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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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Daylah woke up once the sun rose on the horizon. It was the next day; another day to try her luck at getting a job. Hopefully today she could find a place to work so she could pay for her hut.Soon, the Matoran had breakfast cooked for her two guests and a note written on their door. It simply stated that food was ready for them and she would be gone for a while.The Matoran leaves her hut and walks across the sidewalks until spotting a new sign in the area."Hello?" she calls out upon entering the building.OOC: That's you, Hubert.-Mef Man

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IC: FeldnokExpert swimmer as he was and master of holding his breath, Feldnok managed to skewer four medium-sized fish and with great luck, happened to catch one with his free hand. Thinking this would be decent for a meal, he swam upwards and bobbed up and down as he reached the surface, gasping for air. Feldnok began to swim back, his spine spikes the only things protruding from the water, giving the Skakdi the appearance of some blue crocodile."Well then, here we g-" said Feldnok as he climbed onto the lily pad, dripping wet and interrupted upon seeing the bonfire in its regular state."Do you not know how to make a proper fire...?" he asked impatiently and in slight disbelief.

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IC: FeldnokFeldnok laughed upon hearing Renod saying he couldn't make a fire and that Feldnok brought 'food'. Handing the harpoon and one fish to Renod, Feldnok took a stick and placed it in between his hands, the lower tip resting on a piece of wood in the bonfire."If you want to eat that stuff raw go ahead. Bad for your digestive system unless you're a Skakdi." he said, beginning to spin the stick, the friction between both pieces of wood beginning to create smoke and eventually, a little flame came to life.

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IC: FeldnokFeldnok blew a little air into the tiny flame, engrossing its form slightly as other pieces of wood caught fire. Shaking his head in mild disgust, Feldnok took the harpoon and the other fish, stabing stick through their tiny mouths and into their body, placing them in wedges in between rocks so they wouldn't have to hold them as they cooked."You're unbelievable, y'know that?"

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IC: Kirian & Hound, Ga-KoroKirian sat on a stone bench, resting after searching for over eight hours. His legs burned like fire, and he was tempted to give up. Looking up randomly, Kirian noticed a large black and gold being wondering through the market, dragging behind him a massive temple squid.Having just finished arguing about the price of his squid, Hound walked away to find another buyer when a Toa of ice ran up to him. A very famaliar Toa of ice. "Kirian! What brings you to these parts?" He asked his apparently good friend. "Onyx brings me here, Hound. He's back."IC: Hajia & Tirus Tirus and Hajia continued their walking, searching for the Denuian, just as the Toa of ice had done.


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IC(Matu,Ecanax):Matu felt himself lifted out of his bed by Ecanax."Quick,Matu. Grab your things,we're going to Ga-Terax".Matu had heard of the fabled city before,but thought it was destroyed centuries ago by a Vortixx invasion."Haven't the Vortixx destroyed the city when they arrived at Mata-nui,their ships crashing on the rocky shores of Ga-Terax,the city was build on spike island,so that enemy ships would crash into the foggy region,not seeing the giant spike-like rocks on the shore?""Yes,my friend,you really do know the tales of old. It was an invasion on Mata-nui,led by Karaton and a mercenary named Roodaka. Nothing is known of the land in the east where they came from,except that a war tore the island apart,stripping away all the island's resources and beauty"."The Vortixx,with their island destroyed and sunk,they decided to go west,and they arrived at Ga-Terax,but their ships crashed,and some of them drowned while others got to the shores of Ga-Terax,and the Matoran fought back,the residence of the island right before the invasion was 3,675,but after the Matoran-Vortixx war,2,471 were dead,375 were taken as slaves,and the rest escaped,only to get destroyed by a giant Tsunami when they got to shore.""The Tsunami was created by Karaton,when he shot at a Tyadle(turtle-like Rahi),missing the Rahi,but hitting a plate boundary instead"."Only 26 Matoran survived the Tsunami,and they spread out across Ga-Wahi,them and Ga-Terax forgotten altogether".'Meanwhile,the Vortixx thrived,their new home being magnificent"."So wait,the island is still populated by Vortixx?""No,some of them went to explore Ga-Wahi after them wanting to know what was located on the island after they saw a part of Mata-nui's coastline.""Soon,they spread out all across Mata-nui,and meanwhile,in Ga-Terax,Karaton died. He had no heir,so a strong dispute began to see who would become the next ruler. The dispute later became a war.""Later,Skadki as well as other species not native to Mata-nui appeared,and they started fighting each other and the Vortixx,and later,The Toa Mata appeared and destroyed them all,making the island uninhabited."However,some of these species escaped,and arrived at Mata-nui,also spreading out over the island"."It shall be safe for us to go to the island.""So wait,this is how all these un-native species arrived here?""Yes,it is"."Not only that,but some say that the island is haunted by the ghosts of those that died there"...-CDP

Edited by cooldynamyteproductions

Coming June 22nd: Your chance to become an ECC critic! Power of the pen in your hands!

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IC: Feldnok"Sometimes the truth hurts. Now eat up and don't spit it out, boss. I'm not catching any other fish for you." said Feldnok, handing over two of the sticks which held cooked fish. The animal tasted fine on its own and usually didn't require seasoning for it to taste good. Still, it tasted fishy and to those who didn't like fishiness, they wouldn't like this.

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Renod takes the sticks and looks over them thoroughly. They appeared to be cooked and rather hot; so the Vortixx guessed it may take a while before he could plunge them into his mouth."Tell me, would it be safe to eat now; or shall I wait for the temperature to settle down?"-Mef Man

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IC: Feldnok"For you, I think you should get it cool off a bit. I've always been kind of odd since my mouth's kinda resistant to hot food." answered Feldnok, taking a bite out of the fish, chewing and swallowing it. He picked his teeth for a few bones which he managed to bite off, pulling a few out and chucking them in the water."Don't forget that this has bones."

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OOC: Warning. Campness straight ahead.IC: [Darre]"Hello~!" said the Ce-Matoran exuberantly, popping up in front of the visitor. "Welcome to FABULOUS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW! And I must say, you look rather FABULOUS today. How has your FABULOUS morning been?"He paused for a moment, before clearing his throat."Ah yes, I forgot, what is your FABULOUS reason for coming to my FABULOUS agency?"

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OOC: That's funny, because I was about to say something about the bones in the fish. :P

IC(Daylah and Renod)

CRUNCH!!"Ow!" cries out the Vortixx upon biting down into the fish; the sound of the bones impacting with his teeth was quite loud. "Why didn't you catch any boneless fish?"Daylah simply stood there, mouth gaping at the sudden appearance of the Matoran. He seemed to enjoy the word fabulous for some reason."I was wondering if you had a, uh, fabulous job opening?" she asks, waiting for the big, fabulous no.-Mef Man

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IC: FeldnokFeldnok finished one of his fish, taking water from the lake by cupping his hands and drinking it. However, when Renod actually asked him about catching 'boneless fish', he spat the clear liquid out. Immediately the Skakdi was laughing heartily, cracking himself up. As if there was such a thing!"You really are unbelievable..." he remarked, not bothering to point out Renod's lack of knowledge. Who knows, maybe the Vortixx would continue to humour Feldnok with his overall self.

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The Vortixx smirks before picking out the bones with his teeth. He places the bite size pieces of fish into his mouth with a disgusted look on his face."I'm going back to the Matoran on the boat. Atleast they can cook an edible meal," he says before throwing the half eaten fish on the ground.-Mef Man

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IC: [Darre]"Thank you Daylah," said Darre cheerfully as he got out two stacks of papers. "Help me organise these into three piles. The FABULOUS-LOOKING ones with a FABULOUS stamp on them should be organised in a pile called Case Records. The brown ones should be organised in a pile called Witnesses. The FABULOUS blue ones should be organised into a pile called Evidence."

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IC: (Ardron/Hut)Ardron Zahes awoke with a headache to the sound of a water hitting the roof of his hut. Opening his eyes, he gazed with disregard at the mess of a room his modest little hut was. Getting up, he slid his boots onto his feet, uncapped his canteen, and took a swig of water.Putting it down onto the nightstand, he proceeded to get on his armor, put the weapons belt on and putting the cloak over himself.Intending to search for some work, he silently prayed to Mata Nui, pulled his hood up, and entered the village.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Feldnok"Suit yourself, rich boy. I'm currently on break so if you get mugged, not my problem." yelled Feldnok. Picking up the two other sticks, he began to tear at the fish, picking out the bones and repeating the same process over and over again."What's wrong with him? This stuff's good..."

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OOC: Time to bring in the new char!IC: HakilveThe unconsious Toa of Stone washed up onto the white sand beach of Ga-Wahi. It was probable best that he was unconsious, as he was, ironicly, deathly afraid of water. He lay there on the sands, out like a, well, rock.OOC: Hakilve open for saving. Please, before he's eaten by a Tarakava. I just made the guy, I'de hate to loose him so soon. ;)



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IC(Daylah and Renod)

At the thought of possible being mugged, the Vortixx turns around and stands beside his body guard."Fine. I'll stay here, but I won't eat.""Yes, very much," she repies. "I haven't seen him in four months and I'm always worrying about him, but I know Mata-Nui's watching over him."-Mef Man

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IC: Feldnok"Say what you want, eventually you'll get hungry." replied Feldnok, tapping a spot beside him for the Vortixx to take a seat. The Skakdi finished eating his fish and threw the bones into the bonfire and soon after, extinguished it with water."Have you ever gone hungry...?"

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IC(Daylah and Renod)

Daylah's face blushed beneath her mask."Yes, he's a very sweet Matoran. Too bad I don't get to see him," she adds silently before sorting through more papers.There was a distant look on the Vortixx's face as he remembered being hungry in his past. A mixture of coughing and vomitting. A lightning strike and thunder proceeding it."Yes. Yes I have." Renod quickly broke himself out of the trance before looking toward the water. "But, I don't want to talk about it."-Mef Man

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