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Trouble With Brickshelf Account


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Brickshelf has been having issues recently. It's not uncommon, but issues are usually resolved within a few days. First, uploads wouldn't go through and would mess up the thumbnails, then files would refuse to upload. For a few days, it was working properly, but it seems like they're having issues again.Patience is all I can suggest, unless you absolutely have to upload something, in which case I suggest making a temporary account on Flickr or Photobucket to do so.

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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The field 'New folder name' was invalid (see tips below).

happend whenever your folder name doesn't meet some requirements. Most of these requirements are listed below.

  • [*]Names may only contain A-Z,a-z,0-9 and '-'[*]Names may not start or end with a '-'[*]Names must be at least 2 characters long

There are some other names that are invalid like "thumb" which is reserved for file thumbnails.Are you sure your folder name meets these requirments? I was just able to create a new folder in my account.

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I had that problem once, but have you tried using a different, similar name (worked for me)? I do my best to always use one-word names, too. The whole '_' thing doesn't always work for me. I created a new folder just this morning, no problem.- Vorex


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