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Hanako Herupa

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Everything posted by Hanako Herupa

  1. IC: (Hari) "Alright then." Hari smiled kiss Krayn on the lips before pulling him to his feet. "Let's find the people who did this and bring them to justice!" They would find the people who did this to Le-Koro, to the Turaga. They had to.
  2. IC: (Hari) "Oh right...that...hheehee..." Hari laughed it off, clearly embarrassed. It was good to get their minds off all the sad things, so maybe joking about the absurd things could help them. "You know I'm worried that Naona somehow sensed that happening. She has powers you know, mystical powers that allow her to sense these things, only for me it seems though." She chuckled. "Also please don't tempt fate, there was this one time and....let's just say I don't want to talk about it." Krayn didn't know how crazy the world seemed to be, especially around her.
  3. IC: (Hari) "I guess, it just doesn't feel like that's good enough. Like I'm not doing enough. I don't want to see you hurt, I just want to make things right." Hari sighed leaning into Krayn's chest. Hari started crying again, but it was a silent. Silent as she listened to Krayn further. She looked up to him, wiping away her tears as best she could. "Really? Sometimes I just felt like I was this big joke, or just some tagalong. I mean I know the would make fun of me in the Guard, kind of a klutz." As if to prove her point Hari seemed to lose her balance and fall back with Krayn onto the bunk, the two Toa pressed close together. "See? Though I guess it's a little funny, I mean as long as it doesn't involve Naona doing painful things to you."
  4. The Face Name: Atahu (uses many alias though, this is just one of them.) (Pronounced Ah-Tao). Gender: Male Species: De-Toa, Toa of Sonics Appearance: With an average height, a slender yet athletic-looking build, and warm orange eyes Atahu is the Toa that can't help but attract the attention of anyone, especially if he wishes it.. He has whitish, grey skin Atahu has a variety of clothing and rarely wears combat oriented wear. If he's on business he sticks to the suit, tie, and slacks. If he's in a more casual situation he'll dress for that. His voice is smooth and easy on the ears, and he is well kept. Kanohi: Mahiki, Great Mask of Illusion Powers: Really only uses his sonic powers to imitate others' voices. He is much more skilled with his Mask than his element and even then his skill at charming, negotiating, and conning eclipses this. Weapons: A small pistol, which he rarely carries. A knife which he also rarely carries. While not a pacifist Atahu isn't big on violence. Abilities: He's a very good talker, probably one of the best and as a result that means he finds it easy to get the ears of the people he wants. When he is told to become someone he does extensive research on them, so extensively that once he gets into character he can convince even loved ones of the person whose life he has assumed, that he's that person. His skill with Mahiki is merely a method of effectively disguising himself. His element power for imitation is a cheap parlour trick he uses. Weaknesses: Physically he only looks athletic, considering that he only really works out to look good he isn't build for strength or speed. He has low pain tolerance as well. Occupations: Investment Consultant. However unofficially he has worked with various criminal groups with a variety of criminal activities. He very good with heists, since they usually require people like him to go off without a hitch. Notably he keeps himself out of things he considers "unpleasant." He does not like murder even if it could serve him. Personality: He's confident without being arrogant, he's talkative without being overbearing. Atahu is the kind of guy that says all the right things. He knows how to talk, to anyone really. He has a great sense of tact, and it seems he knows the right time to say things or withhold them. However for all the bravado he may portray he's a coward. He's also very vain and shallow and one can only wonder if this is another face. You will likely never know the true "Atahu". History: "Atahu" grew up in a family that was constantly struggling to get by and out of their financial predicaments. He tried to be a thief and when he was caught he discovered his true talent. Talking, Atahu could worm his way out of anything or into it if he wished it. He knew how to listen, he knew how to talk and he used this to his advantage. He did care about his family but it seems that in a way he just disappeared. It's nearly impossible to find his family and this was likely a precaution taken by him. Atahu goes wherever his company sends him or where he thinks he can get the most money.
  5. IC: (Hari) Hari sighed and got up from ship's deck, pulling Krayn up and moving into one of the cabins. "That's a lot better, we barely get any privacy now that we're on duty." Hari sighed. "Krayn the truth is, I'm scared, maybe we're not alone like I've said and so many before us. The thing is I'm worried, every day seems darker than the last and no matter how hard we try, it never seems like enough. I'm sorry Krayn I don't even know why I'm saying this, you and the others would be a lot better off without me saying this. I feel so selfish whenever I tell you these things, like I'm weighing down on you and you don't deserve that no one does. I'm not as useful as Naona, or Dekhaz, or Kale, I'm just some girl stumbling through all of this, weighing the rest of you down."
  6. The Face Name: Atahu (uses many alias though, this is just one of them.) (Pronounced Ah-Tao). Gender: Male Species: De-Toa, Toa of Sonics Appearance: With an average height, a slender yet athletic-looking build, and warm orange eyes Atahu is the Toa that can't help but attract the attention of anyone, especially if he wishes it.. He has whitish, grey skin Atahu has a variety of clothing and rarely wears combat oriented wear. If he's on business he sticks to the suit, tie, and slacks. If he's in a more casual situation he'll dress for that. His voice is smooth and easy on the ears, and he is well kept. Kanohi: Mahiki, Great Mask of Illusion Powers: Really only uses his sonic powers to imitate others' voices. He is much more skilled with his Mask than his element and even then his skill at charming, negotiating, and conning eclipses this. Weapons: A small pistol, which he rarely carries. A knife which he also rarely carries. While not a pacifist Atahu isn't big on violence. Abilities: He's a very good talker, probably one of the best and as a result that means he finds it easy to get the ears of the people he wants. When he is told to become someone he does extensive research on them, so extensively that once he gets into character he can convince even loved ones of the person whose life he has assumed, that he's that person. His skill with Mahiki is merely a method of effectively disguising himself. His element power for imitation is a cheap parlour trick he uses. Weaknesses: Physically he only looks athletic, considering that he only really works out to look good he isn't build for strength or speed. He has low pain tolerance as well. Occupations: Investment Consultant. However unofficially he has worked with various criminal groups with a variety of criminal activities. He very good with heists, since they usually require people like him to go off without a hitch. Notably he keeps himself out of things he considers "unpleasant." He does not like murder even if it could serve him. Personality: He's confident without being arrogant, he's talkative without being overbearing. Atahu is the kind of guy that says all the right things. He knows how to talk, to anyone really. He has a great sense of tact, and it seems he knows the right time to say things or withhold them. However for all the bravado he may portray he's a coward. He's also very vain and shallow and one can only wonder if this is another face. You will likely never know the true "Atahu". History: "Atahu" grew up in a family that was constantly struggling to get by and out of their financial predicaments. He tried to be a thief and when he was caught he discovered his true talent. Talking, Atahu could worm his way out of anything or into it if he wished it. He knew how to listen, he knew how to talk and he used this to his advantage. He did care about his family but it seems that in a way he just disappeared. It's nearly impossible to find his family and this was likely a precaution taken by him. Atahu goes wherever his company sends him or where he thinks he can get the most money.
  7. IC: (Hari) "I'm just sad is all. We've lost so many and it hurts so much to think of it." She sighed, it was partly true. It was just more than that she could see her whole world falling apart at the seams and she was ignoring it. Closing her eyes like a child, cause in a way Hari never really grew up. She just kept running from the grief, she took solace in making others happy and she believed in all those fairytale endings because no one else seemed to. She didn't want to believe it, so she ignored it. "Krayn, I wouldn't lie to you." Inwardly Hari grimaced, because she was. A lie to truly be effective needed to be carefully constructed. You could write history with a lie, you could change somebody's mind with lie, you could create a whole world around a lie. She didn't really deserve concern although she appreciated it. At least she thought that, she had been lying to herself about how bad things truly were but the lies, they helped. Did she still believe in good? Yes. It was just she knew she was ignoring how horrible things actually were.
  8. IC: (Hari) "Nah Krayn, I'm fine." She smiled. Krayn, Naona they all needed help, they needed their friends. Hari she never quite understood the concern beyond that it was Krayn's relationship with her. She just watched how hurt everyone else was, she had seen this when she was a little girl. She saw how pained Naona was by Darylhii, How Krayn had been holding back his emotions, how fragile Rynekk had seemed in Po-Wahi. She came second...to everyone else. She couldn't think about doubt, couldn't let it invade her as it had the others. She needed to be like this, for them. Who was she to complain anyways? She had lost Mom and Dad years ago, the rest of them had lost more than her. However it was never out of pity, it was that she was idealistic and she needed to be, because otherwise the reality she was holding back, she was ignoring, it would crush her, break and what would be left wouldn't be Hari anymore. "Unless you want to lay here for a bit, we can get up and get moving. Still gotta catch the bad guys..." She smiled gently, her torquoise eyes with a hopeful light in them.
  9. IC: (Hari) Hari placed a kiss on Krayn's cheek and held him close as she could. They would get through this, all of them would, together. Hari's entire world hinged on this and the thought that Krayn was alone for so long, even among his own friends, that his emotions were so often held at bay, it wasn't right, it wasn't healthy for him. In a way this, this was good. He wasn't holding this emotions back, he was letting them out. "I'll always be here Krayn." She gave him a gentle smile.
  10. IC: (Hari) "I know, I know..." Hari said, tightening her grip on Krayn. "I miss them, I missed Hafu, Macku, I miss Takua, I miss the Toa Mata. I miss everyone we've lost. I want them back, I want to thank them, I want them to understand how much we love them and how much we miss them." Hari was crying now, Krayn's shoulder now wet with tears, like his tears on her shoulder. "Thing is they do know. They know we love them and they know we can stop Makuta. They know we can stop whoever did this. This island has seen so much misery, so much death, so much suffering. It makes you feel alone. I remember when my parents were killed. A young officer from the Po-Koro Guard came to my house. I was scared, alone, I was lost, vulnerable. That Toa of Stone, she made me feel safe, I didn't feel alone anymore. It was that day because of her that I realized we aren't alone, we never were, we never will be." Hari's grip was firm but tender and she held Krayn, her eyes turned to see her. To see the woman who came to her house, who talked to her, who stayed with Hari when she needed someone to be there. To see this woman so hurt, so frozen, it stung. Why did everything have to seem so cruel, so heartless? She wanted to talk to her, funny thing really. She was her commanding officer and they talked so little to each other.
  11. IC: (Hari) "It's not." Hari spoke quietly. "You can't blame yourself for this, no one can, Krayn. This wasn't your fault. You cannot carry the weight of the world solely on your shoulders, it'll kill you." Hari paused and spoke with a little more strength behind her words. "They want us to give up, to wallow in guilt. Do I felt guilty Krayn? Everyone of us does. Everyone thinks we could have done something and we were all doing something wrong. We are sad, we are angry, we are broken, but we are not gone." She said. "We still have our unity, we have friends who will fight by our side. Friends who will lay down their lives for us and us for them. At a time it may seem like we stand alone, that we're all on our own islands but that isn't true. We're always together. Unity can never be truly broken. These people will fail because they don't have a sense of duty, of conviction. We will see things through to the end, we will fight, will sacrifice and we will find a way to stop them. We still have our duty to stop them and bring them to justice. They can never win, they are self-fulfilling prophecies. They do not make their own destiny, but we do and it is our destiny to change, to stop them. To set this right." Hari sighed. "Krayn I know you, by the spirits I'm in love with you. This, this isn't you. People like you, like Naona, like Kale, like Kethyre and the ILF. You are heroes, you have suffered so much and still you continue. The whole world could be against you and you fight, you'd struggle and in the end you'll win. You'll find these people, you'll bring them to justice. Why Krayn? Because you'll never give up." Hari said and then wrapped Krayn in a hug. the hug was tender, affectionate, protective. She just wanted to shield Krayn from the world. Maybe her words seemed idealistic, maybe she had no grounds to say them, but there was evidence that things could be made right.
  12. IC: (Hari) Dead. The whole seemed muffled after that, Hari already looked crushed under the immense gravity of the news delivered. Dead. She wobbled a bit, having taken Kale's help with her leg a few minutes before. She took a few minutes to ready herself and walked to Krayn. His village damaged, his Turaga dead, but not just his it seemed, everyone. With them gone for so long withe Chronicler's Company dead and now them, it was like all the supports had crumbled and so had hope with it. She walked over to Krayn. She couldn't pretend to know what life was like in his eyes. He had lost so much, so much and he hurt so much, she could see it and she wanted to help. She didn't speak, she didn't say anything. No words could heal wounds like this, not right now. So the yellow and green Toa sat near Krayn, her hand in his. Nothing could be said to make things right.
  13. IC: (Alrin, Ko-Wahi) I got up tossing the charcoal to the side and tossing the pieces of paper we both wrote on into the fire. They burned to ash, no trace. No one could know what I was planning. His death would be one thing, but helping a criminal escape? One whose orders nearly crippled an entire village, one whose orders weakened the village so much that we were easy prey to criminals. Where eleven of my people had been taken hostage. I should just kill him, send him to his death. However there's a difference between what we want and what needs to happen. All these supposed heroes on this island. They all have skeletons in their closets, mistakes they've made. They cling to their morality in a way that weakens them and this island. I would know, after seeing the horrors inflicted on my village I made attempts to strength the Guard, to cut through the needless red tape that the desk jockey brass decided to put in our way. I couldn't bring peace that would last, I couldn't deal with the threat directly. More often than not people just as bad as Kai walked free because of some loophole, because of appeals to emotion, to a code of ethics. Never to logic, never dealing with threats the way we have to. No, some of us cling to these ideals and do not understand the maxim we need to live by. The ends justify the means, especially when the prize is so great. So I needed Kai alive and I made it so, collecting the "poison" was simple enough. A few well placed widgets and some careful maneuvering and no one was the wiser. Then came the order, the document that would see me thrown from my post so I could complete my duty. So I got the document and spent the better half of the day forging the signatures required for Kai's execution. I returned to Kai's cell as dusk approached. I showed the document, the guard reading it aloud. "....the criminal "Kai" is hereby sentenced to death. The Sanctum has found that in the best interest of peace Kai is to be executed, to invite a trial would cause commotion and would not aid the people of this village and this island." He looked to me, scanning my eyes and I looked back with my light blue eyes, tired. "I'm just fulfilling the orders given to me, besides we all know we're better off with him gone." I replied gruffly. The prison guard merely sighed, nodding and opening the door for me. Kai was back in shackles and I was escorting him, two other guards following me to the room where Kai would die his first death. A show, a magic trick and there would be no one the wiser, except to me going above the heads of people like Matoro. This was an act and we all needed to play our parts.
  14. IC: (Valria) Valria ordered a platter of sushi, freshly caught and prepared soon after. However rather than given a standard fork and knife like a regular meal her platter came with chopsticks to be exact. When she tried to use them the first time one of them spun out of her hand, clattering against her plate. Sighing the Toa picked up the chopsticks again. The second time only seemed to yield worst results as both of them clattered against her plate. So far her fingers had lacked the proper dexterity to hold the chopsticks, let alone use them properly. It was frustrating to say the least. So many times it had occurred and the Toa of Gravity found herself getting red in the face. Both out of frustration and embarrassment. She tried one more time, if she could properly handle a pair of chopsticks, how was she supposed to handle anything else, or fight enemies? Inwardly Valria laughed at how utterly ridiculously she was behaving, but a small part of her wanted to continue. So she picked up the chopsticks again and she didn't shake, she didn't fumble. The violet and obsidian Toa picked up a piece, a small smile cross her lips as she chewed. It was victory, albeit, but a victory to her nonetheless. Bit by bit she would get better, even if seemed to be happening slowly.
  15. IC: (Hari) "I'm fine, it's just a scratch, he only nicked me." Hari smiled. "Well you have a concussion and he did strike you very hard. I'm not really in that much pain. I can apply it myself, besides I think you need a proper medic to help you, more than I need one." OOC: Will be gone to 10:00 or so. Will respond when I get back.
  16. IC: (Hari) "Alright. Perhaps we can get Krayn and any of our other injured to a doctor?" Hari asked, ignoring the fact that Darylhii had still dealt her an injury across her leg and it was still bleeding a bit. She was a little too concerned about Krayn at the moment to care. Besides it wasn't really that painful, just slightly uncomfortable.
  17. IC: (Alrin - Ko-Koro Prison, Arguing with a Vortixx) I don't have time for you to fling insults. So fine we have barely any information to go on, I understand. Right, I understand you have extreme paranoia but if you want to get anything accomplished you will have to trust people, if only a little, that way you don't put much at risk. Listen here, I don't have spare bodies of Vortixx lying around. Secondly you underestimate how hot a furnace can get, which is strange considering you're a Vortixx. By the time they get to the body it will be ash, there will be nothing left for them to distinguish that it was a Toa or Vortixx beyond the tag on the table. Or you could escape, nice and loud or even quietly but the truth is stuff like that alerts people, especially when a mass murderer like you is loose. People are put at ease believing you're dead. They believe you aren't a threat anymore, no one is looking for you. Everyone is convinced you are gone, never to return. So can the banter till after I get you out of here.
  18. IC: (Hari) "Krayn! You're alright!" Hari said, ecstatically, pulling the Toa of Sonics up into a sitting position and hugging him, not giving Krayn any time to respond. Darylhii had struck him quite hard with the kolhii stick and the way that rogue Guardsman had been fighting she was worried he might have put Krayn in the hospital, but Hari with her vice-grip hug was much more likely to put Krayn there than Darylhii.
  19. IC: (Valria) The Turaga had finally been returned home? That meant she could go back to Whenua! She could not wait to see him again, to thank him, for helping her find her past so many months ago. Perhaps things were turning around not just for her, but for everyone! "Maybe things are finally turning around." Valria smiled, she sighed a bit. Kuyre had disappeared, again. She couldn't really fault him for that, it was his nature and she wasn't really worried anymore, whatever he thought he had to do he would do it and then return to her, he always did, he always came back. Valria looked over the menu, she couldn't really decide there were far too many dishes for her to choose and she did not want to strain this Toa's wallet any further than it already would.
  20. IC: (Hari) It all happened so fast, the fight with Darylhii, Krayn being knocked out, Darylhii leaving and the onset of all these other people joining in on the fight. She wanted to check on Naona but first she went to Krayn, it was unfortunate she absolutely no training with the mask she always had, the Mask of Healing. That was unfortunate. "Krayn?" Hari asked, hoping that calling him back would bring the unconscious Toa around, her voice fraught with worry. She should have been there, if she had been fighting him more directly Krayn wouldn't be unconscious. Incompetent if there was one word to sum her up, it was that word. She had been incompetent, absent, late and it was no wonder she had been shifted around so often from regiment to regiment in the Po-Koro Guard.
  21. IC: (Alrin) So we had an understanding. Of course it was good, but the mercy kill frustrated Alrin. It seemed remarkably coincidental that his friend who know about these shadows, these ghosts was lying dead in the snow near the stadium. You should have kept him alive Kai, any more information would have been a great help. I knew that what I just wrote sounded like as cold as the frozen tundra of Ko-Wahi but if his friend had that valuable information and he killed him for the sake of mercy. Well he was behaving like a fool, if he really wanted to stop these people then a few more minutes of pain for his friend would have been worth the extra information. I don't care if you view this as some quest of redemption, you won't find absolution for what you did. I wouldn't tell you to kill any "allies" we come across, that sounds counterproductive given that I know we will have so few friends to call upon when this starts out. Well it's as simple as switching the tags on your body bag with another. Two days ago we had to open fire on a rogue Toa with roughly your same profile. I'll switch his tags with yours and dump his body into the furnace. Then I'll get you out of the body bag and we head to Le-Koro, since that is where Xa-Koro apparently attacked first.
  22. IC: (Hari) Hari summoned her own vines, a wall of them, just thick enough to barely save her from the fate of being impaled by multiple stakes, she dropped her focus on both the rose petals and vines she created as she refocused herself. Her turquoise eyes found their target, Darylhii. Krayn had already closed the distance and she would too, the Toa of Plant Life dashed in the direction of the Toa of the Green. She pulled her knife from her sheath, intent on striking Darylhii with a diagonal slash.
  23. IC: (Hari) "While I appreciate you comparing me to my role model. I-argh!" Hari growled as one of the stakes that she tried to dodge scrapped her, causing her to bleed a little. She growled and pushed forward. Darylhii had a better advantage using his plants to keep her at bay. So she was going to close the distance. "You can't escape justice Darylhii. Not this time." The flowers and leaves turned razor sharp, cutting at Darylhii as they twirled around him. OOC: I am also done for the night.
  24. IC: (Hari) Flower petals seems to appear from nowhere and directly in front of Darylhii, obscuring his field of vision, swirling around him. She dodged the vine if just barely and rolled out of the way. "You're going to have try harder Darylhii." She hissed. "Funny thing is Krayn, I'm a Toa of the Green too, and I was raised in Po-Koro, had to strain to use my powers, got used to working under conditions with very little to work with. What do you think happens now when I have so many options available?"
  25. IC: (Hari) "Then it sounds like we should bring him in." She said, it was strange to see the women she could considered to be her role model so weak, so fragile. It made her angry, she had never heard about this, never heard about what Naona had truly been through and this man was responsible. "So Darylhii why are you here? Felt like dropping in?" She said, her voice like venom.
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