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mallcop_logo.pngAmazing Photoshop made header made by CalvirickThe Comics:2.06. Prank Battle 2010The Conventions: Part 1The Conventions: Part 2The Conventions: Part 3The Conventions: Part 4The Conventions: Part 5The Conventions: Part 67. My Birthday8. Do You D.C the Marvel I Did Here9. My Psychic Powers Tell Me You Read This Comic Title: Part 1/310. My Psychic Powers Tell Me You Read This Comic Title: Part 2/311. Flash is Mad.12. Vampires Suck Sucks13. Laws of Physics are for Bad Shows Only14. Arga's B-Day Part 115. Puzzle Games16. My Psychic Powers Tell Me You Read This Comic Title: Part 3/317. A Killer Halloween Part 118. A Killer Halloween Part 219. Why Was Six Afraid of Seven?20. A Football Joke Was Inevitable21. A Female Character (Yes I'm Serious)22. Wisdom To Not Listen To23. Is This How Facebook Works? I Wouldn't Know.24. Air Force 1/4Why Does This Thing Happen?25. Air Force 2/426. Air Force 3/427. Yo no hablo español28. Air Force 4/429. The Heist2010 Advent Calendar Comic

31. The Blue Screen of Death32. Tron33. Logic+People Who Don't Care34. Rubix Cubes35. Don't Steal36. Twilight For Dudes37. ToastBusters38. Earthquake9.3 m'I otN ysDxleci40. The Fellas at the Freakin NGC41. Kentucky Fried Puns42. BZPower's Longest Comic (3 KB, be carefull)43. iComic44. Sarcasm45. A Game Within A Game, Addiction46. IRL47. Broniez48.The Logic of TLR49. *Inappropriate Title Removed -B650. Zombie Attack Part 1/5 --------(.png version)51. Zombie Attack Part 2/552. Zombie Attack Part 3/553. The Inner Thought's of Dale's Mind54. THE ZOMBIES55. Zombie Attack Part 5/556. Nuclear Bombs and Pushing ThingsThanksgiving57. Pokemon Part 1/?58. Raj Saves the Economy59.The 59th Comic60. Dale Tries to Think61. Submachine Guns, The Solution to Peace62. A Response to My Fans (or lack of)2011 Advent Calendar Comic63. "No More Meme References?" I Lied!64. Challenge Failed65. Derpinator66. Gravity Hurts67. At Least It's Not Nebraska68. The New News is Telling the Truth69. You Cannot Hasbronies70. Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight71. Comic Removed

Month 1 (1/31/10-3/5/10)Fancomics




Thank you for your fan support, it really helps motivate me to make more comics

Credits:Dark709: ChimoruGerlicky: 6 shade, noob spritesXanis: XaniskitJustax Kal: Chimoru KalShadonix: NGC Chimoru Kal sheets

Edited by WVUFan!

lol i not know how to astronaut

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Is this an actual line? I' having a really hard time getting the pun. Maybe that's the joke. Since I don't get it, it's funny! XD

The actual line from the Spongebob episode is, "We should take Bikinibottom, and push it somewhere else!" It's a meme now. And probably WVU's favorite since he uses it CONSTANTLY. :P


Coming soon...


Credit to Dragonfly the Luminescent for the awesome OC pony in my avatar. Check her out here.

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Is this an actual line? I' having a really hard time getting the pun. Maybe that's the joke. Since I don't get it, it's funny! XD

The actual line from the Spongebob episode is, "We should take Bikinibottom, and push it somewhere else!" It's a meme now. And probably WVU's favorite since he uses it CONSTANTLY. :P
It's a meme now? WHERE HAVE I BEEN. Anyway I kinda don't get the comic. Oh and I enjoyed the Inception reference in that comic over thar from before. I liked that movie.

I would post saying only, "You're awesome," but I would get reported for spam, and rightfully so. Then I would have to delete my own post or maybe leave an edit telling myself to read the rules, which I wrote. You get the picture.


As you can see, I support the "put a windrider quote in your sig" movement. I do hope it catches on.


O kewl. I be Tohunga. But I suh tinee. owell.


-{ Bad Images }- -{ What Just Happened 2.0 }-

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Is this an actual line? I' having a really hard time getting the pun. Maybe that's the joke. Since I don't get it, it's funny! XD

The actual line from the Spongebob episode is, "We should take Bikinibottom, and push it somewhere else!" It's a meme now. And probably WVU's favorite since he uses it CONSTANTLY. :P
It's a meme now? WHERE HAVE I BEEN. Anyway I kinda don't get the comic. Oh and I enjoyed the Inception reference in that comic over thar from before. I liked that movie.
What do you mean you don't get the comic? I just explained it. (Unless you haven't seen TLR, but that would be unfortunate.)


Coming soon...


Credit to Dragonfly the Luminescent for the awesome OC pony in my avatar. Check her out here.

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Is this an actual line? I' having a really hard time getting the pun. Maybe that's the joke. Since I don't get it, it's funny! XD

The actual line from the Spongebob episode is, "We should take Bikinibottom, and push it somewhere else!" It's a meme now. And probably WVU's favorite since he uses it CONSTANTLY. :P
It's a meme now? WHERE HAVE I BEEN. Anyway I kinda don't get the comic. Oh and I enjoyed the Inception reference in that comic over thar from before. I liked that movie.
What do you mean you don't get the comic? I just explained it. (Unless you haven't seen TLR, but that would be unfortunate.)
He may not know what TLR is.. Like me.

Guess who's back?

(>^.^)> It's Magic. ~(._.~)

Not me.

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Is this an actual line? I' having a really hard time getting the pun. Maybe that's the joke. Since I don't get it, it's funny! XD

The actual line from the Spongebob episode is, "We should take Bikinibottom, and push it somewhere else!" It's a meme now. And probably WVU's favorite since he uses it CONSTANTLY. :P
It's a meme now? WHERE HAVE I BEEN. Anyway I kinda don't get the comic. Oh and I enjoyed the Inception reference in that comic over thar from before. I liked that movie.
What do you mean you don't get the comic? I just explained it. (Unless you haven't seen TLR, but that would be unfortunate.)
He may not know what TLR is.. Like me.

oh I get it now. The Legend Reborn right, I forgot, (XD I own it), Cause like they push the villages together ok. lol that's funny. ~Exon :hau:

I would post saying only, "You're awesome," but I would get reported for spam, and rightfully so. Then I would have to delete my own post or maybe leave an edit telling myself to read the rules, which I wrote. You get the picture.


As you can see, I support the "put a windrider quote in your sig" movement. I do hope it catches on.


O kewl. I be Tohunga. But I suh tinee. owell.


-{ Bad Images }- -{ What Just Happened 2.0 }-

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No offense, but I found that joke kind of lame. The meme to me is like, old. :\

Says the guy who has "nope" as his sig, avatar, and display name. :P
Let's uh, not argue. considering I have serious issues with bronies...
Sorry. I was just struck by the irony of the situation. :PAny progress reports sqeag? (lol autocorrect changes it to "sweat")


Coming soon...


Credit to Dragonfly the Luminescent for the awesome OC pony in my avatar. Check her out here.

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New comic. Yes, that is actually me. Lets Go Mountaineers!

I need that mask for skype. :P

New Comic Lets Go Mountaineers!

Ah Rainbowdash. It should have been Pinkie Pie though. :P
Didn't realize that way a meme, but funny regardless. Mata Nui could have completed his destiny in two panels. :P

And here's a new comic. Lets Go Mountaineers!

You should probably change the name, but that's hilarious. Reminds me of some of the more random filters, like mod being filtered to moderator.
rarity-with-wings.jpgrarity-heart.png <<Newest Chibi: Nuparu Inika
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