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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix seemed turned off by this

"Why can't we just kill him if he has turned away?"


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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix laughed as he heared this

"If he is villain they should die so they can't hurt others.. is this not true?"


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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix shook his head in a bit of disgust

"Matoran are weak.."


However he leaned down and observed Viima closely

"What is in it for Chivnix?"


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IC Viima



Just after Chivinix had leaned in closer, Viima moved so fast he was only a blur, taking out his razor-disk with lightning speed and thrusting it between his and Chivinix' head, the metal spikes of the disk gleaming in the sunlight, reflecting Chivinix's colors like a distorted mirror. Viima's expression was dark and angry in a way it had never been before. Some things about his character had certainly changed.


"I'm not weak", he said tensely in a quiet whisper. "And don't let anyone think otherwise."


Viima pulled back the disk and seemingly relaxed. "As for what's in it for you... if justice holds no value to you, I'm sure Akiri Kongu will be more than happy to reward whoever brings a criminal to justice on his turf."

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix's eyes narrowed in anger as he saw Viima place that weapon inbetween them. This prompted Chivinix to clench two of his hands as an angry, guttural chittering sound emanated deep from his throat. One may notice that his carapace seemed to gain a faint glimmer as he stood there

"You dare draw your weapon on me?"

His voice was like acid as his whole body tensed in anger. One could say it would be like making a wasp angry except Chivinix was the whole bloody hive rolled into one. He attempted to smack the disk away before it was withdrawn completely.


OOC: Oh goody.. i have been waiting for a chance to display Chivinix's one true 'power'

Edited by A Vox in a Box


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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix was apparently having none of that as he bluntly leapt at Viima aiming to at least scare the matoran

"You don't ask for someone's help and draw weapon on them!"


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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix bent his knees and sprung into the air with a surprising amount of speed next to Viima while his left hands moved to latch onto the matoran's throat if he could catch him. It seemed chivinix was pass words


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IC Viima



Viima's eyes widened. This creature was actually attacking him now, with what could be described as primal rage consuming every peaceful thought. Given Chivinix's power and large stature, this was naturally very bad news for Viima.


Two hands reached for his throat as one. With a short cry, Viima leapt aside again, on the other side of the roof. "I'm not your enemy!" he shouted, though he had his disk ready. He was prepared to launch it soon if the creature didn't calm down.

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix saw the weapon drawn on him again and this could be the point that drew him over the edge.. To his people if you drew a weapon or made a gesture to attack you kept with the gesture. A good comparison would be painting yourself in red and then stepping into a pin with a Kane-ra. Chivinix lunged again and flapped his wings once giving him a burst of speed as he reached for the weapon Viima wielded.. It was times like this he was glad his species made up for their weak strength with their carapace. The carapace was strong and sturdy and resistant to most materials.. That does not mean it was unbreakable just allowed them to take more attacks before they were damaged.


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IC Viima



"No!" Viima shouted even as he threw his razor-disk in response to Chivinix's attack. He didn't want a fight, but apparently that line had already been crossed. The disk shot forward incredibly fast, rotating fast like a buzzsaw, its spikes only waiting to connect with something to tear. The target was one of Chivinix's feet. At the same time Viima himself made another backflip on the roof of a different hut.


Zeth, wherever you are, now would be a great time to show up...

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix saw the disk flying towards him and realizing he could not dodge it he merely twisted his leg to instead have it hit the thicket part of his carapace where it made a thud sound when it made contact. However that is all it did as it fell to the ground where it was revealed a small dent was made on the carapace while the disk itself has several of its 'edges' bent. Chivinix's eyes narrows on Viima as he watched the matoran jump to another roof. Instead of directly following the matoran Chivinix instead took the sky and prepared to dive bomb the matoran as i made it above the tree line.


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IC Viima



For a moment Viima had thought Chivinix had been hurt and was fleeing, but it quickly became obvious that the creature was simply preparing for a bomb-dive. Other Le-Matoran stopped in awe and looked into the sky to look at Chivinix's incredible maneuvers.


I can dodge all I want, but it won't end the conflict, Viima thought. He knew he would have the stamina to keep dodging all day, but he would have to rely on some other asset than speed or even accuracy. He would have to rely on his species and his home.


"Emergency!" he shouted, even as he jumped off the roof to avoid Chivinix's dive-bomb. "Call the Gukko Force! There's an attack!"


The message had been sent. Help was already on its way. Viima smiled to himself. It wasn't often he came up with something smart.

Edited by Toatapio Nuva
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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix stopped in mid flight as he heard that. His mind immediately considered this as he remembered what the gukko force was thanks to the fact the 'Skakdi' Colx had told him. His buzzing only grew louder as he flew directly at the matoran. He Unchained the Kusarigama he had looped around his waist and used it much like a rope. He held onto one end and flung the bladed end towards Viima several feet infront of him. with a sudden yank the weapon seemed to chage course and instead moved to loop around viima's feet unless the matoran somehow was able to dodge it. Though he dropped to his feet and dug then into the platform intending to bring the matoran to a very sudden stop if everything worked out.


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IC Viima



I don't think so, Makuta's son, Viima thought. The Kusarigama came closer, threatening to bind Viima's legs. However, Viima leaped out of the way...


Only to find one of his feet bound. He fell on the village platform, dirty words invading his mind. He had been so confident in his abilities he had dodged too late.


"Grip-free the Matoran ever-quick!" a voice called from behind Chivinix. The Gukko Force had arrived. A few Le-Matoran sat on their Kewa birds, hovering in the air. Some more Gukko force guards were walking on the ground, equipped with disks, spears and Volo Lutu launchers. "Else we must grave-act."

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix ignored the gukko force as he began to reel in viima while stepping closer to the matoran. The insectoid seemed not at all concerned by the armed guards as he drew closer to his target. However as he bent down to pick up viima he said rather coldly

"Do not stick a weapon in chivinix's face again."

and with that he undid the chain around Viima's foot and let the matoran fall to the ground only now noticing the guards as he dropped his weapon showing he had nothing up his metaphorical sleeve


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IC Viima



Viima stared at Chivinix, baffled. "Uh, sure."


The Gukko Force guards approached. "What seems to be the trouble-problem?"


Viima looked from Chivinix to the guards and back again. He shrugged, not sure what had just happened. "I think there's been nothing but a misunderstanding."


The guards looked irritated, but seemed to accept the explanation. "Better care-watch it, Viima. Gukko Force bad-wish another false alarm, you hear?"


"Of course", Viima said, prompting the Gukko Force to dismiss him and Chivinix. Viima turned back to Chivinix. "So uhh... where do you stand?"

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix stood rather firmly as he moved to to pick up his Kusarigama

"Chivinix will help little green matoran track defective toa.. As long as Chivinix gets one meal from this."


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IC Viima



Viima blinked. "Uh... great. I guess that can be arranged."


He stood up himself and recovered his razor-disk. It had several dents on one side which he would have to later get fixed. For now it was important to find the Ba-Toa though.


"I have an ally somewhere around here, we should find him."

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix merely walked behind the matoran who he had so little ago been trying to kill as they walked to find this supposed ally


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Zeth's body propelled backwards through the air and into the frame of an unforgiving building. He had readied himself for a maneuver like this, but Varan was fast. A lot faster than he'd anticipated.


Too fast.


He could assume they were up against a Toa who was not of the norm. In fact, they couldn't allow him to escape for this reason. He was unusually peculiar.


Zeth picked himself up off the ground. Bits of the wall he had collided with fell from the new indent in its surface. Throbbing pain spread across the length of his back as he stood, and he had already lost a significant amount of energy from the strain.


Varan snatched Viima by the throat and snarled something in the Matoran's face before tossing him high into the air with his powers.


Two can play at that game.


Zeth focused in on the Matoran's form and weight. It was a simple task to slow his fall and allow him to float gently to the ground. He landed about 50 bios away, out of harm's way for the time being.


Zeth turned to face his enemy, but Varan had already vanished into thin air.


He cursed under his breath. This guy was good.


Yet he underestimates me. This isn't over yet.


Zeth closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel all the gravitational pulls surrounding him. Beings, buildings, trees, birds, leaves. Everything possessed a certain weight. Everything was influenced by gravity.


So it was easy to spot objects that weren't abiding to the rules. One such object was moving swiftly away through the treetops.


You can run, but you can't hide from my sight.


Zeth used his powers to increase the pull of gravity drastically on his target. If all went according to plan, Varan would plummet to ground far below and meet his immanent fate.

OOC: Sorry about Zeth


IC: Varan


Varan thought he was free, but all of a sudden, he felt himself being pulled super fast towards the ground. He tried to slow himself with his own powers, but it wasn't soon enough, and he landed hard on his arm. He yelped as the armor cracked, and he knew immediately it was broken. He quickly ripped a shred of cloth from his cloak and bound his arm, and then tried to keep running. But the pain was over coming him, and he knew he would drop soon.

Almost when he lost hope, Varan noticed he was coming to the part where the branches stopped - he had arrived at a port. Without hesitation, he ignored the pain and began to run at top speed, and then launched himself from the edge of the Matoran-made platform.


To any person watching, it would have been a horrific sight, watching a Toa commit suicide. But to some one who kept watching, they would have seen him whistle... and they would have seen the large Gukko bird that swept down and caught him, and flew him into the air.

Edited by Hero2065
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OOC: It's totally fine! Just try not to auto-hit if you can help it. I know it's tempting sometimes, but try and formulate attacks that allow the other person to respond first. :)



Varan cried out in pain as his body hit the ground. He recovered fairly quickly though, and was already up and running again within a few seconds. He clutched his wounded arm as he continued onward.


Zeth's mouth was a grim line of determination. He pushed his body to its limit and pursued the Toa as fast as his legs could carry him. Varan's speed increased abruptly. Zeth realized with horror that his enemy was heading straight towards the edge of the village platform.


"No! Sto- !"


Zeth's words came too late as Varan threw himself into oblivion.


Did he just... kill himself?


Zeth slowed to a gradual halt. His throat tightened and tears brimmed his eyes. He had let someone else die right before his own eyes. Why was he so weak?


No. This isn't right.


Varan wouldn't have done that. It wasn't like him. He was cunning, as well as corrupt. Suicide wasn't an option for someone like him. Still, there was only one way to be sure. If he was still alive, his broken body would not be recovered from the ground far below.


Zeth peered off the edge, but it was too far down to see the forest floor clearly. He turned from the precipice reluctantly, and made his wat back towards where Viima had landed.

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IC: Varan


Varan may have been intelligent, but he was far from perfect. And he couldn't resist the oppurtunity to gloat.

So he turned around with the Gukko - making sure to keep a protective gravity field around him - And flew right in front of the platform.

"Zeth," he roared over the sound of beating wings, "next time you supsect something of someone... don't hesitate."

He then cackled, a most horrible and frightening sound, and whipped the Gukko around into full speed. He bolted away, his evil laughter emanating across the wind.sky.

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Zeth could only watch in shock as Varan flew away on his Gukko. He had guessed correctly: the Ba-Toa was alive, not to mention well enough to laugh boastfully.


A challenge. Until next time, Varan.


Zeth clutched his fists continued his slow trek back to the plaza. It was people like Varan who poisoned the world with their sicknesses and greed. They were the ones who ended lives, the ones who left innocent spirits to sink into the very depths of despair. They were the corrupt.


He, however, was of a different table entirely. A castaway, a meek fool only capable of failure. He couldn't even count all the many pathetic titles he deserved. At least Varan was a something, even if that something held the title of villainy. Zeth was nothing but a coward.


His head turned once again to face the ground in shame. He barely looked up even as he approached Viima and his new companion.

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Although he had been confident, Varan knew that the truth was painful. Literally.


He tried to keep himself conscious, but it was no use. He lost control, and the Gukko bird began to descend, until it finally reached the ground, dumped Varan off, and left.

And Varan was stranded, unconscious and at the mercy of the wild Rahi of Le-Wahi.


OOC: You can save him if you want to, Req :P

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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix shot the toa an odd look as he merely crossed his arms over his chest. He seemed content not to say anything currently


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IC: Varan awoke, his head aching and his arm throbbing like mad. His thin frame seemed bruised all over, and he considered remaining there until help came; after all, what good is a mercenary if he's dead? But then he remembered the other proverb: "A mercenary caught is a mercenary killed."

Despite the horrible pain cascading down his limbs, Varan managed to rise. When he stood,he noticed that his right arm was bleeding through it's bandages. That wasn't good. He also noticed that he was in the the middle of uncharted Le-Wahi jungle. That wasn't good either. But he raised himself in these forests, and by the Master he would make it.

The Master....

Varan realized it was time to converse with his beloved Master. With a confident step forward, Varan began searching for herbs.

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Zeth's eyes widened as he turned his head to face the creature. Chivinix was insectoid, but obviously not a rahi. His translucent armor glinted with the sunlight that flickered through the foliage above. Zeth cleared his throat and forced himself to speak through his immanent shock.


"Um, pleasure to meet you, though I don't recall ever seeing a creature of your likeness before. Are you native to Mata Nui, or did you come from elsewhere?"


He was so fascinated by Chivinix that Viima's question went unheard.

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IC: Ra’lhen – Fau Swamp, below the great tree


“Please…. I-I don’t know anything, you have to believe me!” pleaded the young Po-Matoran, his knees quaking, his eyes puffy, and his face wet.


The response was a deep, sinister, spine-chilling mixture of a growl and a chuckle. It was an aural embodient of the night that surrounded the Matoran and the Makuta's agent.


I don’t have to do anything,” said Ronkshou, his signature matter-of-fact tone and booming voice, making the villager’s heart palpitate. He took one slow and forceful step towards the Po-Matoran, who was already pitted against a cliff wall in the famous Po-Wahi Quarry. A couple meters to the Matoran’s right was Lewa’s Kanohi Miru carved into the rock.


“What is your name, boy,” Ronkshou demanded.


“Re… R-Renan,” the villager stammered.


A devious grin then formed on Ronkshou’s face.


“Well, Renan, I’m not going to pull from any untruth to get the information I need,” Ronkshou said. “The shadows see everything, and whatever they see, the Makuta also sees,” Ronkshou continued, “and whatever the Makuta sees, provided he wishes it, I see. Do you understand how this works, Renan? I already know what you stole from the forces of Makuta. What may be an insignificant little black box actually means a great deal in the whole scheme of things”


“I t-told you,” Renan said, his eyes wide yet weary with exasperation, “I don’t know where it is”


“So then who did you give it to?” Ronkshou responded, “The shadows saw you steal it. You don’t have it? So you gave it to someone. Who?!”


Ronkshou then lunged toward and picked up the Matoran by his upper arms, squeezing them enough that Renan feared the bones might just shatter.


“Maybe… someone else entirely is responsible for this,” Renan pleaded. More tears feel through his eyes as crushing pain surged through his arms and spread through his entire body.


“You’re very close, Renan,” Ronkshou cooed, ever-so-slightly loosening his grip on the poor Matoran, “but I need a name and a village”


There was a short silence before Ronkshou tightened his grip beyond what it was before he relaxed. Renan let out a cry of pain.


“This ends when you want it to,” Ronkshou brazenly lied. As usual, no emotion was tied to this statement. It was the same, booming voice, and yet it was still the most terrifying sound Renan had ever heard.


“I-It was Syzale!” Renan relented, “the Le-Matoran!”


Ronkshou grinned once more, never showing any teeth, as if he was only mildly amused that the Matoran would predictably break.


“I’ll get my colleague right on that,” Ronkshou said, setting Renan back down and letting go of his upper arms. Renan immediately rubbed his hands across both of them, trying to soothe the painful bruising.


Then, out of nowhere, a swift kick cut through the Po-Matoran’s legs. Ronkshou stifled a laugh as he heard the satisfying snap of the Matoran’s kneecaps popping. Renan screamed as he fell to this ground, his legs now dangling uselessly behind him.


Hey!cried Renan.


“Come on now, Renan. You signed over your life the moment you stole from the Makuta,” Ronkshou said matter-of-factly, “I only needed you to doubt that long enough to get the facts that I needed”


With that, Ronkshou raised his armored right foot high over Renan’s head.




Ronkshou brought his foot down.






“Hey you!”


Ra’lhen jumped a bit as he escaped from his vision. His start still racing, the Toa whirled around to face whoever was calling out to him.


It was one of the Toa guards of the elevator to Le-Koro. Ra’lhen didn’t move very far away from where the guards were posted. He intended for Wokapu to easily spot him when he returned.


“How may I help you, good sir?” Ra’lhen cheerfully responded to the Le-Toa guard. This guard was varying shades of green and wore a Kanohi Akaku. Ra’lhen never displayed any sort of unease whenever he had a vision. This was one of the reasons why Wokapu would often use him as an emotional rock when the Toa of Air felt down about the Cultured Gentry. It felt too good and encouraging to support a friend for Ra’lhen to express any of his own problems – especially problems associated with his visions. Ra’lhen would always keep those visions to himself. It was horrible enough that Ra’lhen had to relive those dark, godawful times. He would be cursed before he let others relive those times, and be yet reminded again what Ra’lhen once was.


“I know who you are.” said the guard, his demeanor not nearly as welcoming as Ra’lhen’s. “You’re Ronkshou!”


IC: Wokapu – Le-Koro Marketplace


Wokapu’s eyebrows rose in response to Stannis’s offer to join Seria and him. He didn’t expect the great hero to want to walk with the likes of him. Stannis was basically a celebrity; something Wokapu was familiar with for only a short time before it all came crashing down.


“That would be an honor, sir,” Wokapu said. He walked up to both Seria and Stannis, “This’ll make for an awesome trip to have you two walk with us. I mean, my friend’s awesome too, but y’know – the more the merrier!”


Wokapu began to move towards the elevators that would return them to the sticky Fau Swamp.


“If you two are ready, we can head back down now,” Wokapu said, “Ra’lhen will be waiting, and he’s going to appreciate the extra company as well”


IC: Ra’lhen – Fau Swamp, near the elevators to Le-Koro


Ra’lhen knew that he wasn’t whole. He wasn’t so stupid as to try and deny that.


Whenever someone utters that name – a horrible slave name that the Makuta, his servants, and all of the villagers on Mata Nui called him for more than 100 years – it felt like someone was ripping a hole in everything Ra’lhen was trying to preserve. Ra’lhen was a hero, one of many who were the first to come into being shortly after First Toa fell. More than anything, the Toa of Electricity wanted to honor his Toa team, and in the case of his last remaining teammate, Wokapu, Ra’lhen wanted to inspire him. The name made Ra’lhen feel a pain worse than any physical blow, and each utterance of the name weakened Ra’lhen’s control over his mind. It was more than a name to the Toa; it was a dagger to the heart.


Despite the hurt and the anxiety that was now triggered, Ra’lhen continued to reason with the aggravated guard.


“Listen sir, I don’t want any trouble here,” Ra’lhen said sincerely. His voice didn’t waver at all, and in fact it sounded much more heroic than the guard’s, “I’m just waiting for my friend who’s buying supplies for the both us before we start our journey to Po-Koro. I respect you and understand your distaste, but that name you uttered does worse to me than you might think”


“That’s a shame, Ronkshou,” the guard repeated, “It’d be nice if you could just change your past, huh?”


“My name is Ra’lhen,” the Toa of Electricity stated firmly, but without sounding threatening at all, “Please, can we show some respect for one other please?”


“Respect?!” the guard raised his voice, getting the attention of the second Toa guard. This guard wore a great Kaukau and was notably bulkier than the Akaku-wearing Toa. Ra’lhen saw him start to walk over to where the Akaku-wearing guard stood.


“You can’t kill Hafu and countless other innocent Matoran and then ask for ‘respect’,” the green, Akaku-wearing guard snapped, “You expect us to just forget what you’ve done?”


“Wait a minute,” the second, Kaukau-wearing guard spoke up. His eyes then widened when he two recognized Ra'lhen, “Ronkshou?!”


This time, Ra’lhen couldn’t help but wince, and he immediately cursed himself for doing so. That’s when the Toa of Electricity saw one of the elevators at the top of the tree start to come down. He almost prayed that Wokapu would be the one on that elevator so that they could get out of here, but Ra’lhen mentally smacked himself before he could complete the thought.


This is something I can handle on my own, Ra’lhen reminded himself, I don’t need Wokapu to swoop in and-


IC: Wokapu – Fau Swamp


“Hey, what’s going on here?!” Wokapu demanded after bursting from of the elevator. He looked at the two guards with eyes like daggers, “Y’all are a little far from your posts back there aren’t you? Unless you want to have to explain to your superiors how someone managed to sneak onto one of the elevators and bomb half of the Le-Koro marketplace. I heard those conversations are always fun!”


The guards grumbled as they hurriedly made their way back to their posts in front of the elevators.


“I know you had ‘em, buddy, I gotta gets mine some of the time,” Wokapu said, elbowing Ra’lhen’s chest.


The Toa laughed in response, “True, but to be fair, standing up to a couple scraggly guards isn’t quite up there with the folks that you need to be standing up to”


“True,” Wokapu said, rubbing the back of his neck. There was an awkward pause before he remembered the two newcomers.


“Oh! Hey Ra’lhen, I ran into these two while shopping in Le-Koro. Toa Seria wants to come along and Toa Makuta-Slayer Stannis Maru actually knows a good route to Po-Koro from here!”


Ra’lhen froze, his mind going to overdrive while desperately trying to remain cool and confident. The last time Ra’lhen heard the name “Stannis” it was the name of a Matoran that the other guy was trying to kill, and very nearly succeeded.


Ra’lhen had acted like he was prepared for something like this, but after his vision followed by the quarrel with the guards, the Toa was emotionally off-center. For a precious moment, Ra’lhen honestly didn’t know what to do.


Wokapu then turned to face Stannis and Seria, completely oblivious to the facial expressions that any of the three Toa were wearing, “Stannis, Seria, this is my friend Ra’lhen. Contrary to what he looks like, he’s actually a Toa of Electricity – a very skilled one to boot!"


Wokapu then chuckled jokingly, "You don’t wanna get on his bad side!”


Still silence.

Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Chivinix


Chivinix looked down at the toa and his eyes narrowed

"Chivinix came from a cavern in a place of darkness.."


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IC: Varan sat with his legs crossed inside a ring of candles, his eyes cloudy and his breath short. He had painted a symbol on his forehead with fruit juice, and removed his cloak so that he could be fully open to the Master. He brought out two pieces of charred wood, and roughly struck them across each other. A flame was produced. he carefully held it over a single candle, and the blaze caught, scattering to all of the other candles and encircling him in a blaze of smoke. He held a wooden bowl high over his head, filled with herbs and liquids, chanted something, and then held the bowl under the main candle until the ingredients boiled. Then, with a shout of opening, Varan poured the concoction down his throat, scalding it horribly. But the pain disappeared as soon as he breathed in the smoke of the candles. His head swam, and he began moving at high speed towards... something. Someone.

In an instant, he found himself bowing before his Master.

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IC: (Liacada - Marketplace)


"Oh, there you are!"


Liacada approached Valria, Merror, and Tuara with equal parts anxiety and disdain. Dorian and his friends hung out with a ton of good people, many of them ridiculously so. She didn't recognize the other two, but the guy looked so much like a hero it gave her nervous memories of Oreius and the rather distressing time she had spent in his presence. Luckily, she hadn't seen any of the Maru since then, and for good reason made it a point not to. She really did hate good people, largely because she had reached the point in her life where she had condemned herself from ever being one. Whenua would probably have delivered a similar verdict.


"Who're your friends?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: "Oh, Master." Varan bowed low to the ground, his eyes spilling tears in awe of the great, dark being in front of him. The Master stood tall, his ruby eyes glowing as bright as the sun. He towered over Varan's small-in-comparison frame, and filled most of the shadowy "room" they were in.

"It is good to see you, my son. have you got the mask?"

Varan nodded and sat up straight.

"Of course, my Master." He drew it from his sack, and floated it up to the Master using gravity. "Here it is"

The Master took it and studied it, then smiled.
"Good job, my son. Your task is complete. Here is your reward."

The Master waved his hand out and bathed Varan in an incredibly black darkness, swallowing him with pain. But when it ended, Varan felt power within him.


"I have bathed you with my Greatness, oh Chosen One. Your power is now greater than before. And your next task is ready."

The master turned his back and said, "You have done well, my son. But your greatest task - or tasks - are upon you."

Varan stood and said confidently, "I will do anything for my Savior, oh Master."

The Master turned to face Varan. "Your next job," he boomed, "Is to exterminate Ba-Toa Zeth and Ko-Toa Veneras."


In a blast of shadow, Varan returned, gasping hard and fully healed, back into reality.

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OOC: Nice posts, Hero2065. I'm excited for future interaction :)




Zeth, now over his immediate awe, regarded both Matoran and creature cooly. Varan's laughter still rang in his mind like needles against exposed flesh.


"He made his escape on a Gukko bird, so tracking him would be next to impossible. Pursuing him would be a waste of time at this point."


The Ba-Toa's shoulders slumped. His body trembled. Those red eyes were engraved into his soul, and scraped away profusely at the shunned memories that lay buried within its icy depths.


He'll show his face again before long.


Zeth was afraid. Afraid of the darkness, the pain, the memories. He wanted to forget them all, drown them until only guilt remained. But how? In less than an hour he had been attacked with his own powers, saved a Matoran's life, made a new enemy, and introduced himself to a creature he'd never seen before. All he'd ever tried to do was blend in. One simple act of kindness and his world was thrown into chaos.


He sighed audibly. Serenity seemed far away already. What had he gotten himself into?

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IC: Wokapu – Fau Swamp


“Oh! Hey Ra’lhen, I ran into these two while shopping in Le-Koro. Toa Seria wants to come along and Toa Makuta-Slayer Stannis Maru actually knows a good route to Po-Koro from here!”


Ra’lhen froze, his mind going to overdrive while desperately trying to remain cool and confident. The last time Ra’lhen heard the name “Stannis” it was the name of a Matoran that the other guy was trying to kill, and very nearly succeeded. Ra’lhen had acted like he was prepared for something like this, but after his vision followed by the quarrel with the guards, the Toa was emotionally off-center. For a precious moment, Ra’lhen honestly didn’t know what to do.


Wokapu then turned to face Stannis and Seria, completely oblivious to the facial expressions that any of the three Toa were wearing, “Stannis, Seria, this is my friend Ra’lhen. Contrary to what he looks like, he’s actually a Toa of Electricity – a very skilled one to boot!" Wokapu then chuckled jokingly, "You don’t wanna get on his bad side!”


Still silence.



For a long moment Stannis merely stood there, staring at the ghost from the past with his typical foggy eyes that betrayed no emotion. The face was different, but he knew that body, those weapons and that posture -- and knew it all too well. Only the mask had changed.


"Ra'lhen" didn't charge or threaten Stannis as he did not-so-long-ago but rather flinched and even recoiled just a little at the mention of Stannis' name. There was absolutely zero doubt in the Maru's mind that the toa with the massive knuckles was who he remembered in the fjord and the alps, but was it the same person? Stannis matched the toa of electricity's demeanor and remained passive in the face of uncertainty, in part because he wasn't quick to action or judgement but also because he could see through the toa's eyes and into his mind... and on a deep level he understood. This was not the same person.


The red eyes were sad, scared of the consequences of what he had done in what surely seemed like another life, scared of meeting up with a ghost of his own past almost as though a childhood nerd he had abused had come back later with no less than an army at his disposal. The eyes were framed by a new mask, a pure mask not marred by the taint of the banished Makuta, and Stannis could feel the difference in his eyes.


The Maru looked from Ra'lhen to the two Forcemen, then back to Ra'lhen, ignoring Wokapu's clearly clueless visage.


"I believe we have met before," Stannis finally said to clear the haze between the two men. "I do recall his skill in battle and he did indeed have a bad side. But the times were quite different back then, weren't they?" he queried.

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