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Rpg: The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Destiny

Blessed Blade

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

Thus the dance of experienced fighters began. Kraenir blocked the scabbard with his buckler and shoved, simultaneously catching her blade with one of his own. He then slashed with his other sword at her left shin, aiming not to slice it but to force her to jump to her right, where his other sword would be waiting to slice into her torso.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko Village==-Lana jumped right indeed, however, she blocked that with her scabbard, and then attempted to stab out with her sword quickly, the end result of that would give her her next move.

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IC: Siris"Well, I wasn't expecting you to be the musician!" Siris said with a laugh. "The only instrument I've tried is the Ocarina, an even that was a bit difficult for me." Siris then remembered something he bought, and pulled out a small underwater plant from his bag. "Hey, Korkoa, do you have any idea how I'd cook this? It looked like a very good ingredient, so I just couldn't pass it up."

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IC(K): Korkoa leaned down and looked at the plant closely. "Ooooh, that's freshwater seaweed! You can do a lot with this, use it as a wrap, a garnish, an herb, you could even eat it by itself! As for /cooking/... Well, you could throw it in a soup, that should bring out some interesting flavors. Chop it up, toss it in a pan with some other ingredients, you can even leave it out and dry it like jerky. You can do quite a lot with freshwater seaweed!"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

To be expected. Kraenir slid his blade around the scabbard to send the thrust upwards, just to the right of his neck. He ducked below it and swung with his other sword to cut in at the hip and travel upwards diagonally. His other sword was, in the meantime, pressing upwards on her blade.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: Algernon (Kakariko Village, outside the inn) Algernon had wanted to test his hand against the lone warrior at the front door but he figured that Lana could hold her own. The Army didn't promote its officers for any little feat, after all. Instead, he began walking around the inn to look for a back door. By the time he had found one, he could hear the scrapes of furninture being moved to try and barricade it. He grunted in annoyance and looked around, his eyes landing on a window that was too small for him to fit through but Lealna could probably climb through it with ease. Walking over to it, he raised his spear and smashed the glass with the weight on the bottom end, using his armored fist to clear out the rest. "Go in through here and get the guitar," he said to her, "What you do with the girl is up to you. I will join you once the door is taken care of." Not waiting for a response, he went back to the door and took a few steps back before throwing his weight against the door. It held, but he had heard the tell-tale sound of something giving and he allowed himself a smirk as he backed up to charge again.

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OOC: I'm going to play this as if Pablo had stayed in this particular inn overnight.IC: Pablo was making his way casually down the stairs to the inn's ground floor when a familiar sound reached his ears, the grating crash of metal striking metal. There was a fight nearby - very nearby - and by the sound of things, this was no casual spar. He didn't have most of his weapons with him - he tried not to make a habit of getting into fights before breakfast - but his sword would be enough. He drew the blade from its scabbard and hurried down the last few steps.

Edited by Βalta


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OOC: Hm, you certainly had something interesting planned in mind for Toa of Dancing. I suppose the girl I was sent to find is also important?IC: Jicarax"Blah blah overconfidence." he said. "Let's see how you are doing in a couple of minutes, you overconfident, stuck up fool."Jicarax leaped at the person, and unleashed a barrage of slashes and stabs, while following the person as he moved.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: JiMing: Yep.-==IC: ?==-The person easily countered each slash with his own, however, perfectly matching the slashes. However, that was the disturbing part... How could he have matched each one perfectly? That's when the shadows faded out, to reveal a perfect replica of Jicarax, though with a darker tone in general, possibly due to the shadows still present around him. The person then dashed forward, and attempted to slash the sword out of Jicarax's hand.-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-Lana whipped her hand to the left, and just barely blocked the blow as it was changing angle, as she kicked out toward Kraenir's chest, to knock him back, thus freeing up their weapons once more, as the Army of Darkness warrior rushed forward again.-==IC: Amy//Kakariko==-Amy whirled around as she heard someone running down the stairs."Who are you?!" Amy called out, though she turned her head to the right, as she heard the sound of wood fracturing under pressure, and figured the back door was being broken."If you're someone who isn't trying to kill me or capture me, show it; there's people after me!" Amy motioned toward the back door, not sure what would happen there.-==IC: Orion//Zora's Domain==-"If you want to take a small break, we can, otherwise, I'm willing to set out as soon as the other Zora are ready." Orion replied, as he sat down and waited for the others' responses.

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IC(K): Korkoa shrugged and looked at the others. "Well, the king was saying he wanted to hear about my world, so I suppose we can take a break while talking to him."IC(L): Lealna grinned and clambered through the window, drawing her wicked curved swords and looking around for the girl...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

Kraenir didn't give Lana a moment rest. He leaped upward bringing a sword down with his full weight behind it. The other was ready to thrust directly for wherever she dodge. If she blocked it, then he'd shove her to the ground if he had to. All he knew was that those other two had went around the back, and he needed to help Amy.

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-Lana did indeed block with her sword, however, she attempted to slam her sword's scabbard into Kraenir's nose in the process, allowing at least a little bit of an opening.

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

She didn't dodge, so that left the best option to be... He slammed his second sword into the scabbard, knocking it upwards and above his head, and likely also knocking her off-balance. Then, with her sword busy blocking his own, he slammed his forehead as hard as he could into hers. Time to see which warrior was more hardheaded.

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IC: Algernon (Kakariko Village, breaking in to the inn)With Lealna now inside and likely keeping any resistance in there busy, Algernon was able to focus on breaking down the door to join her. Each time his armored shoulder struck the door, he could feel it giving way slightly and he knew that it wouldn't be long now before he was through. Hefting his spear up in to a ready position, he let out a bellow and charged, the door splintering around him as he knocked aside haphazardly placed chairs, slowing to a stop amidst the startled patrons. He paid them little mind, instead looking for the girl that he had seen run inside with the guitar.

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IC: Pablo reached the base of the stairs as a window shattered, the crash reverberating through the room. He quickly analyzed the scene. Opponents? A young woman, a Gerudo, climbing through the window. Someone else seemed to be trying to get in the front door, but he was held off by another. Weapons? A pair of curved swords; simple enough. Objective? His eyes zeroed in on a girl clutching a guitar, backing toward the receptionist's desk. The girl turned as she heard his approach. "Who are you?! If you're someone who isn't trying to kill me or capture me, show it; there's people after me!""Got it!" Pablo replied, springing into action. He had only his sword, no other weapons, armor, or a shield. Fortunately, there was a shield hanging from the wall a few feet away, part of a coat of arms or sorts. He grabbed it and dashed toward the girl even as a crash from somewhere to his left signaled the approach of another opponent.OOC: Algernon is a horse, right? How does he use a spear?


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OOC: Algernon is human. Ignore any parts in his profile that say "Pony" or make any other references to equines (I'm pretty sure that's Korkoa's doing).IC: Algernon (Kakariko Village, inside the inn)As he walked through the lobby, Algernon noticed the girl he was looking for backing away towards the receptionists desk. There wasn't much in terms of opposition, just one man armed with a sword and a very cheap looking shield and no armor who was currently going after Lealna. Deciding that it would be a waste of time to deal with him, he set his sights on the girl with the guitar and started making his way towards her, shoving chairs and tables out of his way.

Edited by Promised Land
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OOC: In the profile on the first page, it says Algernon's race is "Pony," his bio states that "there was once a little colt..." and his description says that "Algernon is a giant of a stallion." Wut.IC: Pablo looked around warily, his eyes jumping from the slowly advancing Gerudo to the man making his rather destructive way across the room from the now-ruined back door and back again. Neither looked to be an easy opponent, and the prospect of having to deal with both at once was hardly appealing. "Can you fight?" he asked the girl.


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OOC: ... *facedesk* I'm stupid. I'm sorry about the pony stuff guys, the filter has been turned off now. I'll work on fixing that... >.>IC(L): Lealna grinned at the man with the armor, assuming a 'come at me' stance and waving her swords slowly through the air, listening to the soothing whooshing sound they made.

Edited by Toa Korkoa: Toa of plasma

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Was wondering when someone would point that out. =P Luckily, every profile is somewhere here. Hence why I wanted them posted as well. =) But hey, at least it brought some humour to things. =P-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-That worked, as Lana stumbled back, and raised the hand holding her Scabbard to her head, however, she didn't let that bother her for long, as she dashed forward once more, and stabbed out at Kraenir's shoulder.-==IC: Amy//Kakariko==-"No, I never learned how to fight." Amy said with a frown, as she watched what happened, keeping behind the newcomer for the moment.I wonder if this is a dream. None of this seems real. Maybe I'll wake up soon. Amy thought, though didn't figure that possibility was a correct one.

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

Kraenir, though he was a gentleman, knew that the rules of fighting called for whatever was necessary. Thus, he didn't give Lana time to recover from the blow to the head. Instead, ignoring the slight amount of blood trickling down his forehead, he followed the blow with a full two-sword swing, intently to slice the shoulders on either side, while her thrust would glance off his buckler.

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-Though Lana had grabbed her head with the scabbard-holding hand, that didn't mean she was defenseless, as she quickly moved her hand down to block the slash, and then after countering the slash with her own thrust, she jumped to the side, and sliced out toward Kraenir's shoulder quickly.

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

One woman blocking the entire weight of a two-handed slash coming from a massive man was quite the feat. Not that Kraenir didn't expect that kind of strength from this rather skilled feminine swordsman, but still. He ducked under the slash and aimed a slice of his own at her legs, while thrusting with his other sword.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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OOC: I drew a simple map of the layout of the inn as I imagine it, just to avoid confusion. Based on the layout of the Stock Pot Inn from MM. What do you guys think?IC: "Well, you're about to learn," Pablo muttered, slipping a knife into the girl's hand. "And fast." The Gerudo had stopped halfway across the room, assuming a challenging stance. He ignored her - engaging her would only leave an opening for her companion to get to the girl. The important thing was that she stayed safe, and if she couldn't fight...He turned to the receptionist, who still stood at the desk, in shock. "You!" he called commandingly. "Get to the stable and saddle up my horse! Hurry!" The receptionist scurried off, startled into action. Pablo turned back to his two opponents. "Stay close," he muttered to the girl.


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IC: Algernon (Kakariko Village, inn) With the girl now behind the armed man, Algernon considered his options. The shield the man was holding looked like it was meant to serve as a decoration, so it probably wasn't all that sturdy. In fact, he could probably just skewer both of them at once and just take the guitar, but he wasn't sure about how sturdy it was and didn't want to break it by mistake. With that in mind, he reached down and picked up a stool before hurling it at the two, more with the intent to seperate them or create an opening for Lealna to exploit.

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IC(L): Lealna grinned as Algernon threw the barstool, and dashed around in an arc, trying to come at the swordsman from the side. She swung her right sword downwards, aiming to slice up his arm...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-Lana jumped back to avoid the slash, and deflected Kraenir's sword to the side with her sword, before she attempted to circle around Kraenir, and attack from behind.

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

Kraenir spun with Lanas movement and, instead of letting her go on the offensive, he charged at her. Teeth gritted, he launched into a lightning-fast combination consisting of a diagonal slash, vertical slash, horizontal cut, double diagonal slash, upward thrust, and a knee into the gut. He would then hopefully be able to bring a pommel down upon her head, knocking her out. He just hoped that Amy hadn't been captured.

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-Lana, however, surprisingly countered the blows, ending with a side-step to avoid the knee, and her catching the hilt of Kraenir's sword with her blade."Out of the way." Lana stated with a frown.

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

"No," responded Kraenir as he used his strength to force her sword to the ground. Then, stepping on the blade, he used his other sword to knock the sheath aside. With a sad grin, he brought his sword to behead her.OOC: Whichever way this goes, we need to end this. XD

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko==-Lana shrugged, and dropped down suddenly, sending the blade only through air, as she shoved against Kraenir quickly, and then jumped up, as she kicked off of him, and backflipped away, shadow energy generating in her hand once more.OOC: So soon? The fight only started a little while ago. =P Unless you wanna give backup to Pablo.

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

Kraenir tried and failed to slash Lana as she back-flipped off his chest. Having stumbled only a step, he leaped after her with a dual diagonal slice. Might as well not give her the time to use her sorcery against him.OOC: That's exactly what I was thinking. =P

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Kraenir/Kakariko Village, Protecting AmyIC:

Kraenir let his downward momentum carry him below the blast. Then, turning the duck into a roll, he intended to bowl her over. It was rather risky, but hopefully it would work.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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-==IC: Lana//Kakariko Village==-That worked. Lana was still recovering from the attacks, and couldn't move out of the way fast enough to avoid being knocked onto her back, which knocked the wind out of her, and might even give Kraenir enough time to at least get back inside.

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OOC: I assume it would be okay if I said that Pablo has a light mail shirt under his clothing, even though I previously said he had no armor? Y'know, just enough to prevent major damage to the ol' vital organs.IC: Pablo swung his left arm outward, catching the flying stool on his shield. The impact sent shocks of numbness up the arm momentarily, but the shield held up surprisingly well. He had little time to take notice of this, however; the Gerudo was already bringing her sword down in a slashing arc on his other side. With incredible speed, he brought his own weapon around in in a backhand horizontal slash, catching his adversary's blade and knocking the blow aside.


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IC: Algernon (Kakariko Village, inn) With the man's attention now on Lealna, Algernon took the opputunity to get in a strike if his own. Gripping the shaft of his spear with both hands, he lashed out with a powerful thrust aimed at the man's exposed chest, putting considerable force behind the thrust in anticipation of an attempt to block.

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OOC: Sure, sounds good to me.-==IC: Amy//Kakariko==-Amy frowned, as she noticed how everyone was fighting just to protect her, someone they hadn't met before.Why...? Why am I targeted so much...?

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IC(L): Leana;s sword /was/ knocked back, yes, but fortunately she had another. And her opponent had left himself wide open! She swung with her other hand, striking for his chest...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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