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R P G: Stríð Karla

Alex Humva

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IC (Forum)"Some of us have to pander to our emotions. I cannot help but concern myself with the brave men and women exploring that vessel. The fact they are risking their lives is very concerning to me. So I make small talk, try to distract myself." The High Councilor responded. "We do not even know what this species is like. We should wait until our teams uncover some evidence at the very least. For all we know it could be some old drone ship from a race that died countless eons ago."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"Well, most important thing will be whether or not we learn Faster Than Light tech from this ship." The Astarian said, before switching conversations entirely."Tea is basically what you get when you boil the flavor out of leaves."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC:"It's necessary for interstellar war. Unless these are Martians, Venerians, Titanians, or something similar, they'll need it, and so will we."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC (Forum)"True. I suppose we should get back on track. I apologize. Contact with an intelligent species....should be handled carefully. Cross-contamination is something to be quite wary of...and if they are not friendly, well, I purpose, once again, an agency be created to investigate the possibility that this is not the first time aliens have visited this planet. We have the Howlers, which I maintain could have an alien origin. Perhaps, long ago, another craft crashed here and they escaped."

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"I doubt I have the math to understand it. What I'm worried about is that maybe no one has the math to understand it..""The Wolfir, Howlers to you, can't possibly be aliens. Their genetics are Terran. Cross contamination isn't an issue, their viruses and bacteria-analogues will have absolutely nothing to do with ours, and our genetic interpretation codes will be different. They won't be able to have any interaction with us on the biological scale."

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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ICThe High Councilor shrugged. "Whatever. Perhaps aliens tinkered with their genetics. It's too early to say, but I think the matter should be investigated at the very least. Look into the fossil record, see what it brings up....you do have a fossil record correct? Or have you simply shot them on sight and not done any real scientific investigation into the matter? And yes, it is still an issue. There have been recorded instances of sicknesses or parasites crossing the species barrier. If their biology is in anyway similar to ours...better safe then sorry."

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OCC:INDUSTRY REPORT:Provinces:E5:Dras-lenya- Super providince-100 IP- started June 9th, no longer upgradingE4:Du-fatherdun-Capital city-80 IP-started June 9th, upgrades to super on July 8thE6:Saravanhall-capital city-80 IP-started June 9th, upgrades to super on July 8thF4: Avarica-capital city-80 IP-started June 9th, upgrades to super on July 8thF5:Defity-capital city-80 IP-started June 9th, upgrades to super on July 8thF6: Arvanhall-capital city-80 IP-Started June 9th, upgrades to super on July 8thTotal IP: 500Construction projects:1 "Snowfall" batch-20 IP-12 days1 "darkfall" batch-10 IP-12 days1"bloodlust" batch-5 IP-4 daysRemaining IP:465Research Powered Armor-75 IP (done Aug. 5th)Remaining IP: 390

Edited by thelonewander

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC:"We did our best to contact them. It was the Fillions who shot on sight." The ambassador sighed. "Anyway, assuming the aliens actually use double-helix DNA with the same four bases as ours, which is a huge if..." She flipped over her paper and roughly sketched a DNA molecule "Adenine, Guanine Cetamine, and Thaumine. The four nucleic acids, in a DNA molecule, are taken in groups of three called codons. Because it's three-quadrary bits, its a 64-bit encoding system, around as complex as a video game console. Each codon codes for a particular protein, and since we only use 27 proteins there's a lot of overlap, that's anti-mutation insurance. Anyway, thing is, the system our bodies, and every known terrestrial creature, uses is completely arbitrary, no better than any other. And thus alien viruses which cause their cells to make new viruses would just make us produce random, useless proteins; no reproduction, no spreading viruses, the immune system would slaughter them. And that's making the insanely stupid assumption that they also use DNA with the same four bases. No chance." She paused for a moment."Did I just give a Genetics lesson to the Forum of Nations?..."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: I love that game. I loves it.IC"Agreed. If these creatures have been here before, we need to know about it. Knowledge is, as always, power." The High Councilor was quite pleased his idea was finally getting some attention.The High Councilor eyed the self-appointed genetic's professor. "Yes. And managed to insult the representative of a foreign nation. Again. However unlikely it is, the possibility cannot and should not be ignored. Precautions must be taken if only for the sake of the fact that if you are wrong...which is not a leap of logic..then the cost to our entire species could be quite dire."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"Wait, how'd-ohhhh." She realized what she said. "Sorry about that. But I assure you it's all but impossible."

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC (forum)"Famous last words. 'Sir, the enemy cannot flank us, it's impossible.' or 'Sir, aliens do not exist, it is impossible.' or my personal favorite, 'Sir, the people are weak and our guards are strong. Revolt is impossible.' I find that reality often disagree's with us poor humans when it comes to the possible. Nothing can be ruled out." The High Councilor countered.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"Oh this grand international venture of peace, prosperity, and cooperation is going to be so fun and easy..." Marindek said, putting her forehead in one hand and drinking with the other. "What eldritch horror is this that I have loosed upon the world?"

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: An Aquileon man in a suit and sunglasses entered the room and set his briefcase down at the Aquileon desk."I am from the SCP Foundation." He said. "We are--were a secret foundation whose job currently is to secure dangerous and abnormal artifacts, contain them to ensure they do not deal any further damage, and protect them from those who would abuse them. Furthermore, we research these artifacts in an attempt to understand their workings and replicate them. The Foundation has men working on the alien vessels as we speak. If the assembled nations so desire, we can organize the paranormal investigation element of the UNSC.":w:

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OOC: X-com, SCP....just bring in the MiB while your at it. :PIC (Forum)"It must be an international effort....and I must say, I am forced to wonder what else you are hiding from the world. The amount of funding needed to found an agency such as this....and maintain it, well, that kind of money isn't thrown around for no reason. What are you hiding from us? Did you find other indications of alien life and keep them hidden from us? Or worse, find indications of something else completely and keep them hidden from us? Tell me. I would like to know." The High Councilor was not taking this surprise well. At all.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:" 'Vessels?' So either you've penetrated High enough into the Varangian RAS to have access to the pod, or there's more than one, or I'm still not perfect on the Aquilonian language."The Ambassador turned to the Bylan. "There's nothing Aquilonia loves so much as secrets."

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: "I cannot confirm or deny any allegations, Ambassador." The SCP man said. "However, I am at liberty to inform you that the Foundation is a private agency that is not funded by the Aquileonese government, although we work closely with them. As for why we kept quiet...We lacked...hard evidence until now, merely scraps.":w:

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IC (Forum)"You have albeit admitted to infiltrating the forces of other nations now you expect us to trust you? I think not. You are quite lucky I think, that we are not ordering your arrest right now. I will certainly be sending a letter of notification to our all the parties at risk of....infiltration...by you and your little group. The nations of the world do not need a shadowy and untrustworthy organization to lead us in this endeavor. We are quite capable of doing it on our own. I suggest you remove yourself from this room. Now." The High Councilor was shocked at the implications of this man appearing. Spies within spies and lies within lies.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"Alright, look. We are facing the very very real possibility of an alien invasion come to slaughter humanity in heat-ray bearing tripods. We need every scrap you have."To the Bylan, she said "No no no no, don't send him away, detain him and torture the info out of him." She said this with a grin that could have been either mischievous or evil, and it was hard to tell which."

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: This was greeted by a skeptical eyebrow. "I am trained in resisting extensive torture methods." He said. "Besides, like I said, I have not admitted to anything. In fact, my mere presence and admitting that the Foundation exists is more than I personally am willing to do. However, the decision to offer you our assistance was made above my pay grade, so you may consider the mere fact that you know about us a sign of good faith.":w:

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IC (Forum)"Not good enough I'm afraid. You speak as if your group has extensive funding and technology and though you admitted nothing, it does not take a genius to determine the kind of infiltration needed to gain access to the crash sites. You have done nothing to earn my trust or the trust of anyone here. You will find I think, that for all of your trickery and funding, you are no match for a well-funded and determined government organization. Especially if it has a grudge against you....and spies to tend to create those don't they? By your own admission, you would have preferred to remain in the shadows, hiding possibly vital technology from the rest of us. Those who are not...worthy. The whole thing smacks of arrogance and elitism." The High Councilor paused. "Remind me, who let him in?"

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC (Forum)"They have scraps. I doubt that qualifies as combat experience. The fact you helped them keep all of this secret until now speaks ill of you. The very idea you kept the other nations in the dark about this possible threat is disturbing to say the least. Speaking for my people, we will have nothing to do with them and will take extreme measures to ensure the ranks of any international agency founded is never infiltrated by this group. We do not look kindly upon duplicity of this level." The High Councilor was furious, but doing a good job of containing himself. The very idea that the SCP had known or had reason to suspect a threat from the stars and had neglected to mention this to the other governments of the world was anathema to him. "I also note, you only extended this offer when two crash sites fell under the control of the nations here assembled. Maybe your greed for technology is what drove you here today, not any altruistic goals."EDIT: OOC: Heading to bed soon. If possible, don't vote on anything SCP related until I return. If this is not possible, I will understand.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC:"I recommend that everyone treat the UNSC with a Full Disclosure policy. No half measures or holding back information. Anything related to space travel, space warfare, or aliens goes to them. All governments, if they believe an individual group has related knowledge, should get everything from them and to the UNSC ""On a related note, the UNSC has full access to anyone or anything you need from the Astarian Space Agency. They're already mostly on Calderon anyway. Move in when you like."At the High Councilor, the Astarian ambassador did something you'd never really expect. She put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. The Aquilonians are always like this. Best you can do is be open with them and hope they do the same."

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: Thanks to exemplary performance of current models, the budget for powered armor research has been raised to 100 IP.Provinces:Graeca and Northern Coast(G23): 100 IP, Super Province, largest city Konstantiniyye, Atena. (Started 2.9)Northwest Islands(G22): 100 IP, Super Province, largest city Milano. (Started 2.9)Italoa and Central Anitalia(H22): 100 IP, Super Province, largest city Roma (Started 2.9)Upper Turkiye(H23): 100 IP, Super Province, largest city Ankara (Started 2.9)Lower Turkiye(I22): 100 IP, Super Province, largest city Bursa (Started 2.9)Trakya(G17): large State, 60 IP, largest city Izmir. (Started 2.23, upgrades 6.14)Azerbaij(F16): large state, 60 IP, largest city Baku. (Started 4.9, upgrades 6.25)Pelipon(E15): small state, 20 IP, largest city Spaerti. (Started 4.16, upgrades 6.18)Tuscani(F13): medium territory, 10 IP, largest city Firenze. (Started 5.6, upgrades 6.10)Turkmin(H17): small territory, 5 IP, largest city Ashkaban. (Started 5.20, upgrades 6.10)655 IP totalMilitary Bases:Islands- G20(Crete), L23(Rhodos), O16(Karpathos), Q18(Kasos), F17(Syprus)Claimed- H16, G16, F15, F14, G15, G14, G13, E13, D13, D14, E14R&D50 IP into genetic engineering (25 in 2.11, raised to 50 5.21) (Updates 6.20, 7.30)100 IP into powered armor (25 in 2.12, raised to 50 5.21) (Updates 6.20, 7.9)50 IP into cloaking technology (25 in 3.22, raised to 50 5.21) (Updates 6.20, 7.30)10 IP into solid light technology (3.22)50 IP into coastal defenses and missile defense network (5.20) (7.7)50 IP into plasma weaponry (6.9) (7.7)15 IP into batteries (6.9) (7.7)20 IP into solar and wind power (6.9) (6.30)Vehicles:4 groups(3) M4 Aslans. (total 4 IP)3 groups(3) M3 Ejderha, (total 6 IP)4 groups(4) M1 Aygir, (total 4 IP)2 groups(3) A5 Taşıyıcı(total 2 IP)1 groups(3) A3 Serçe (total 1 IP)1 Group(2) A1 Kartal (total 5 IP)3 Group(2) A2 Şahin (total 12 IP)2 S1 Kılıçbalığı (Total 6 IP)1 S6 Köpekbalığı (Total 30 IP)1 S7 Kalamar (Total 16 IP)1 Space Shuttle, total 10 IPSatellite network, 50 IP75 IP towards NEA Space programTotal: 655 IP – 566 = 89 IPInfantry:G23, 100 battalionsG22, 100 battalionsH22, 100 battalionsH23, 100 battalionsI22, 100 battalions.G17, 10 battalionsF16, 5 battalionsE15, 5 battalionsF13, 1 battalionsH17, 0 battalionsTotal: 521 battalions.Janissaries:5000.

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOCWe form the USCN, the SPC, X-COM, and have an argument over mead in the bloody ****ing Forum. IN ONE NIGHT.I love this game <3Alright, time to try to reply to everything.Also, since I was derping geometry when I wrote the description of the pod, it's an octagonal cylinder with three meter long sides, but is ten meters long, not two. No one would fit into that. Still could of been hauled away in a truck though.IC [Forum]The Stan representative had remained silent, as the PIA's representative. When the Anitalians declared themselves to have the most advanced rocketry technology, the PIA man about choked from laughter, but managed to keep it quiet enough not to disrupt the meeting. Better to let the Anitalians think they were the masters of the heavens while Standast made history with a global set of communication's satellites. Not to mention, some theoretical designs for when Lunar Base #1 started... Standast would seek to plant it's flag on other planets soon enough, and then the world could see who really was more advanced.When the discussion of the UNSC came up, the representative raised her hand and nothing else. When the discussion of alcohol arose, the ambassador gently kicked her bag out of view to a small sound of glass. She sat through the discussion of alien warfare, the PIA representative shifted uncomfortable when the Foundation appeared. The Stan ambassador was finally moved to words, however, when the Astarian spoke."Standast will not freely disclose its rocketry technology." It was simple and to the point.[Royal Academy]The voyage home had been uneventful; the transportation to the Academy had been uneventful. Everything was rather dull, really.Then it stopped being dull.There were some scientists gathered around when the pod began to flicker, continuing a spastic existence for a few minutes before whatever was keeping it invisible failed. It revealed a pitted and blackened surface, but underneath it had a sleek silvery appearance, similar to that of the ship in the north. It also revealed some dim yellow lights scattered around it, maybe once used for illumination around it but now obviously had some power issues.Then the door opened.It was completely smooth, so the scientists would of never figured out where the door was without some serious probing. The door opened in the back, a shimmering in the air showing there was something there. Then a figure walked through, hunched over, then pulled itself out, passing through the field with relatively little effort. It... it failed description really. Something deep within human instincts took one look at it and said to run as fast and as far as you could. It fitted the basic criteria of being humanoid; two feet, two hands, two legs, two arms. At which point the similarity to humans ended. Its skin was a pale grey color, highlighted by a tinge of green from under the skin. Its face was concealed by a thick metal mask, from the looks of it, a breathing mask, with some sort of tank on its back. Its limbs were long and thin, but you got the impression that they still carried impressive strength. It's fingers and toes followed the long and spiny pattern, though in a moment of biological insanity it possessed seven on each hand, each moving independently of each other as it came out.The head and torso seemed to be more regularly proportioned, though it was harder to tell as it wore some sort of clothing that was not entirely unlike human t-shirt and shorts. Well, in shape at least. It was quite obviously not made of any human material, and quite obviously it was shaped for an entirely different form.The creature looked around from behind its breathing mask, looking at the scientists assembled. It was still hunched over, in a sort of defensive position. It looked around the sides of the ship, then with an unintelligible sound that was most likely a curse, walked back into the pod, and closed the door behind it.[Crash Site #2]"Base, this is Colonel Grey. We've made it to the cargo room."The Stans were taking it it slow. Despite the objections of her superiors the colonel was leading the team; she didn't feel like abandoning her troops to this menace. Following behind her were seven Stans, while the Anitalians and Bylans took other routes. Say what you will about international cooperation, but soldiers work best around people they've come to respect and follow without hesitation. The trip back had been a nerve filled one, but the Stans had infrared goggles under their armored chem warfare suits, easily switched on and off with something the techies had stuck on the gun. A wireless switch; a simple but brilliant idea. How these creatures hunted was unknown, but considering it hadn't slaughtered all the Anitalians, it was a fair bet that it wasn't by infrared. She signaled her men; they were carrying fragmentation shotguns against their usual F1 rifles. Combined with the additional armor they were carrying a lot of weight, but this wasn't going be a prolonged encounter. They'd survive; Standast had a reputation to hold up, after all. They lined up against the walls, while an enlisted woman went to the lever. She gave a countdown, then pulled it, retreating immediately as they filed in to the hanging platform. Switching to infrared, they looked down... and what they found was less than pretty. There was pretty of unmoving but still warm bodies, shaped in grotesque ways that made it clear just how alien they were, while plenty others were prowling about. For the first time one of the Stans noticed a set of stairs to the distance, and looked at a dead control panel. Then he shrugged and held out a hand, getting some rope from another soldier. He made a simple knot and tossed it, making contact and giving it a slight pull. No sound was made, so he slowly pulled it over to where they were. Apparently even aliens knew to keep things well oiled.With stairs handy, the assembled group stared down at the withering mass of alien creatures. She nodded to one of the enlisted, who raised a grenade launcher. It was time to test a theory."Firing!" He yelled, all those involved picking it up on their radios.They turned away as the launcher popped a flashbang into the air, exploding in a great noise and light. Their suits kept the worst of the sound out, relying mostly on mics to rely the sound to them, which were shut off, and they shielded themselves from the light. After the sound dissipated and their mics could be turned back on, it was a mess. The creatures were hissing, screeching, amongst many other horrible sounds... but they were in chaos. It was less a kicked wasp nest and more a mad rush. Only a few didn't seem to be effected, so their theory had worked out.The colonel took her rifle, braced it on the railings, and began to nonchalantly pick the creatures off one by one. The rest of the Stans began to do the same; it seemed to be working. The flashbang had deafened the creatures, and so individual gunshots didn't scatter them like it would of before. The flash had blinded them, so they wouldn't be able to see properly. The ones unaffected, though, took priority of course.[standast]It was decided by Standast that the Kiserrans, allies that they were, should be brought into the meeting, as their space agency was quite advanced and their electronics would be invaluable in assisting the effort. So a memo went out to Kiserre stating that there was a Forum meeting about the existence of extra terrestrial life and that they should be present.

Edited by Programmer Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (Forum)“And we will not work with this foundation on any project. International or otherwise, even if death is on the line we will not do so. We will not fight with someone we cannot trust. It is bad morals and bad tactics in the same package.” The High Councilor paused for a moment. “And we fully support the Stan’s choice in this matter. It’s not hard to see why they would want that technology out of the reach of….certain parties.” The High Councilor’s hostility towards the Foundation had only grown. They were arrogant, a private group outside the government’s authority and had not warned his collective of the dangers it could be facing….honestly, if he had thought he could get away with it he would have ordered the destruction of the Foundation with relish and joy.IC (Crash Site)The Bylan forces came into the chamber behind the Stans and took up positions next to them. With scarcely a word they started to pour fire into the chamber and the swarming horrors below. Kalvi tried not to look too hard at them, though the slight rush of vengeance she felt as one of those creatures flailed and fell to the ground as bullets ripped through it was quite satisfying. Her men, armed mostly with assault rifles were tearing into the swarming creatures below. Even when they failed to kill, they at least wounded. If only by virtue of the enemy’s numbers and the sheer number of bullets in the air, Kalvi had trouble believing how well this was going.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC(Forum): The Varangian ambassador bore an amused expression as she listened to the argument."Well, that does explain the amusing foray into industrial espionage. Still, as the meddling with governmental affairs has, thus far, been beneficial, we will not make a larger issue of it."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOCAlright, guys, please try to get your industrial reports out today, I really need to update the map and would like not to dig through twenty plus pages.INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:~Super Province (B-20)~Super Province (B-21)~Super Province (C-19)~Super Province (C-20)~Large Territory (J-14) (Upgrade June 24th)~Large Territory (J-13) (Upgrade June 24th)~Medium Territory (J-12) (Upgrade June 17th)UNITS:4 teams of Spec-Ops/12 IP7 batch of Verndari/7 IP2 batches of Varnarmaðurinn/6 IP1 batch of Dauði/4 IP3 batches of Hunters/6 IP18 batches of Langt/18 IP4 batches of Guardians/4 IP16 batches of Ringulreið/16 IP5 batches of Black Death/10 IPBATTALIONS:First Stan Battlegroup; W19, 150 BFirst Homeland Defense; B20, 50 BSecond Homeland Defense; B21, 50 BThird Homeland Defense; C19, 50 BFourth Homeland Defense; C20, 50 BFirst Colonial Taskforce; J14, 25 BSecond Colonial Taskforce; J13, 25 BThird Colonial Taskforce; J12, 3 BBASES:~D-18NATIONAL PROJECTS:LUNAR MISSION "Luminous" 75 IP, ETA AUTO PER WEEK, STARTED April 26ndProject "Safeguard" 5 IP ETA N/AProject "Flammable Air", 70 IP ETA N/AProject "Stan Global Communications Network", 120 IP ETA June 4thProject "Yellow Fellow", 20 IP ETA N/AProject "Kiserran Cuisine", 25 IP ETA June 24thCOMPLETED PROJECTSProject "Crystal" 5 IP ETA April 22ndProject "Shield", 100 IP ETA May 9th (5 IP upkeep)Project "Communications", 10 IP ETA April 28th (1 IP upkeep)Project "Beachhead", 25 IP ETA May 3rdProject "Civil Protection", 10 IP ETA May 12thProject "Nature's Gift", 25 IP ETA May 23rdProject "Mark II", 25 IP ETA May 23rdProject "Reaper" 50 IP ETA June 3rd (second stage finished)Project "Solar Domination", 50 IP ETA June 6thProject "Silence", 50 IP ETA June 6thBUILDING:SEVEN batches of Kossfari, ETA June 12thIP MANAGEMENT435 IP in production310 IP in national projects7 IP in building83 IP in upkeep10 IP availableIC [standast]The Kiserre received an order for some two million of these F2 rifles, and half a million of the F2/C variant. They also found two batches of Langt artillery pieces at their shores, a bit of show of thanks from Standast.[Crash Site #2]Within minutes the area was cleared, though the entire length of the cargo hull was out of the F1's effective range. It'd require sweeping on the ground level, which none particularly felt like doing."Alright folks, let's move and secure a perimeter down there." The colonel was already making her way down. "The Anitalians will help us move these crates. If you find out that is damaged, don't touch it, just leave it be, maybe keep your rifle handy. We'll set up and clear this place out systematically. Some heavy lifters will be called in to haul these crates out. We're going clear this place out even if it takes us all year."Outside, vehicles had been readied for the moving effort. The Stans had wasted no time in clearing an area for the helicopters, and now they were laying down concrete for a run way for heavier planes. The crates would be loaded up into better crates, and whenever the Forum made a decision on the matter, be shipped away to wherever the involved parties so pleased.[Forum]"I believe the next order of business is deciding exactly where the alien technology will be studied." The ambassador spoke up. "Or the alien organics for that matter. We'll need proper containment facilities for such studies."

Edited by Programmer Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Le Pays du Soleil/Kiserre Territory, Military, and Production Report138年Terr. - IP - #batt. - TSM - 0 IP - 0 - 1 weekST - 5 IP - 0 - 2 weeksMT - 10 IP - 1 - 2 weeksLT - 15 IP - 2 - 2 weeksSS - 20 IP - 4 - 3 weeksMS - 40 IP - 5 - 3 weeksLS - 60 IP - 10 - 3 weeksCS - 80 IP - 50 - 4 weeksSP - 100 IP - 100Provinces (Kiserre - キセッル):M-22 (Ettare): SP - 100M-23 (Kiserre): SP © - 100M-24 (Shimaki): SP - 100N-22 (Arugerre): CS - 60 - Jun15N-23 (Beruji): CS - 60 - Jun15N-24 (Akitane): SP - 100Provinces (Yuroupa - ユローパ):L-14 (Arusatsu): MT - 2 - Jun16N-14 (Murelle): LS - 40 - Jun28N-13 (Kinochiiki): LT - 10 - Jun14Bases:L-21 (Harushima)Construction: "unitname" (IP-#)L-14:M-22:M-23:M-24:N-13:N-14:N-22:N-23:N-24:Units:Le Légion de Kiserre (512 batt.)—one Legion is twenty battalions (unless stated otherwise) and any other attached units—1er Legion- 5 Tora MBT - 1 IP- 6 Kuma MBT - 1 IP- 3 Suzume TransHeli - 2 IP2e Legion- 5 Tora MBT - 1- 4 Hyou IFV - 1 IP3e Legion- 6 Kuma MBT - 1 IP- 2 Kakesu LiftHeli - 2 IP4e Legion- 2 Hashibami AVC - 4 IP- 2 Hashibami AVC - 4 IP5e Legion6e Legion- 1 Fusiliers Aéroportèe - 1 IP- 3 Chuuhi AAS - 5 IP7e Legion- 5 Tora MBT - 1 IP- 8 Kitsune APC - 1 IP- 1 Fusiliers Aéroportée - 1 IP- 3 Suzume TransHeli - 2 IP- 2 Hashibami AVC - 4 IP8e Legion- 5 Tora MBT - 1 IP- 8 Kitsune - 1 IP9e Legion- 5 Tora MBT - 1 IP- 8 Kitsune APC - 1 IP- 3 Suzume TransHeli - 2 IP- 2 Hashibami AVC - 4 IP10e Legion- 8 Kitsune - 1 IP11e Legion12e Legion13e Legion14e Legion15e Legion16e Legion17e Legion18e Legion19e Legion29e Legion21e Legion22e Legion23e Legion24e Legion25e Legion26e Legion- 13 battalionsTransport:- 1 AVT-24 Hiryuu - 5 IP - N14- 1 AVT-24 Hiryuu - 5 IP - M22Navy:1er Task Force - L21- Yoshikiri. Alphonse - 10 IP - 2 Ajisashi ASWheli - 3 IP- Yoshikiri. Pierre - 10 IP - 2 Ajisashi ASWheli - 3 IP- Aozame Maurice - 5 IP- Aozame Guillame - 5 IP2e Task Force - N14- Yoshikiri. Makoto - 10 IP - 2 Ajisashi ASWheli - 3 IP- Yoshikiri. - 10 IP - 2 Ajisashi ASWheli - 3 IPOn Hold for Purchase:- 4 Hyou IFV - 1 IP- 6 Kuma MBT - 1 IPProjects:Digital Communication/Computer R&D - 25 IP - Jun10Project Luminous - 50 IPIP Total:P: 100+100+100+100+60+60+40+10+2=572C: 572=572M: 572-10(4)-5(5)-4(4)-3(4)-2(4)-1(16)=455R: 455-50-25=380F: 380misakaimouto

IC(Forum/Aliens): Kiserre sent Shimizu Shinobu to the Forum meeting. She was miffed that Kiserre had not been let in on this sooner, but she didn't say anything.IC(Kiserre/Weapons_sales): Kiserre was busy reorganising the Legions at the time, but the artillery pieces were accepted anyway and put into storage until the redistribution of other units could be figured out.
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4-1990 RYIC: Fillion had seen the objects as well of course.They may not have been anywhere near where the pieces landed but they had still gone streaking through space and some of the upper atmosphere before it was lost to sight from the many telescopes that had tracked their process. The landing spot was estimated and a military expedition was readied to go and see what it was. Of course, it took them some time to arrive and by that time everybody else had already gotten there. The real surprise came when massive amounts of troops began to be sent to the area. It was not hard to put two and two together, especially considering what they had already found in the crater. A message was sent to the Fillion representative to the Forum.(Forum of Nations)"May I suggest the international city? Situations such as this are the precise reason that we created it in the first place."The new voice came from the door to the room where the Fillion representative , a former military man by the name of Dartin Rollew, stood. His green and gold eyes were slightly squinted with annoyance as he continued."I am here to say that Fillion would like to offer it's experience with alien matters for the furthering of science and the protection of Earth in case such a thing is needed. We are currently in possession of what we believe to be an alien drilling station that crash-landed in the area that is known as C and D 14-16. We have been studying what we could find for the last few years and collecting several pieces of armor level metal plating that surpass anything that we have ever seen before."He paused for a second, looking around at the various representatives that were in the room.At least two reading books while probably helping to decide how the future of our entire planet goes. Drinks on the table, most of them probably alcoholic. No wonder people don't come here unless they don't have much in the way of choices."If you wanted other people to be in the dark about what you are doing you might not want to hold a Forum meeting and then invite most of the member nations. It does not take a genius to put together the pieces of what is going on in here."(World Stage)Of the coast of Raykin another hydrofoil appeared with the delegation from Fillion. They had neighbors now and it would not do to take too long to say hello.OOC: 40 IP into upgrading laser beam concentration and cutting power. ETA unknown.INDUSTRY REPORT:PROVINCES:A2: Skinhok- Capitol state-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28A3: Clinvel- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28B2: Meltat- Super Province-80 IP 100 battalions- No further upgradeB3: Dacros- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28C2: Nytle- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 28C3: Benser- Capitol State-60 IP 50 battalions- Next at June 14C7: Skorhinjell-Large territory- 10 IP 2 battalions- Next at June 19C14: Dertonic- Medium Territory 5 IP 1 battalions- Next at June 20D14: Gorthin- Settlement 0 IP 0 Battalions- Next at June 14UNITS:2 Seabhac helicopters 1 IP4 Iolar helicopters 6 IP5 Mathan tanks 1 IP10 Ga Solis anti-air vehicles 2 IP50 Cathach Spec Ops soldiers 2 IP8 Fearthinn Self Propelled Artillery vehicles 8 IP50 (5 groups of 10) Sealgair 2 IP22 IPBASES:F2NATIONAL PROJECTS: Hostligns Now April 13- done August 13 75 IPWeapons development 5 IPOcean search- 50 IPLuminous rocket/moon launch- 75 IPPhotonics- Now May 22 -60 IPReconstruction of Pontolis- 10 IPLow-frequency radar systems- 20 IP- Done June 14Special task force- 25 IPBUILDING: Total battalions- 353Toal IP used 342 total IP 395

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC(Forum): "If adequate containment facilities cannot be found elsewhere, the Royal Academy is quite capable of managing the storage of any specimens. Under the circumstances, special visas could be issued to foreign scientists."IC(Royal Academy): There was a moment of stunned silence. A few of the scientists looked around, quite plainly uncomfortable with the situation.Finally, one of them coughed. Due to the lack of foresight into the contents of the pod, about half of the people there were structural engineers. Most of the rest were chemists. There was one biologist, who was also the only male in the room. He was not the one who coughed. The engineer who did cough took a sip from the water she was holding, and then spoke."We should probably mark the door. If we can... err. If we can coax it into coming out and staying out, we might be able to take a closer look at the construction of the door. Very smooth work."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC (Forum)"Tell me, how many other nations here have found evidence of aliens and told.....no one about it? Are duplicity and lies the way nations here normally conduct themselves?" Said the extremely frustrated High Councilor. He paused for a moment and checked a few papers in front of him. "The Royal Academy would be acceptable. Provided we take steps to prevent....infiltration." The fact that nations seemed to keep such a vital thing secret out of a matter of course was disgusting to the High Councillor, in his culture each part of the collective worked for the greater good....while here evidently, some of those parts only cared about their own power and how they could dominate the other parts.OOC: Ignore this if the Fillions did make an announcement about their alien adventures before now.

T3, Stalvistka, (super province, 100 ip, contains the industrial cities of Gal’iead, Heracle, Bastion, and Helvast)T4 Haven (capital province, 60 IP, contains important urban centers of Damiacles, Antium and Stalvon) (upgrades in four weeks minus five)T5 Usterac (Super Province, 100 IP, center of government, houses the capital city of Hellen and the cities of Talsvist, Vernitium)U5 Central Bylantium (Capital province, 60 IP, contains the cities of Bynetium and Westval) (upgrades in four weeks minus five)U6 East Bylantium (super province, 100 IP, contains the cities of Neseth, Overvist, Contium and Cyrtium)CURRENT MILITARY FORCES (discussed with Humva, for balance I start with some forces)400 Battalions in the Bylantium Guard4 Hellion Fighters (4 IP)6 Stalvosk class Helicopters (4 IP)8 Firefly AA Vehicles (2 IP)20 Helvast Vehicles (5 IP)12 Damocles Tanks (2 IP)24 Heracle-class Vehicles (4 IP)RESEARCH: Project Ironclad, 200 IP, Completed in four weeks minus five days)Project Grid, 150 IP for completion in two weeks minus two.BUILDING:T3-Building a batch of tanks (3 days, 5 IP)T4-(Building a batch of Multipurpose Fighters-2 weeks minus four, 10 IP)T5 -Building a batch of Multipurpose Fighters-2 weeks minus four, 10 IP)H 10-12 claimed. 24 IP into developing military bases in these areas. Complete in two weeks minus oneFree IP: 0

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: "We told you that we can help you fight them, and you denounce us for not having combat experience? Do you have combat experience against these aliens?" The SCP man asked the Councillor. "Our expertise is not in fighting. It is in research and containment, and that is what we are offering you. We have no intention of 'infiltration' at this time--if we did, we wouldn't be telling you that we exist. With all due respect, High Councillor, I think the Ambassador's suggestion that alcohol be removed from this room may have been well-advised."As the Fillion diplomat entered the room, the Aquileonese ambassador raised an eyebrow. "Fillion honor seems to be impeccable. Are you going to shout them out of this meeting as well for keeping their findings a secret?" He asked. "Aquileon will formally welcome Fillion to this meeting and would like to inquire if Fillion will join the UNSC."After the High Councillor's outburst, he raised an eyebrow. "I'd be careful if I were you. Fillion takes its honor seriously. Do you mean to tell me that your police don't keep investigations secret? Your military doesn't keep silent about its plans to keep them safe?"OOC:Aquileon reportProvinces:I-18 Super Province (100)I-19 Super Province (100)J-18 Super Province (100)J-19 Super province (100)Bern, I-17 Medium State (30) June 13Petragrad, I-16, Small State (20) June 29Total: 450Military Bases:R-13 Temple HarborMilitary:409 Battalions2x Sabre-class SS (SS-01) (32)2x Vultures (6)2x Gyrfalcons (3) (2x in progress, 15, June 13)3x SAM arty (1)4x Kestrel (8)1x Black Night (20)5x Troy (1)1x Express (5) (1x in progress, 25, June 14)1x Thunderbolt (20), June 143x Counterbattery (1)2x Chameleon (40) June 14Project Luminous (50) (Mar 22, 2013)2x Valkyrie Network Sat (2)15x city-class aux. cruisers (3)Joint Moonshot (75)2x Pirahna (24)21x Ospreys (11)Coastal Defenses (30), due June 29Total: 372 :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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IC (Forum)"Police investigations don't normally involve the danger of the entire planet ending in an orgy of fire and death.Your precious foundation has basically admitted, though they still deny it, to infiltrating the armed forces of other nations...spying in other words... and now they expect us to trust them. With all due respect, if it were up to me, your foundation would be hunted down for the spies they are. You are quite lucky it is not up to me." The High Councilor spoke with the tone of a man who was just realizing he had entered a realm of pure insanity and his hopeless battle against it would surely spell the end of him but was nonetheless grimly determined to fight on.OOC: Culture clashes are fun to write. :)

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: "With all due respect, even now we aren't looking at the destruction of human civilization...not yet. As for how 'heinous' spying is...in the words of an ancient Aquila general,'Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving for the victory which is decided in a single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honors and emoluments, is the height of inhumanity. One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to his sovereign, no master of victory. Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.' I am offering you that foreknowledge, High Councillor. I am offering it to every nation present. Turn down our expertise and you could find yourself losing your troops in vain battles.":w:

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IC (Forum)"Your arrogance never ceases to astound me. The possibility of the aforementioned destruction remains and has been known to you ever since you discovered since you discovered your...scraps. And it has been known to the Fillions ever since they made their discovery...and you both said nothing. Did nothing to help other nations prepare....did nothing to warn them. To draw a comparison, you found evidence that there may be a serial killer in town with a armored vehicle and decided it was best if you told no one else in the neighborhood. In fact, you instead infiltrated the neighborhood watch. I spit on your foreknowledge, with that craft we will be able to determine for ourselves what capacities these aliens have. Frankly, anything you say is suspect since you and your organization have already proven to be on the wrong end of the ethics question." The High Councilor spoke in the same hopeless tone of voice he had sported before.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: The Ambassador choked on a drink of water he was taking. After he'd cleared his throat sufficiently, he spoke."Perhaps you don't understand that in Aquileon, we don't tell the public if there's a serial killer in town. We'll advise people over public channels to lock their doors at night, so to speak, but the police don't tell them that they could be killed at any time. Such a thing is dangerous to civil order. The police do the investigating and the neighborhood watch help them. Consider the Foundation the neighborhood watch." :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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