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Rpg: The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Destiny

Blessed Blade

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IC(K): Korkoa surfaced silently by Zaied, glancing at the guards. He looked back at his Zora companion, slowly extending his right wristblade. He motioned it at the guards, as if asking for confirmation on if he should throw it or not.IC(L): Lealna grinned wickedly, the running girl giving her all the distraction she needed. She raced back towards the widow she'd entered from, leaping through it headfirst and rolling to her feet, looking for her horse.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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-==IC: Orion//Seaside Fortress==-Orion nodded to Siris, and jumped out at the guard, quickly stabbing upward at the monster's head. The monster let out a slight yelp, but was neutralized quickly; with luck, the other guard would be down shortly afterward as well.

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IC: Pablo lunged for the escaping Gerudo, but he was too late. He swore as she leaped through the window, but he was already back in action. "Circle around!" he called to the other man, running for the back door. "Cut her off!" He haphazardly threw the shield in Algernon's direction as he went - it would only slow him down at this point; he might as well use it to distract his opponent.OOC: Now to wait for ToD...

Edited by Βalta


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IC(K): Korkoa whipped his arm forward, launching the wristblade out and watching it sail towards it's target. It swooped in a wide arc at the last moment, striking a few of the guards before whirling back towards the Termian Zora.IC(L): Lealna laughed as she ran around the front of the building, grabbing her horses reigns. Algernon could take care of himself, she knew, and besides the guitar was what was important here! She vaulted onto her horse and spurred it into a gallop, not noticing her fallen sister behind her...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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-==IC: Orion==-Orion nodded, as he slowly walked into the room, and began to head to the far side, preferably without being seen.-==IC: Lana==-"Where do you think you're going?" Lana asked with a skeptical look on her face, as she pushed herself up, muttering as she rubbed the back of her head.

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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IC(L): Lealna yelped at the unexpected voice, and pulled her horse to a stop. She looked behind her and saw Lana, just getting up from the ground. "Oh, it's you..." She said, moving her horse back to her companion. "I was wondering where you went to... Anyway, I got the guitar, I was getting out of here! Get your horse, let's go!"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: ZaiedZaied took another shot with his crossbow, successfully clearing the room of all enemies. "Well, we should probably go around to the other side to see if the others were able to make it in. We should take the door on the left, the door on the right leads to the next floor.IC: SirisSiris walked almond the wall, trying to stay somewhat hidden, which isn't exactly an easy task in an open room with guards. Of course, they were monsters, so they were a bit slow to notice, which he used to his advantageas he took one out with his sword.

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IC(K): Korkoa nodded, and vaulted out of the pool they had hidden in. He scanned the room as he passed through, wary of this fortress. He reached the door on the left and pulled at the handle, motioning for Zaied to follow.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC(K): Korkoa held a hand up, motioning for Zaied to stop. "I got this." He said, extending both his wristblades. He focused for a scant second, charging them with electricity before hurling them at both ends of the group of enemies. With any luck the electricity would arc between them, killing them all.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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-==IC: Orion==-Orion shot forward, and disarmed a second monster, a Moblin, as he slammed his shield into the monster's face to stun it, following that blow with a stab to the monster's heart, which caused the Moblin to stumble back in surprise, even as Orion removed the weapon, and looked for the next monster, preferably one that had already noticed him.

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OOC: Whew!IC: Jicarax"Who'd have guessed he'd give up THAT easily? Huh, he's even lamer than I thought he was." he said with a smirk.Jicarax retrieved his sword, and went over to the girl."Are you all right? I'm Jicarax, what's your name?"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: Congrats me. I just switched names with the girl who had been seen around Lake Hylia, though that's not the biggest problem... *Retcons Lake Hylia Girl's name to something else*/EDIT: Putting this here so you can see this, Korkoa, don't add these until you fix that filter; while it was a little humourous to see how long it'd take for you to notice, I don't want anyone thinking that Amy and Anita are half pony. xDProfile overload!Username: BladeCharacter Name: Dark LinkGender: MaleAge: Unknown?Race: Hylian ReplicaDefault Equipment: Darkness Shield, Sword of ShadowsBio: Dark Link was created when Link visited the Palace of the Four Swords during the Dark World incident. Upon refusing the Four Sword, Dark Link was created, at the time sharing only subtle differences from Link; this is why he's considered the closest in appearance to Link, out of all the Dark Clones. He knows full well that he will die if Link dies, since they share the same life force; however, he still wishes to kill Link, and forcefully steal the rest of the life force Link has, and distribute it to the other three clones. He also wishes to revive Ganon at the same time, feeling that he owes Ganon something.Faction: The Army of DarknessCharacter Description: Dark Link can easily be described as a shadowy version of Link; he has a black tunic and hat, greyish hair, and red eyes. He is ruthless, and has a twisted sense of humour as well. His height is similar to Link's, but is slightly shorter, only noticeable when directly comparing the two.Username: BladeCharacter Name: LillianGender: FemaleAge: Unknown?Race: Hylian ReplicaDefault Equipment: Longsword of Darkness, Shield of SadnessBio: Lillian is one of four clones of Link, created when he went to the Palace of the Four Sword. Of all of them, Lillian is the least similar, except in the look of her eyes, and some of her personality. It is unknown what her goal is, but from her actions during the attack on Lon Lon Ranch, it is theorized that she does not agree with the Army of Darkness' goals or methods.Faction: The Army of DarknessCharacter Description: Lillian looks the least similar to Link of all of the replicas; while there is an obvious link between the appearance of the two, she has her own appearance, and prefers to keep things that way. Unlike Dark Link or Leo, she does not wear a hat, and she doesn't keep her hair pulled back like Lana; she simply wears her hair down. She typically wears a blue tunic as normal, and rides a dark coloured horse with red eyes, named 'Liana'. Her hair is closer to pure blonde than any of the other replicas, but she doesn't really care. Lillian has bright blue eyes, similar to Link's, which causes some interesting questions, given that she doesn't look like Link otherwise.Username: BladeCharacter Name: LanaGender: FemaleAge: Unknown?Race: Hylian ReplicaDefault Equipment: Katana of MiseryBio: Lana is one of four clones of Link, created from the Four Sword's restoration. She is typically bored with most things that the Army of Darkness does, only a handful of activities actually giving her a reason to participate, most of those being fights. She is serious most of the time, and is more or less the complete opposite of Lillian. It is unknown what she is up to, but it appears that she fully supports the Army of Darkness.Faction: The Army of DarknessCharacter Description: Lana looks similar to Link, however has obvious differences, as her face is slightly different, and obviously she's a girl, unlike Link. She typically wears a red tunic, and wields a Katana instead of a longsword. Her hair is blond, still, however, it's closer to brown than the others. Lana also wears her hair pulled back; however, she doesn't wear a hat either, unlike the boys. Lana has reddish coloured eyes, but it looks like it has more brown than the pure crimson eyes that Dark Link has.Username: BladeCharacter Name: LeoGender: MaleAge: Unknown?Race: Hylian ReplicaDefault Equipment: Sword of Destruction(Lost), Sword of RevengeBio: Leo is one of four clones of Link, but is the most inexperienced of the four, due to not gaining all of Link's fighting experience. However, Leo has been working on that recently, and is attempting to get better at fighting, though he has made horrible rookie mistakes, especially recently.Faction: The Army of DarknessCharacter Description: Leo wears a purple tunic and a perpetual scowl, or smirk, depending on the situation. Even more prominent now, after his humiliating loss to a Garo. Leo wears a purple hat to partially cover his white hair, which sometimes gets in his purple-coloured eyes if he doesn't wear the hat.Username: BladeCharacter Name: AmyGender: FemaleAge: 17Race: Hylian/Human hybrid.Default Equipment: Amy has no fighting equipment.Bio: Amy is honestly just a normal teenager; however, recently, she has gotten herself into messes even she can't figure out, as people want to kidnap or kill her, and she has no clue why. The guitar she was given by her aunt, however, was recently taken, without a reason why.Faction: Neutral for now.Character Description: Amy has bluish hair that she insists is not dyed, and sapphire blue eyes. She looks similar to a younger version of Nayru the Oracle, however, there are slight differences, such as her face, and her clothing style, as she prefers to wear white/grey shirts, with brown pants.Username: BladeCharacter Name: AnitaGender: FemaleAge: 16Race: Hylian/Human hybridDefault Equipment: She wields a normal sword, but that is all.Bio: Anita traveled to the Snowpeak Mansion as part of training to wield magic. However, at one point, monsters began to attack her, and while Snowtan recommended heading to the safest room in the mansion, a mysterious force broke the key shortly after she went into the room, though it has since been fixed.Faction: Neutral.Character Description: Anita has purple hair, and brown eyes. She typically wears light blue clothes, and wears glasses for distance reasons.

Now that that's over with... Back to RPing!(First four profiles are all NPC, last two are Neutral PCs)-==IC: Girl==-"My name is Anita." The girl said with a nod, as she frowned slightly."Thank you for helping me out, Jicarax, but I wonder what that was all about...? The monsters just suddenly turned on me, and that... clone... just appeared shortly after you walked through the door." Anita said, but shook her head."Either way, thank you. I presume Snowtan told you about me, and asked you to help?" Anita asked, curious. Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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IC: Fin and Saira (Lon Lon Ranch) Fin was about to stop to see if Cyri was alright but he was assured when the dog rolled through and shook herself off. The brief interruption had been enough for Fin to catch up to the farmhand and he jump, bringing the broom in front of him and trapping him between his body and the handle. The momentum caused them to fall and he twisted to try and avoid squashing Malon underneath all of them while simultaneously trying to work the broom handle up under the farmhand's chin to choke him.IC: Algernon (Inn, Kakariko) The thrown shield was enough to distract Algernon, who raised his arm and swatted it aside as the man ran for the back door. The shield bounced off of his armor and clattered to the floor and when he looked up, the man was already too far away for him to consider it worth pursuing him. And if the man at the front door was moving to try and cut off Lealna, that meant that he was free to just walk out the front and leave. With a huff, he turned and walked out, seeing Lana and Lealna just getting ready to leave.

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IC: ZaiedZaied watched as Korkoa's attack took out all of the monsters in the room. "Impressive," he commented, as he wasn't expecting one attack to clear a room of enemies. "Well, I guess it's on to the next room. After the next room is the room with the entrance on the other side."IC: SirisSiris quickly cut through two moblins standing next to each other, and looked around, and noticed that he had covered a good bit of ground, and was over halfway to the door on the far wall.

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-==IC: Orion==-Orion ran forward, and stabbed a bokoblin quickly, though more rushed toward him, and attempted to topple him to the ground, causing Orion to have a stunned look on his face, as that tactic was not one that you'd expect to ever see.-==IC: Lana==-"Let's get out of here." Lana said, as she climbed onto her horse, and began to head back out of the village, given that they had the guitar already.-==IC: Ingo==-Ingo was stopped, taken down, and temporarily dropped Malon onto the ground. However, as he was being choked by the broom, he snapped his fingers, breaking the wooden handle in half, as an aura of shadow aimed to knock Fin off his back, even as Ingo attempted to stand up again.

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IC(K): Korkoa chuckled as his wristblades came back to him, and nodded. "The electricity really helps matters, I've found." He rushed through the room, quickly reaching the other door and opening it slowly...IC(L): Lealna nodded and spurred her horse on again, racing for the gates out of town...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: I /think/ the issue with my word filter is over, I'm pretty sure I caught most of the errors in the character list. If I missed some, please point them out. Again, I apologize profusely...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Considering that he hasn't made a post in this topic in nearly a month (even though he's been active elsewhere), I don't think anyone wants to keep this going for any longer than it needs to.IC: Algernon (leaving Kakariko Village) The two women were quickly joined by Algernon, who had located and mounted his horse and was now following them out of the village. Though a bit disappointed that the fight hadn't lasted longer, he had a feeling that there would be more in the future.IC: Fin and Saira (Lon Lon Ranch) Fin rolled on to his front, pushing himself up even while clutching the two halves of the broom handle. Realizing that they could be wielded in a similar manner to his swords, he managed to get up before the farmhand, who he now recognized as Ingo, and took a swing with the sharp broken end pointing outward.

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OOC: I personally don't see any problems, unfortunately, if we need to, we can say Lana trapped them with her magic.I don't recommend waiting, either, if only because my own plot with ToD is held up until he gets active here again. =P(I blame the downtimes. xD)-==IC: Ingo==-Ingo blocked with his hand, and frowned, as he noticed his contact had disappeared from the center of the field for the moment.

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IC: Fin and Saira (Lon Lon Ranch) The dark aura surrounding Ingo seemed to be giving him supernatural resistance to pain, as Fin's strike had been a stiff one and he had at least expected him to flinch. He wasn't quite sure what Ingo was looking at but as long as he was in the advantageous position, he could take the oppurtunity to get some answers. "What's gotten in to you?" he asked, holding his sticks at the ready, "Making off with your boss's daughter like this?"

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-==IC: Ingo//Lon Lon Ranch==-Ingo looked back at Fin, and if he looked closely at Ingo's eyes, he would notice that they seemed almost soulless; as if there was another reasoning for this."The chosen one... Is needed for greatness..." Ingo said, as he advanced toward Fin slowly, a ball of shadows appearing in his hand.OOC: I'm honestly not certain whether JiMing's plot will be finished first, or this one. xD Of course, ToD could always swoop in and finish his up before everyone else, but... =P

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OOC: That's fine.IC: Pablo sprinted around the side of the building as the Gerudo mounted her horse and took off. He pursued her, rounding the corner to see her riding off with her companions - and that guitar. He looked around, but the other man and the girl were nowhere to be seen. He swore under his breath. He'd just have to handle this himself. He hurried to the stable, where he found his horse already saddled. At least that part had worked as planned. He mounted quickly and set off down the street after the trio - he couldn't stop them, but he could at least see where they were going.


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Pre approved.

Username: -JC-Character Name: AranGender: MaleAge: He’s in his mid twenties.Race: Human, says first glance. However, his super human strength and control over frost, snow, and ice suggest he may be something else.Default Equipment: MahaBio: Aran is a charming, tender hearted, gentle giant. He is a curious creature, by far, for with such a passive temperament towards those friendly to him, he also manages to carry out tremendous force when necessary. Physically, he is rock hard. Mentally, however, soft. Oh, so very soft.Little is known about his past. For character development purposes later on? Definitely. Fact of the matter is that Aran is extremely edgy whenever his past is mentioned- hinting at something just a little terrifying. Maha, however, is a little more talkative.Faction: Isn’t officially a member of the Hylian Knights but aligns himself with them anyway.Character Description: Aran is six foot seven, a giant among men. He is tall and built well, which gives a lot of bulk to his frame. Adding more to this illusion of a giant is his brazen skin. It is human skin to touch, but of such an odd colour that it doesn’t apply to any known human ethnicities. It looks, maybe just a bit paler, like bronze metal. Capping off his head is short, snow white hair that is upturned in a series of spiky cones that run down the center of his head.His apparel hints more towards the fact that he is of another species. Despite the weather, no matter how sunny, or warm, he is constantly in a thick leather coat, boots, gloves. The only skin visible is typically his charming, handsome face. Lining each of his articles of clothing are metal, and stuffing the gap between these armour plates is fur of an unknown variety, potentially wolf. The shoulder and chest pads are gleaming silver, but the leather is a dull gray. The fur is white but freckled with brown, and very soft to the touch.Username: -JC-Character Name: MahaGender: MaleAge: Two thousandRace: Maha is a spirit. A ghost. Physically, however, he is a giant metal polearm.Default Equipment: A quick tongue.Bio: Maha is an unfortunate tale, really. A young boy, crushed to death in an avalanche. His family was the unlucky house to live the closest to the mountain in the village, and he just so happened to have the northernmost bed. Almost as a cruel joke, Maha was the only one hurt in the accident. Either the Gods recognized this cruel twist of fate or were feeling even crueler, they returned his spirit to the world, but only granted him a physical form in a giant, magical, mystical polearm frozen to an island in the south, one that was eventually recovered by Aran and shrunk to a manageable size. Since the two were united, Maha was given the ability to exit the polearm in a spectral form, looking like the young boy he did all those years ago.He is very appreciative of his companion and owner. The two have a healthy relationship, but Maha’s juvenility gives him a snotty attitude that would dissuade a lot of people from thinking that.Faction: Aran.Character Description: He is a red, silver, and gold axe head mounted on a four foot long pole, made of an icy steel. The blade of the axe is silver, and about four inches closer to the center, in gives in to a red and gold decoration. The blade is about twelve inches, making the entire weapon about four and a half feet. Naturally, it requires two hands to use.As a spirit, he appears completely yellow. He wears a sleeveless vest that does an apt job of covering his body, but nothing underneath, baggy pants, and a long, flowing scarf that floats regardless of wind. His head is covered by fiery mane of hair, and his features are childlike but still somehow… angry.

I'll just read over the last little bit, see where I can jump in.

Edited by ~JC~

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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-==IC: Lana==-Lana galloped through Kakariko, not caring if anyone saw her, as she looked back, noticing the one who had given the other two slight trouble was following."Look." Lana said to her two companions, motioning to Pablo.

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-==IC: Orion==-Orion was pushed to the ground by the Bokoblin, even as Siris ran over to help. The Bokoblin laughed, and jumped on top of Orion, but luckily, refrained from poking him with a pointy stick. For the moment, at least.

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IC: SirisSiris looked and noticed that the other Bokoblin were standing on Orion- and it isn't easy to get up with a few Bokoblin standing on you. Siris wasn't exactly sure what to do in this situation, so he just started randomly waving his sword at the Bokoblin, hoping something would happen.

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Hope this is okay. This is going under the impression that you guys are in a small room, and that Orion is in the center, ish, near a door.ICSomething did happen.An icy blue blur danced through the room fast enough to rattle the trio of unholy offspring causing so much distress, and became embedded in the far wall- a monstrous halberd bred of ingenious engineering, gold, red, and silver.The next thing to strike the room was the presence of something just as monstrous, only a majestic sort of monster. An armoured giant with a bronze tan and snow white hair. He had nearly two feet on each of the Bokoblins, and despite his slow movements, he followed up his initial attack with such fluidity he was able to land crushing blows with icy precision. As he darted into the room, behind the Bokoblins, the back of his elbow smashed into the back of one of the foul, greasy skin of one goblin, and a sweeping blow with his massive forearm managed to scatter the other two."Keep them disoriented!" His voice was strong as his blows, and his words stronger. His message to Siris was not a pleading one either. The man clearly had some expertise.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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IC: SirisSiris wasn't quite sure who this newcomer was, but he really didn't feel like arguing right now. He attacked one of the Bokoblin right in the head, sending it reeling. He then stabbed another one, finally completely freeing Orion from the Bokoblin. "Thanks for the help. Anyways, who are you?"

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IC: Algernon (leaving Kakariko Village) Algernon glanced over his shoulder, spotting the man from earlier giving chase on his own horse. He was half-tempted to stick behind to fight but his better judgement told him that doing so while still inside the village would not be the smartest thing to do. "We can take care of him once we're well in to the field," he replied, "Less of a chance someone will come to help him out there."IC: Fin and Saira (Lon Lon Ranch) By now, Fin had realized that something was definitely wrong with Ingo, as his eyes were not looking the way a normal man's eyes should. He was a bit wary about the ball of what looked like pure darkness forming in Ingo's hands and knew that he needed to stall until Saira or someone else arrived to help him. Or at least help get Malon out of the way. "What are you talking about?" he frowned, taking a step to the side slightly to put himself between Ingo and the unconscious girl while Cyri drew up to his side and growled, "Who's this Chosen One?"

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-==IC: Possessed Ingo==-"The Chosen One is that girl." Ingo said, even as he raised his hand, not releasing the ball of shadow energy yet, but getting into a position to.-==IC: Orion==-"Yes, thank you. Not every day you have to have help for Bokoblins, but hey, every monster has their day, apparently..." Orion muttered, finding that semi-humiliating.OOC: xD

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