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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by P~M

  1. What's with you and X and your JRPG avatars?

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Not just me and X. =P

    2. Chro


      JiMing, iBrow, Ehks, and Blade

  2. what happened to Friends? :(

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      The update last year changed it to Followers and sadly cleared all the Friend lists out. :( I was able to hunt down a few of my old Friends whose blogs I'd followed via the "manage subscriptions" button.


    1. Than the Moa

      Than the Moa

      unfortunately it's more like a crawling over 9000

  4. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Happy valentine's day!

  5. My laptop broke and BZPower is blocked on my school laptop, so that's why I'm not on as much right now.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      These schools learn of BZP so quick.

  6. Where's the 'like' button

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      *hits an imaginary like button*

      Right here. =P

  7. It's funny how you probably have a bajillion posts, but you're still a Seeker because you're in COT so much.

    1. Toast of Awesomeness

      Toast of Awesomeness

      Yeah, that's really all I go to now. I'm not even sure how many posts I have.

  8. Don't you hate it when the ones with the cool usercodes are the ones that never do anything with their accounts?

  9. Nice old name.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Nice newish name. =P

  10. Happy birthday!

    1. Regitnui


      Much thankings.!

  11. Welcome back to the realm of the living, stranger.

    1. Mr Caes

      Mr Caes

      Hi. Good to be back.

  12. Add me bro. 3DS FC 5412 9945 2378

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Done, and nice name. =P

  13. "'Dark matter' accounts for 30% [of the known universe]. It was named that because it doesn't shine like stars. We know of it only because its gravity makes galaxies move in unexpected ways. We don't know what it is. Two leading candidates are WIMPs ("weakly interacting massive particles") and MACHOs ("massive compact halo objects"). These are the cleverest acronyms in all of physics."

    1. P~M


      from "The Instant Physicist: an Illustrated Guide" by Richard A. Muller, with illustrations by Joey Manfre. 2011

  14. p(Piraka~Mistika)=2

    1. P~M


      I had to acknowledge my proto boost before I could post. That is just hilarious.

  15. Boooo hisssss

    1. Ghidora131


      Hey, that's my line!

  16. I think tomorrow afternoon I'm going to haul out my bionicle collection, maybe photograph some mocs, maybe just mess around and have fun with mah bonkles

    1. P~M


      Hey look just in time for a BBCC

  17. P~M

    Heh, I always thought you were a new guy but you've been on longer than I have

    1. >_<


      Indeed I have. I was merely stored in stasis, waiting for the right moment to awaken and unleash the awesome.

  18. So was there just not a joke this year or ???

  19. Welcome to BZPower!

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD



  20. P~M

    ...That has to be the best avatar ever. Too bad the animation doesn't show up in the forums. :P

    1. >_<


      Thanks! =D

      Sadly it's roughly 95kB in size, so I guess that's no images in my sig for me.

  21. OK, now these staff names are just getting annoying. I hardly know who's who anymore.

  22. P~M


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