  15. IC: (Alrin) "So what you're saying is that you bombed us to save us?" I asked incredulously, such a thing was difficult to believe...but I understood his reasoning. If Ko-Wahi had prepared itself better such attacks as Kai's or people like Kai would hopefully not be as damaging, perhaps they could even be prevented. "Fine, let's say I believe you, what have you learned so far about this group, other than they were behind the attacks on Le-Koro and The Kumu Islets." Even though my mind was telling he was lying just to get out of here but my gut and what my eyes saw, they told me this guy was convinced he was right and not really like a mad man. If he could give me just one solid thing, that I would have something in mind. Something that could help launch an investigation into these ramblings.
  16. IC: (Alrin) "Forgive me if I don't see the similarities. I will do anything to keep Ko-Wahi safe from people like you. I will do anything to keep this island safe from people like you. The guilty will get their due." I growled, my light blues eyes narrowing. "You talk about attacks on Le-Koro, attacks on the villages? Who would continue them, who?" So maybe I should humor him but was that really a good thing, humoring him meant letting him leave and unless he was leaving here in chains with me tugging on them, he wasn't leaving here at all.
  17. IC: (Alrin) "What people Kai? It's as my fellow Sanctum Guardsman has said, sounds like you're making this up. You need proper evidence, because unless you have any you're going back into your cell, and it will be as simple as that. That or I can shoot you where you stand. Your choice." I growled. The Vortixx held some sort of blade in his hand and had some sort of launcher also on his person and he was analyzing, scanning, had the look in that eye. Leverage, it's what criminals looked for, it's what I looked for when I hunted down criminals, before I came back to the Guard to find my home in ruins. If only the brass had listened to me when I suggested they loosened the rules a bit, so we could deal with people like Kai, permanently.
  18. IC: (Alrin) Kai: a criminal, a terrorist, a murderer. I dealt with scum like this before, usually by killing them horribly, heck in my own I was one of them (not proud of it though). Now he was equipped and planning on making his escape. You seen in the months since that initial attack I was buried under mounds of paperwork, titles like Captain really in the end didn't mean anything to me. My home, Ko-Koro needed me and I helped as best as I could, but a lot of my work turned out to be sitting in an office, filing paper after paper. Helping to rebuild the town and a few days ago we arrested a man, a Vortixx by the name of Kai, a murderer. I stuck with the heavy crossbow, excellent weapon, kind of thing that could impale a Muaka with enough force. I unslung it coming around the corner and leveled it with Kai's chest immediately. "You were in that cell for three days, Kai. Why leave now?" I asked, before issuing a proper threat. "If you take one footstep in any direction without my command, you'll become a dartboard."
  19. This reminds me that I need to start posting as Alrin more, who is also part of the Sanctum Guard, I'll be posting as him in Ko-Wahi shortly. Or really any of my characters that have gone inactive.
  20. No Gods, No Kings, Only Men

  21. IC: (Valria) "Yes, I do. I just wish I had enough to pay for it." Valria sighed, it felt wrong to rely on others to pay for her. Even though the the fire had left the Toa of Gravity without any weapons or widgets. "I must thank you and Sur again for being so generous."
  22. OOC: I apologize for my extended absence, schoolwork, finals, and generally life has made me busy. IC: (Valria) Valria walked back into the building with Kuyre alongside her. She smiled and spoke to both Kaiapo and Sur when she turned. "Sorry about that, this is Kuyre, we go back for a while." Valria smiled, her hand on the Toa's back, pushing him a bit forward to met the Toa of Earth and Plant Life."Kuyre, this is Sur and Kaiapo. Sur...saved my life, I had been horribly burned. Kaiapo helped me get here. Thank you two again, for being so nice." Valria smiled, motioning to the two of them, hoping for them to get along.
  23. If only I could be so grossly incandescent!

  24. IC: (Valria) "I suppose so." Valria looked, smiling gently and wiping the tears away from her eyes and mask, it was a relief to finally say it. She gave the Toa of Air another peck on the cheek and broke away. "I'm going to be leaving for Ko-Koro with those Toa. Those Toa in there asked me to be part of their team, I want to help them, they're good people. Now let's go properly introduce you." Valria smiled and wrapped one of Kuyre's hand in hers, pulling the Toa of Air along. Having Kuyre here would make things better. Along the way back into the building she asked a question. "Do you think you could train me to fight again, I'm kind of out of shape." Valria said, the last part a slight joke at her current physical state. The food was helping her gain back what muscle she had lost, the Valria Kuyre once knew was returning, at least physically.
  25. IC: (Valria) "Not again. Not this time." Valria grabbed Kuyre by the wrist, but quickly turned to the group. "I need to talk with him, but yes I will need a room, I'm sorry for imposing on you two." She quickly lead Kuyre to just outside the building. These were much more personal matters and thus she wanted to deal with it personally, without the audience inside. Valria refused to believe that their life was just but a tragedy and at least one of them would lose in the end. It was then when she finally decided to join that team that she decided to stop running. Running away from her memories, from the scars, from Mef, from Agni, and most importantly...Kuyre. A Toa that endured so much, that life had tossed around and he thought she was willing to leave him again, willing to see him hurt again. Kuyre had meant the world to hear and yet she kept pushing him away. Not this time, she wasn't going to lose him again. "I'm sorry Kuyre, for what happened, for what I put you through. For running from it all, and leaving you. I'm not going to do that anymore. Not this time, not again. I love you." The Toa of Gravity reached up around the Toa of Air's neck and pulled his head down, bringing his lips to hers. It felt right and she new that while she had cared for Agni, Mef, and Alrin, she loved the Toa that was standing in front of her right now. Valria broke away from the kiss and hugged Kuyre. "Had that a long time coming, didn't you?" Valria laughed softly, a few tears already making their way down her mask.
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