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Hanako Herupa

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Everything posted by Hanako Herupa

  1. IC: (Kino Iho)With the matoran at her side, it was time to leave Kini-Nui. Echelon would be more than a capable leader and if he failed then Makuta would punish him. It was as simple as that. Meanwhile First Inquisitor Pae would be ensuring loyalty to Makuta and if one of them stepped a toe out of line in order suit their own interests Pae would deal with them. Whether it was by killing them, ousting them or using other methods to deal with threats to the stability of the Church and its army.She smiled as she climbed the cliffside, heading back towards Le-Wahi.OOC: Kino to Le-Wahi.
  2. IC: (Valria)It wasn't his fault.It had never been Kuyre's fault and still she lashed out at him and likely lost him forever. He had been recovering from the sickness and she just left Ga-Wahi, left him behind. Again. Tears soaked the Toa of Gravity's mask and hand as she silently sobbed in one of Ta-Koro's alleyways. What did she do this? Was it because she was angry, because she somehow wanted something to vent at, after everything that happened to her and her friends. Or was it...."Kuyre!"Screams of pain and cries of anguish echoed throughout Kini-Nui. The rest of the males on their team were already dead, besides possibly Alrin. Alrin had already passed out, likely bleeding to death by the bloody and smiling Hau that had been carved into his chest. She had watched as Alrin and Kuyre had been forced to watch as they enacted unspeakable cruelties upon Valria and the rest of the females, like Selaria. The Toa of Ice and the Toa of Air had first been strong, then mean, fighting to escape and finally had been reduced to tears as they watched the remainder of their team suffer such cruel injustices."Oh, is he your lover or was that the last guy? You called out for the both of them in the way a lover would." The Toa of Lightning laughed. Valria's head hung low, ashamed. "Ooooh, so you were playing with the emotions of two men, how very cruel of you. Lucky for Kuyre and Alrin here I will be granting them release from all this drama." He pushed Valria's chin up."I want you to watch. I want you to see the hubris of your ways. I want you to understand, that there is no Mata Nui, there is only darkness, only shadows, and this is what awaits those who stray from the shadows." He turned to one of the Skakdi. "Give me the knife." The knife twirled through the air as the Skakdi chucked it to the Toa of Lightning. He caught it with ease and move towards the Toa of Air.He walked behind Kuyre and took the blade, puncturing the skin and began dragging it down his shoulder to his wrist. Miraculous, the Toa was still awake, not many people, even Skakdi had a tolerance for pain this high."I guess the boy still has some fight left in him.We can still have more fun."----------"Seeing as we have already disposed of the Toa of Ice, dump the Toa of Air, this Kuyre in the woods." Valria had been struggling and fighting the Skakdi that had her pinned."Let me go you Piraka! Let me go!" She squirmed and pushed as they dragged away what seemed to be the lifeless form of Kuyre, the blacksmith's assistant and the quiet, caring Toa of Air. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't, things didn't work this way.He was supposed to get up. Why wasn't he getting up?"Kuyre! Kuyre! KUYRE!" She screamed out, hoping to see just one glimmer that he would still be alive."Oh for the love of Makuta! Knock her out!" Telric growled. The Toa of Gravity felt something heavy hit her head and everything went black.--------She knew why now. She was afraid, afraid of losing him, of being responsible for what would happen to him. Of watching him get hurt again. If he wasn't around her, he wouldn't get hurt. People only seemed to die whenever she was around. That wasn't true, there were probably at least ten other Toa with the same story as her and that didn't make her feel any better. In fact she felt worse. Things had never gotten any better for anyone in the end. They only got worse, only more people got hurt. Why was she even trying to get stronger, faster, healthier?It didn't matter. It never mattered, so far she had done nothing that she could ever call herself a Toa for. Maybe all those doubts, all those quiet voices in her head that now seemed to be louder, maybe they were right. She was worthless and unneeded."Ma'am! Ma'am! Ma'am!" A voice yelled. In front of her stood a Ta-Turaga. "Ma'am, we need your help! One of the building, the inn it's on fire!""Isn't this the Koro of Fire, isn't everything on fire?" She responded, eyes sullen and downcast."It was the Matoran of Plant Life, I swear his idea of trying to bring Le-Koro to Ta-Koro had to be one of the most dangerous ideas I have heard, but that doesn't matter! No else is around!""Well isn't that the guards job...I would be just getting in the way..." She turned her head downwards again."Ma'am, are you a Toa! Do you not know what that means? Listen I have no idea what has made you like this, but that is not important. What's important is that you are needed, right now!"Needed. It had been so long since she every felt that."Toa don't just walk away, they don't give up. They fight even if they know they are going to die, even if they know they are going to be hurt. They sacrifice, they suffer and often in our world such sacrifices seem to like they go unnoticed. They don't more of us care than you think, they are always needed and right now. We need you!" He pounded his lance against the ground in front of her.It was the strangest feeling, what she felt right now. This drive, this focus, this purpose that been missing from her life for so long.Valria ran in the direction of the inn, to see that the building was building up to a towering inferno Some people were still coming out, actually most of the people had gotten out."Toa, there's more people on the upper two floors. We can't get to them. Too much debris!" She heard the words and she had already filed them away in her head. Currently there was no one on the the bottom floor, where the bar and front of the inn were. Valria charged up the steps, fire all around her, The air was getting thicker and thicker with smoke, making it harder and harder for Valria to breath. She had to push on though, they needed her. She had finally reached the top floor and she could hear muffled cries of help from down the hallway. There was only one issue, that after she would get past the smaller fires on the floor there was still a lot of ceiling and beams that covered the door, flaming and making it nearly impossible. To get through the door.She struggled to find away around, the other rooms didn't allow for any entrance besides this one. Valria couldn't really take a deep breath, so she struggled as she grabbed a flaming piece of wood, crying out in pain as she lifted it out of the way. She struggled with her footing, reeling from the pain. It had been a long time she she actually endured pain like this. She growled in pain as she pushed more wreckage out of her way, since trying to use her element untrained was likely to lead to worse. She leapt against the door, bursting through it and to the other side. A matoran and a Turaga sat huddled nearby."Who are you?" They asked."I'm a Toa. I need to get you out of here." She replied, scooping up the Turaga and the matoran before they could argue and moved back out the door. She tried her best to cover them with her body, being as they weren't Ta-matoran and they likely could handle the heat only as best as she could or worse. She returned from the burning building to the outside and set the Turaga and matoran down before returning to the interior. Before long two more matoran were saved, and then a Vortixx and A Skakdi were helped out by the Toa of Gravity. Though she could only help those guests one at a time.By the time she returned the place was ready to collapse, the entire building was coated in flames and she felt like she was being cooked inside her armor. She couldn't afford to quit though. Toa never quit. They never gave up. Even when rationality told them otherwise, even when it was likely they would die. A Toa never quits or they were never really a Toa in the first place.Currently Valria was trying to coax a Vo-matoran girl out of a closet. The poor girl was scared out of her mind."It's too hot out there, what if I catch fire! What if I burn!" The girl cried out."You won't," Valria replied with a comforting smile."Why?""Cause I won't let you get hurt, you have my word, as a Toa.""Do you promise?""I promise," Immediately the small girl leapt into the Toa's arms, hugging her shoulders. The Toa was down the stairs and almost through the bar, when a beam swung down, striking both the Toa and the matoran she was protecting down.------------Valria awoke back in Onu-Wahi, it felt familiar...because it was her home. Kalen, the Turaga of Plasma that had been raising the girl as his own. The two of them had been caught been knocked off a ledge by an earthquake, the entire slab of earth fell away into the void, taking them with it. Kalen searching of course for some ancient artifacts, something Valria had never cared for, but humored the old man on. The two awoke below to find that they had fallen so far that the lightstones were like stars in the sky and they had fallen a great deal. The climb far too step for Kalen to make. Valria was still too young to carry him, too weak and her foot was injured. When he told her that she would have to make the trip alone, that she could come back to help, his eyes belayed the real truth. She broke down in tears."I can't...I can't.""Yes you can Valria, you're a Toa. You can do this.""I-I don't think I'm that kind of Toa.""Sure you are, you just don't know it yet. I know you can make it, if there's one thing I know you will not do, it is quit. You're a fighter whether you believe it or not."------------Valria's eyes shot open, grunting and struggling she pushed her self up, the beam sliding off as she struggled away from it and out the door, moving forward on uneven footing and bringing the child away from the building and near the others. They came to help the still breathing Vo-matoran while Valria slumped against a wall of a stone building nearby. Coughing up the smoke she inhaled, grimacing in pain from the burns and cuts from being struck, all the bruising, all the pain. It made it hard to breath, hard to think.OOC: Absurdly long post is absurdly long. Sorry about that, figured I'd hit two birds with one stone. Enter Sur and Kaiapo.
  3. IC: (Kino)"Well then Inquisitor I will be leaving. When next we meet you will not recognize me. I will send for you though when the time calls for it," Kino smiled. The role of Inquisitor would be his alone at the moment. "When you feel it is necessary, induct more into your ranks, if I find any in my travels that could serve under you I will send them your way. Au revoir, Pae." She said before she started walking in the direction of Le-Wahi.She motioned for Cimond to follow her without speaking. He would know it was time to leave and they would begin their trek back to Le-Wahi and in search of Iegasa.OOC: For some reason the colors aren't working.
  4. IC: (Kino)"No, I believe that will be all. When we have set up in Ko-Koro I will send a messenger through the Cultured Gentry, failing that I'll hired some messenger to find you and deliver the news." Kino answered. Smiling she ran her hand along the length of Echelon's arm, whispering into his ear as she moved behind him, her tone a seductive and bewitching one."When our mission is done this land will be called Makuta Nui and you will one of the ones that made it so. The power you will wield will be great and terrible and those who oppose us will tremble beneath your feet, Envoy of Makuta." Before the Toa of Magnetism could respond she had already started walking away from the Suva Kaita and up to Pae, motioning for him to follow her away from the rest of the group."Echelon shares the same belief that I do. That we must win the hearts and minds of the people. Such actions such as Pala Koro will not win us those hearts. I will be leaving soon, Pae. Echelon will be giving the group missions. I would ask that you come with me but we both know where you can serve Makuta better, here. I want you to ensure that there is no dissent, no selfish ambitions that will compromise this group. You will be the Church's First Inquisitor." She smiled and then turned back to the rest of the group. "Strange that it might seem, these people will be a part of the founding of a new society, a society cloaked in shadow, protected by it, Makuta Nui. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
  5. IC: (Kino)"Alright Cimond, consider yourself my right hand. When Echelon and I have finished our talk we will go to Ta-Koro and get new masks, that is where we will assume our new identities. There has been news about Ko-Koro having been attacked and weakened recently. This is of no connection to Makuta it would seem. We will start our holy mission there, but not before we find Iegasa." She stood back up and motioned for Cimond to join the main group."When Echelon and I are done here, I will leave and you will join me. For now...join the others." Her voice was commanding and yet pleasant to listen to. The kind of voice most would listen to, the kind of body that most men on this island would be tripping over to spend time with. She knew where her talents laid and they did not lay in straight up fights. It was this talent for moving people in all the right ways that would aid in the creation of the Church of Makuta.
  6. IC: (Kino Iho)Kino smiled and kneeled down to the matoran. As she looked over him, he was likely to feel uncomfortable, when she was done judging the matoran's looks, what seemed to be his behavior as he spoke. How well he seemed to speak she was delighted. Karz, she would have picked up the poor matoran and swung him around if she could. He was perfect, exactly what the Palm of Makuta would need."I like this one, he recognizes the need for restraint, unlike most of the others." Kino said. "I'll take this one then....what's your name again?" The way she spoke about taking him was almost like how matoran children acted when they were trying to pick some pet from a store window.
  7. IC: (Kino Iho)Cimond felt something sharp hovering very closely to his jugular."This meeting was private and although I appreciate your willingness to help. Sneaking up behind me was not your best choice." She hissed, before sighing and pulling back. She twirled the knife before placing it back into the bandolier on her chest and turning to him."Sorry about that, old habit. I've slit many throats that way, some completely accidental." She paused before moving to what he had asked about. "So what do you think you can provide then, cause right now the group at large may have proved their military might, but most seem to lack the cautious planning we will need for the creation of the Church." She awaited Cimond's response, it was likely that he was caught a little off guard by how quickly she shifted from being defensive to talking like nothing had happened.
  8. IC: (Kino Iho)Approval? That was what she was hoping for, it meant that at least for the moment she had the Toa of Magnetism on her side and agreement meant they were thinking the same things. She made sure that Doc was set and directed Echelon's gaze towards the bound medic."While we may have not wiped out Pala Koro they have lost their medic while we have gained one." She smiled. "He's cowardly and thus I believe it will be easier to mold him to our ways. He dealt with I assume was poison for one of our own, by my request of course. If can heal poison then I am sure he can make it as well. I wouldn't recommend torture though he's much more likely to break and lash out." She said, leaning against a pillar. Iegasa? Yes, as long as I can convince him to take a more active role in spreading the word.Who though of their current group could she bend and mold into a new person. Feongulf? No, she had that thing on her back, it was far too difficult for her to take on such a role as delicate as this. Pae? Unfortunately although she had trusted him a lot and his stealthy nature had made him quiet, it had also made him harder to act as the social face the Palm of Makuta would require. The Skakdi was out of the question, impatience wasn't something this group could suffer from. The more she thought on it, the more she realized that the current group was more fit as soldiers rather than the subtle and yet sociable people she required."No, unfortunately it seems there is none of this group would could work with the subtlety that this kind of work requires," She sighed, only slightly frustrated at how little she had to choose from."If these are the only matters we needed to discuss then I will leave to return to Le-Wahi immediately and find Iegasa," Kino said. There was a glint of eagerness in Kino's eyes, the formation of this Church, it would finally bring the people on this island into the shadows.
  9. IC: (Kino Iho)"Thank you," Kino replied, the corner of her lips curving to form a smile. Her brow raised in interest as he spoke about a Church, something she had been planning for the longest time. To sway the hearts and minds of the people had always been her plan, it would be much more long-standing than any military victory they could hope to achieve. Now Echelon wanted her to be a priestess, no The Priestess, the High Priestess of Makuta. That was her goal, and Echelon also believed it was a worthy goal to achieve."I must thank you again for thinking so highly of me. I do regret that we got off on the wrong foot but I do hope we can move past that,"She paused, before continuing."Our church, at the current moment a temple would be too dangerous for us to gather as well as those who would wish to join the Church simply as citizens. Now this organization requires two hands, one a fist, the other a open palm." She paused for only another second before continuing."Currently as it stands this group as a whole is the fist, striking down nonbelievers and enemies of our lord. The open palm would be the Church of Makuta, a place for people to embrace the shadows of Lord Makuta. Unfortunately, we cannot be openly affiliated with each other during its creation. I have an idea to get the Fist of Makuta in the good graces of the people. There are many criminals amongst this land, people who act in selfishly and hurt the people. Find them, bring them to justice. In the meantime the Palm of Makuta would preach the good word of Makuta and praise such selfless actions, while denouncing these supposed "do-gooders" that stalk this island. To do that, some of us will need to assume new identities."Kino leaned back, her armor clinging tightly to her toned, athletic figure. A smile upon her lips and aimed directly at Echelon. Perhaps she had judged Echelon too early and that mask meant he obedience wouldn't be an issue anymore, in a way, in this instant she had been closer to Makuta than she ever had been in her life.
  10. IC: (Kino Iho)About a thousand different paranoid thoughts flooded into Kino's mind as she walked towards Echelon stilling carrying that case she had all this time. Her grey eyes were emotionless. As she approached the Suva she held back a bit, this was hollowed land as far as she considered, anymore without her master's permission and she would risk stepping on his toes."What do you wish to discuss, envoy?" She asked, setting down the case and crossing her arms. Her athletic and toned frame belayed her interest in what the Envoy of Makuta had to say. The title she had given was one of respect. Now that Echelon carried an infected mask he was exactly that, a messenger, a representative of their lord's will whether she liked him or not. Currently he had her obedience but her loyalty belong to Makuta and Heuani. For that infected mask would work on at least three levels: it ensured Echelon's loyalty to the cause, it would also act as a badge of authority, finally it would remind those among this group about what happened if they placed themselves above it. For Echelon this would mean he wouldn't have to worry about anyone questioning his orders, since he was now directly linked to Makuta. Hopefully that would stifle anymore dissent amongst the group.
  11. OOC: This is awkward, frustrates me actually but I need to get Valria out of this situation and into another. Kuyre can follow I believe, the Daedra had what were effectively henchmen last . For the Ancora it would be more like cohorts and colleagues. Frost Dragon if you feel like having Onuzek follow he can, so far Valria hasn't be adverse to his company.Oh and Valria's still angry at Kuyre for not showing up to Mef's funeral. IC: (Valria)"Well that was both strange and annoying." Valria said, finally breaking the silence. She looked from the gargantuan Toa of Gravity to the shorter Toa of Air. "This is Onuzek and this is a good friend of mine, Kuyre." She smiled, though when Kuyre would look her in the eyes he would notice a flame in them, anger. He might not have known Mef personally but not showing up to his funeral was downright disrespectful. Then he leaves again and I don't know if I'm ever going to see him again. Then he shows up again and for what?With her thin and small frame, Valria was hardly imposing, but the anger, the frustration that emanated from her was palpable."So is swooping in to save the day your thing now? You have a penchant to appear just as easily as you disappear. Like you did in Ga-Koro." Valria snapped. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, Kuyre had helped her and now she was chewing him out. Frankly he did and didn't deserve, mostly he didn't. He was recovering from the disease when Mef had been killed, it had been painful enough that she had nearly lost him and now she was intent on arguing with him. Oh Mata Nui, what am I doing? I need a breather, some time to think. I didn't think he would be back so soon. Or at all."Kuyre...I'm sorry-I-I need to clear my head. Onuzek maybe you and Kuyre could talk for a bit, meet me back at the room in the inn?" She said in a rush, she didn't given either of them time to respond before she had started moving away and out of sight, back into the village.Why was she so angry? She didn't hate Kuyre, he was her friend and there was the possibility of something more, like there was in the past, he helped her but he always kept on showing up at the perfect time. She didn't know how to word it, but it was like she could never do anything on her own, like she was always being protected. She didn't want that, she didn't need him babying her, constantly protecting her. Strange as it sounded, part of her would have thought it better to have her stuff stolen than running into Kuyre and dealing with this whole mess again. Another ghost of the past showing up to haunt her again. Even if she wanted to move forward she was always carrying it around. All that regret, all that anger, all that sadness and it was slowly eating Valria from inside out.OOC: I realize poor Kuyre cannot catch a break in their relationship/friendship. Things might get better for him though. I would also say don't follow Valria, cause she needs to do something.
  12. IC: (Kino)Kino's body language and facial expression was one of amusement. Echelon's obedience wouldn't be a problem anymore.He will also serve as a connection to the Mask of Shadows, I must admit I am envious of his reward. Zenix had already asked the question she was going to ask. So why repeat the same thing but spoken differently? The dark green Toa with light green stripes simply waited for Echelon to answer. She wondered if Echelon now loathed the connection as some would. It robbed them of their independence. Personally Kino would have strove for such connection with the Dark Lord, to have the Lord of Shadows always with you. It was...a comforting thought to Kino.
  13. IC: (Valria)Valria's green eyes narrowed and she reached down to take her coins back, as well as Kuyre's, tossing it to him. However for some reason she felt bad for getting her money back and gave the Toa of Fire five of her twenty widgets. Maybe it was because one rarely stole because they wanted to. Valria was afraid she would have to resort to stealing if she didn't have a job. That seemed so beneath a Toa."You know you could ask people if they can spare any money, instead of just stealing from them." Valria sighed, her arms still crossed. She helped the other Toa up.OOC: Valria's gonna have to split soon, two other players are now waiting on her for the Ancora.
  14. IC: (Valria)The female Toa of Gravity crossed her arms, clearly the thief didn't need as much as coin as she did. Valria's frame was small, but it was clear that she still required at the very least a few more days of food. She had very little muscle, her armor was paltry, even in comparsion to the thief. Honestly Valria seemed to be getting by, but there was a gleam there. A fire, a focus in her eyes and this is what drove her to first The School and then Ta-Wahi when it turned out that nobody was around. Her dark green eyes belayed this change in mentality. Why hadn't the Toa just given up, just rolled over and died like most would have. That she would find the man that ruined her life and killed him. Even now though, the thought of her sadistic revenge filled her with regret and made her nauseous enough to worry about losing what little found she had in her stomach."Just give me back my stuff and I won't have to take it from you." Valria spoke, her arms still crossed and her eyes trained on the Toa with the Kakama. "Otherwise I'll keep chasing you till you give it back."
  15. IC: (Valria)Crashing could be heard by something knocking down trees, but something else managed to get out ahead of it. A smaller purple figure and she had appeared, breathing heavily, green eyes like daggers and she got into the little clearing where Kuyre and the thief were standing."Give me back my gear and money!" Valria roared, but then she noticed a green figure."K-K-Kuyre? What are you doing here?" She asked. Honestly when he had disappeared she was sure that was last of him, and then here he was again in her life. Strange how that always seemed to be happen, he always came back, or she always came back to him. Her expression softened slightly. He honestly looked a littler worse than last she had seen him, the days had not been kind to the Toa of Air, Kuyre. A man she had deeply cared for and well...her current feelings about him remained confused.
  16. OOC: This is the revised version. Song is "On Top of the World" by Imagine Dragons.IC: (Tarkis)Tarkis decided despite his plans, he would be going with the song he had given in Ko-Wahi. It was poppy, happy and it didn't require a jump in technology to do. He started strumming the guitar as the drums picked up. It was a poppy melody and overall fit the light mood of the village of air."I have to say it's really great to be back home and I hope you'll like the song me and the band will be playing tonight." He smiled, his voice was smooth and confident. There was of course the always charming smile and devilish glint to his eyes. If you love somebodyBetter tell them while they’re here ’causeThey just may run away from youYou’ll never know what went wellThen again it just depends onHow long of time is left for youI’ve had the highest mountainsI’ve had the deepest riversYou can have it all but life keeps movingNow take it in but don’t look downAs he lingered on that last note, the matoran drummer and the other gituarist, as well as some other sort of instrument, all those players began to sing with him.‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ehI’m on top of the world, ehWaiting on this for a while nowPaying my dues to the dirtI’ve been waiting to smile, ehBeen holding it in for a while, ehTake it with me if I canBeen dreaming of this since a childI’m on top of the world.Tarkis grinned, to the ground as he continued to strum his acoustic. Flashing a smile to the numerous Le-Matoran, and actually a few Ga-Matoran as well. It was good to be recognized for how great you are.I’ve tried to cut these cornersTry to take the easy way outI kept on falling short of somethingI coulda gave up then butThen again I couldn’t have ’causeI’ve traveled all this way for somethingNow take it in but don’t look downThe rest of the band got ready for the second chorus. It was the kind of music that most Le-matoran liked anyways, it was positive, overall happy and it made likely feel a lot better about themselves. Le-matoran didn't like being sad for long, so sad or dramatic music was something you had to carefully consider.‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ehI’m on top of the world, ehWaiting on this for a while nowPaying my dues to the dirtI’ve been waiting to smile, ehBeen holding it in for a while, ehTake it with me if I canBeen dreaming of this since a childI’m on top of the world.‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ehI’m on top of the world, ehWaiting on this for a while nowPaying my dues to the dirtI’ve been waiting to smile, ehBeen holding it in for a while, ehTake it with me if I canBeen dreaming of this since a childAnd I know it’s hard when you’re falling downAnd it’s a long way up when you hit the groundGet up now, get up, get up now.And I know it’s hard when you’re falling downAnd it’s a long way up when you hit the groundGet up now, get up, get up now.‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ehI’m on top of the world, ehWaiting on this for a while nowPaying my dues to the dirtI’ve been waiting to smile, ehBeen holding it in for a while, ehTake it with me if I canBeen dreaming of this since a childI’m on top of the world.Then the song was over, awaiting the audience's reaction. He had other choices for song, songs he would have preferred over this one, but it was what the audience demanded, and right now the Cultured Gentry seemed to want him to pander to them. Whatever they were easily swayed, the last performance was a clear example of that. Of course he was also waiting and hoping for applause. Something he thought he deserved for having to play so disgusting, sugary, unrealistically positive music. Just keep smiling Tarkis and make them think you actually like the song.OOC: Done, I guess.
  17. IC: (Kino)Kino shook her head."After." Was all the Toa of Air said. Pae would get the hint, they would talk after whatever Echelon was going to Kini-Nui for, likely to be rewarded by their master, to let him know of their success. She wouldn't put it past Echelon to expect something.
  18. IC: (Valria)"Come on, that Ta-Toa thief stole the last of my widgets." Valria answered, her chest heaving after taking a few deep breaths. She continued to where he pack used to be. Unfortunately for the thief, she had managed to kick up enough of a path that it wouldn't be hard to follow. She sighed. She couldn't believe it, some other Toa had done something lowly as thieving. Feeling irritated. She spoke up again."Stealing from the poor, means you'll earn your place in Karz!" Valria shouted. She still sounded far away enough that the thief wouldn't likely take her as a threat. She would get her money back even if that meant chasing the female Ta-Toa all over the island. She would get her widgets back and...and...well the girl was just a thief, it wasn't like she deserved death or anything. It was just, that was the last of her widgets, she wouldn't be able to keep up with the rent or feed Onuzek and her.
  19. IC: (Kino Iho)"Make no mistake my concern has always been for the welfare of this group, my allegiance to Makuta, and his goals, all that overrides any personal ambition I have. Now congratulations, you have an opinion about what I think. Everyone else here does too, I support Echelon's leadership, only because his skills as a leader have managed to hold the group together thus far." She hissed, angry that Kyju had stepped into a conversation that wasn't his concern. Well actually it was. "Our master, Makuta and his lieutenants decided whether any of us have been effective and faithful. So it is not my place to judge, neither is it yours." With that Kino turned on her heel, still carrying the Le-matoran on her back and helping Pae.Kino looked at Pae, it was clear, at least to Pae what she was saying in her eyes and on her face.We need to talk, away from the group.OOC: Let me state that it seemed like Echelon was far ahead of the group. In my defense he had already been heading towards Kini Nui and was making the transition before anyone else did. He just didn't post here yet. Then again I guess he could be right here. Kino and Pae were actually trailing fair behind the main group thanks to Pae's injuries.
  20. IC: (Kino)"Sorry if it seemed like I was implying that. I think the group respects him greatly given his past. That support he garners from the main group is only reason I would allow him to remain the figurehead of the FoM. Zenix however can still be a capable replacement to him and I believe he is truly devoted to Makuta...whereas Echelon left before Heuani showed up, probably to fulfill his own goals." She muttered. Giving Pae the support he needed as they made their way down the side of the cliff."Preferably, I would place Zenix in control again. Simply because we could control him easier than Echelon. That and I think Zenix leans more along the lines of a true believer, rather than an opportunist like Echelon." She whispered. "We will see how our lord and Heuani react. If Echelon is removed, the group will need a new leader. To hold it together."
  21. IC: (Valria)Valria had been continuing her workout when she had saw another Toa pulling at the bag with what little money the small Toa of Gravity had. She had actually been far along in the workout and as she sat up, she saw the hand pulling at her bag. This couldn't be happening. And she forced herself to her feet, stumbling at first and yelling at the thief."Hey! That's mine you thief!" She roared, unintentionally it was loud enough for anyone in the surrounding area to here. Valria was stunned herself, by how loud her voice echoed in the Charred Forest. Valria's chest was heaving, there was no way she was going to get to this thief, or at the very least this curious Toa. Was this really what her life was going to be like. She had gotten better in one area, only to lose everything in another? "Give it back!"Still too far.
  22. IC: (Valria)Yep, it was back to push-ups again. Valria wasn't complaining. Working out helped her focus on the present. The future was still too far away to judge and constantly reflecting on her past had done nothing but make her more depressed.The purple Toa of Gravity pushed herself up, legs and arms, struggling to hold up her own weight. She exhaled pushing the air out of her lungs as she pushed herself up.One.Then she was back down again, her body was caked once again in her sweat and the ash of the Charred Forest. It was rather difficult and even now her arms and legs felt on fire but she had to push on.Two.This shouldn't have been so hard? Why was it so hard, karz there were Toa, Turaga, and Matoran twice her age and yet she was sure they wouldn't have had as tough as a time as she was having.Three.She had been malnourished, she hadn't been able to keep in shape, Karz, her powers had only recently returned to her. Transformation like what she wanted, it wasn't going to be instaneous.Four.It was already starting to feel strangely better, like even though it was painful, difficult. She wanted to continue.Five.That had came and went quicker than Valria expected. Maybe things weren't as bad as they seemed.Six.She just had to push a little harder, grit her teeth and dig her heels in.Seven.Valria wanted to laugh, but knew she could not. A fire had been lit in her dark green eyes, she never expected to get this far today.Eight.Self-improvement was constant. It was a fight and she would have to fight every step of the way. Valria was fine with that, Toa fought every day of their lives, it was in their nature. It was in hers.Nine.Really? How had she gotten this far, that fast? Yesterday she had been falling flat on her face. Today she was already at nine pushups.10.Wait. What? There was no way, but at that moment Valria's arms and legs buckled and she rolled onto her side laughing. Sure it was only ten but she had barely gotten through two the day before. She had completed 10 today and seemed to be getting better. However if that had already came as easily, then she smiled as she started doing sit-ups. She wanted to feel that limit again and she wanted to charge right through it again. It was a good feeling, for once she actually felt good. Maybe when she felt ready she could actually do something and make something of her life. She could feel the strain in her stomach, but she kept on with her workout. Pain was a good reminder that you were still alive, that she was still alive.
  23. I definitely see the group remaining together as this game draws to a close, who knows, really?Well Cool-Aid, Valria is just working out in the Charred Forest, so if your character has any reason to be out that way, she's open for interaction.
  24. IC: (Kino Iho)"I can't say I agree with you Pae." She replied as they moved down the path together. "If Echelon's life is forfeit as a result of his disappearance and his decisions during the battle, then it is forfeit. I cannot feel sorry for him. Echelon may want to live, but if Makuta wills it not, then he will die. Makuta however does reward those strong and capable enough, so maybe he has curried good favor again. We are like finely crafted tools, to serve the purpose of granting strength and stability to the people of this island. There is a cost to our good work. Now Makuta and his lieutenants may seem harsh at times but they are doing what's best for this island." Kino spoke softly as though she truly believed in this and she did. When all this fighting was over with, she would make a capable priestess for the religion centered around her god, Makuta.Growing up in Xa-Koro, a city and islands where criminals and children of criminals lived, Mata Nui had never been any sort of hope to them. The people of Mata Nui held fast to these traditions and had treated them as outcasts and criminals with no sense of redemption. Makuta was that hope, for he was the darkness that surrounded them and for Kino. Just the idea of Makuta made her feel better. He was the father she never had, strong, confident, not afraid to show force when he needed to. He knew that adversity made people strong and that was what he was trying to do. He was a much better shepherd than Mata Nui cold have hoped to be. The doctor on her back said nothing, still unconscious by her strike earlier.Grey eyes turned to Pae as they made their way down to acknowledge that they were basically at the end of Le-Wahi. From here on it would be Kini Nui."We should be in Kini Nui soon, just through here I think." She continued down the cliff path, into the forested area below. Leading to Kini Nui.OOC: Kino Iho and Tarkis to Kini-Nui.
  25. IC: (Kino Iho)Kino merely gave Pae a quick understanding nod. Knowing him for so long, she could pick out when he was thinking something and since his eyes were on a man she herself hated. He had left the group and while he managed to keep some of the group under control it seemed more often he wished to exercise his own power than actually lead the group like he was supposed to.Kino tried to bring the Battle of Pala Koro to a close by squashing the remainder of the resistance but it would have gotten more men killed. The ILF/ILS was broken, it would take them awhile before they could form such a team again. In the meantime Kini-Nui seemed both exciting and terrifying. She might at last once see her master or at the very least see Heuani. She refused to put her hand to her face, remembering where he touched her. Last thing she needed was Echelon or the group trying to undermine her with it.
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