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A Question On Mata Nui's Memory And The Matoran

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What? The year the Matoran spent in the Spheres is what caused the memory loss, Teridax didn't personally erase all of their memories. And the Matoran didn't work AS his mind, they worked ON it. Each Matoran had a job that somehow kept the Mata Nui Robot functional. Teridax's virus is what screwed up Mata Nui's memory.


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The Metru-Nui matoran lost their memory because of the time they spent asleep in the capsules. I'm not sure if Mata-Nui lost his memories, but he was put into a coma when Makuta kicked the matoran off of Metru-Nui.-don't touch my pocket protector

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Chaos Makuta: Dralcax, Mata Nui did remember something of his history when he arrived on Bara Magna in the Ignika so they had to be stored in his spirit, because that was the only thing he took with him when he was cast out (apart from the Ignika itself, but I think it's safe to say that the Great Spirit's memories aren't normally stored in there).

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I don't think the nature of the connection between Mata-Nui's well being and the Matoran has been explained in that much depth. Given that the stars in the sky over Metru-Nui are supposed to be his thoughts, and that when the Matoran civil war began Mata Nui became sick, I'd say the workings of his brain and the Matoran's actions aren't related, it's simply the running of the MN Robot that relies on the Matoran working, Mata Nui's spirit itself his fine. However I'm interested to know the connections between the Spirit of Mata Nui, and the robot body he controlled. Does he feel pain? When the Matoran had their war, did he consciously know, or did he have to observe the goings on in the universe to know, or was it the compromised operation of the robot itself?The differences and crossovers between Mata Nui and the Mata Nui robot is an interesting topic, that I would quite like to see a lot more discussion on.

- Taipu1.


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Chaos Makuta: Dralcax, Mata Nui did remember something of his history when he arrived on Bara Magna in the Ignika so they had to be stored in his spirit, because that was the only thing he took with him when he was cast out (apart from the Ignika itself, but I think it's safe to say that the Great Spirit's memories aren't normally stored in there).

No, his memories were stored there, but he took them with him when his spirit left his body, like someone would take their belongings when they move away.


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No, his memories were stored there, but he took them with him when his spirit left his body, like someone would take their belongings when they move away.

Would you take your belongings with you if you had been in a coma for a thousand years and the second you woke up you'd get forcibly kicked out of your house without any means to even physically return to it? There was no time for that, he would've been separated from his memories in comatose state already, since the Makuta put his mind into the Ignika before the Mata awakened him.Anyway, the Knowledge Crystals are for making Knowledge Towers, which are for scientific research, and the Archives are for storing Rahi. We have no evidence they were used to actually store Mata Nui's memories.Besides, why would he do that? He seems to be able to store memories in his spirit just fine, why risk losing them by storing them elsewhere?
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It may be that the machine (the robot) and the guiding spirit (Mata Nui) are two separate things. However, Mata Nui did not fully know that his mission was to reunite Spherus Magna until he sat in the GB's "power plant" and had a "system restore". See Journey's End. The purpose of the robot was stored in its "memory core" which didn't leave with Mata Nui. Where was that?

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