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I started this a while ago but SPIRIT's topic inspired me to finish it. --- Alright everybody, this is pretty outlandish but bear with me. If we make a big assumption then a lot of the post-SM material ties together nicely. Orde is Marendar. (Note I'm referring to Marendar as a "he" because using "it" gets confusing.) Marendar was designed to eliminate Toa if they did not behave as expected. In other words, the Toa are a buggy program and Marendar's job is to terminate it. If Marendar had psionic powers, he could scan through Toa's minds (step through the code, find the error) and then kill them (terminate the program). A Toa of Psionics would be the perfect cover then; Marendar could integrate with the Toa and scan their minds without raising any suspicion. By skimming people's minds, Marendar could also build up a working knowledge of the MU that would allow him to come up with a convincing backstory. Whether Marendar was created as a Toa of Psionics or whether he can shapeshift doesn't matter too much, although if he could shapeshift that would explain the gender issue; Marendar could have shapeshifted into a male Toa of Psionics and rushed in among the Toa before learning Psionics was a female element. By the time Chiara asked Orde why he was male, he already had had several days to scan her mind for info that allowed him to cover up his mistake. Now, why would Marendar join Chiara and Zaria's party? Simple: they were searching for the GBs. The GBs were SM's leadership and were also Marendar's creators. If the GBs, Glatorian, and Agori were all in danger, it would make sense for Marendar to prioritize the GBs' lives over the Glatorian and Agori's. Chiara and Zaria threatened the GBs, so Marendar tagged along to kill them. Several things might have happened when the party was captured by the Vorox. I think the most likely possibility is that Orde never revealed himself to the Vorox and didn't know about Velika's power dampeners (in which case his line “You can’t shut off a Toa’s power. That’s like shutting off the ability to breathe!” was genuine). Whatever happened, Orde expected the Toa to be eliminated by the Vorox. And when Orde finds out about Velika: Orde has been programmed to wipe out all Toa and to protect the GBs. Not only is there a GB disguised as an MU inhabitant (!!) but, as we learned later, that GB wants to rule over SM (!!). That totally goes against Marendar's programming to eliminate the Toa. Once Orde and Velika's true identities are revealed (maybe after Velika fails to kill Lifer and co. and Orde kills Chiara and Zaria?), we have a good lead-in to... ...the hinted-at GB civil war! On one side is Angonce and the MU inhabitants, who want a peaceful SM society. On another side is Velika, who dislikes the GBs' leadership and wants to rule over SM with an iron fist. Meanwhile, Marendar runs around killing Toa against both sides' wishes. What Angonce doesn't know is that Velika is responsible for the MUians' sapience, and what Velika doesn't know is that Angonce accidentally released Marendar. Really, their goals aren't that different: after all, they both want the MU inhabitants alive, they just want to rule them differently. The two sides at least temporarily settle their differences (with the help of Takanuva perhaps?! his destiny has something to do with the war after all), and they ally to destroy Marendar. Maybe Velika agrees to end his power grab as long as the GBs agree never to interfere with the new SM society? That's speculation of course, but it would tie up the threads nicely—by the end the GBs, Velika, and Marendar would be a non-issue. As for Kopaka and Pohatu, who knows? At the end of all of this, you might be thinking Greg never planned for Orde to be Marendar. AFAIK you're right. But did Greg plan for Velika to be a GB? Of course this theory isn't to be taken too seriously, but do feel free to poke holes in it! Edit: Hi all, I'm gonna be gone without internet for a couple weeks. If you post any feedback and you don't get a response, I'm not ignoring you! I'll respond when I get back. Also I just noticed that it's actually fitting that marendar means "salvation" in Agori. If Marendar weren't a threat, then following this theory Velika and Angonce wouldn't ally and the civil war would potentially last much longer than it would otherwise.
Click for huge image: KABRUA Unlike the Vorox of the Bara Magna deserts, who no longer live in civilization or remember the common language, those of Bota Magna's forests still live like they did before the great catastrophe that split the planet. Kabrua is their leader, the largest, strongest and smartest of his clan. A mysterious being recently gave them high-tech energy launchers, although he still prefers to carry his sword as well. Notes: More or less a bigger, scarier version of the Vorox set. The modified Zamor doesn't have a flexing mechanism, but works just fine nonetheless, a bit like the Zamors in the 2015 Chima sets. The sphere loads easily and doesn't fall out at any angle. CHIARA A Toa of Lightning known for preferring to fight solo. She's somewhat abrasive and blunt, but does her job excellently. She wears the Mask of Stealth, which lets her become almost impossible to see or hear. Her weapons are a capacitor claw that lets her build up an electrical charge before firing it, and a Rhotuka launcher that delivers a static charge to its target, shocking anyone who touches it. Notes: No official information on her weapons. The Rhotuka works well, and the two blades attached to it allow a "safety" that prevents the spinner from falling out of the launcher when they're turned towards each other. Her torso design allows trunk shifting, especially from side to side. ZARIA A Toa of Iron with a dark past. The Makuta attempted genocide of his element, forcing him to violate the Toa Code and kill them in self defense. He shares little about himself, allowing sinister rumors to spread. He wears the Mask of Adhesion, which allowed him to kill a Makuta once by adhering its essence to its armor, then destroying it with elemental power. He fights with a glaive and blade shield. Notes: No official information on his mask or weapons. ORDE The original Toa of Psionics, who spectacularly failed his first mission by changing the Zyglak from mildly hostile to unreasonably aggressive and hateful. He is somewhat attention-seeking and slightly manipulative. He wears the Mask of Night Vision, which lets him see in complete darkness or produce a light for others to see by. He fights with two knives. Notes: No official information on his mask or weapons. I used a couple Shadow Leeches for his eyes because why not. Finally, a face-off of all four.
Well, the title of this topic is pretty self explanatory. Basically, what kanohi do you think The Yesterday Quest toa team should have, with the exception of Chiara, because its been confirmed that she has a volitak.
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- The Yesterday Quest
- Orde
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So, I've just gone back and read The Yesterday Quest. I found myself observing our manly mind-reader buddy Orde and what he does in the serial, and have begun to make an assumption on what Kanohi he wears. My theory is that he wears a Pakari. My reasoning is:There are a couple of feats he does that, as far as I'm aware, may be impossible for a standard Toa not of Stone, Earth or Iron to do, or at least very difficult to do quickly.Eg. If he was able to pick it up without being caught up to, and if it was that heavy that it had to be described as such, wouldn't he have needed the Pakari's boost to lift it so quickly? It takes effort to haul a muscly, armoured Glatorian up to a branch from the water's edge to directly above it, even for a Toa. Imagine it as like hauling a ladder made of hollow balsa wood (which is a VERY light kind of wood) over a cliff to a higher ledge, compared to a ladder made of lead. Hauling Gelu on an angle would be like hauling a lead ladder up a tree without a Pakari, and prone to failure. With a Pakari, however, he feels as light as balsa wood, and the task would be easy enough to pull off without issue.I might be underestimating Orde's strength; I have a nasty habit of doing that. So go ahead and disprove.