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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Well, Vortixx, back on Xia, were you treated as a second class citizen? Well, you are going to show them all up by delivering the best warrior in the universe, unconscious, to one of the Shepherds. And then, we're going to kill him and every one of his minions, leave this island, and crush the Shepherds of Flesh forever."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Whatever the Makuta brings to compensate you for my capture is yours." Levacius said. "The Shepherds seem to bring rewards for those who do their dirty work."He thought back to his capture and execution of Flynn. He privately wondered whether or not he should have let the being live. He decided it was better - the being was too chaotic and wasn't the most open being for an alliance. Not a safe ally.He sighed. "And, of course, freedom. You will be able to leave the island, and go your separate way."He looked around. "If we fail, there will be no elegy or requiem in our honor. No tales will be sung. Even if we win, this will be the greatest tale never told if we don't act. This isn't just one Makuta - there are more. As long as the Shepherds exist, they can keep attacking. Many of us may give our lives, and will be honored forever in the Halls of Mata-Nui, but that will not speak of our time on earth unless we crush the slavers and prove victorious. When we leave, it will be nothing but battle from here on out. Nothing but a full on war of the... what, twenty one now counting this newcomer and the two Rahi? We have to make everything matter.""Victory or death."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Kono/Klastio/Klax - WoL Base - Awaiting Orders: Kono was fully prepared and ready to go, he had all of his weapons and equipment, and his elemental energies were now fully charged and ready to be used at any given moment. "I am but a pawn in this game, for now, at least. I await your orders, Greel," Kono said, waiting to be given a task, to be placed on a team of fighters. --Klax was also ready to go, and was only waiting for someone to assign him to a team, or something. "For some reason, I get the feeling this is going to work... as crazy as it sounds," Klax said aloud, just musing about the idea of ending all of this, and soon. --"Is there anyone else here who can fly? Or would flying be a bad idea in this case?" he asked, not sure if his mask power would be useful in this situation. "I control the jungle, and everything in it that isn't a Rahi, I could clear a path through Shadowtangle to wherever we need to go," he said to Levacius and Greel. He could at least lead a team through the jungle, and possibly even call upon it for aid if things got hairy. Not like they weren't already running to their doom, but a giant jungle of plants that want to kill and tear would help them. -Klastio

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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Until the Vortixx has me in place, and the Makuta comes, this operation will be by stealth to place everybody around Haven Cove. You should start heading out now."He took off his jetpack and placed it on the table. "Here, Vortixx, take this. If you're willing to accept these terms. Also one of the bows that Myr made. You'll be able to fly to safety and take enemies out from up above. You'll be useless without elemental or mask powers on the field below. Also it will get you there quicker."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Kono - WoL Base - Leaving: Kono nodded, and went about, looking to form a squad so that he wouldn't have to travel alone. "Myr, we're heading out to Haven Cove, and I'd like it if we could all go in squads, are you ready to travel?" Kono asked, watching as Myr was taking the names off the walls. --Klastio turned to Klax, "C'mon, let's go. I'm Klastio, by the way," the Toa of green said to the Toa of Iron. Klax nodded, "Klax. I think the two of us can make it to Haven Cove in one piece," he said, the two taking off toward their destination. -Klax

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OOC: Wow Magnus. How long did it take you to write that? Awesome!

Thanks, Void! It took a fair amount of time to write up, especially since I'm not a fast typer.IC: Parched WastesGreel clapsed his hands together. "Excellent. Now we just need to assign others into groups."Using telekinesis, the teal-armored slave collected several sharp stones on the ground. Choosing the sharpest one, he threw the others to the floor and began carving a crude picture of the island on the stone he used for riding. "I take it the Shepherd comes in a ship to sail to the island, yes? If so, we need to bring those who know how to steer and work one. Use whatever powers they can to get it moving away quickly. The Makuta's attention must be kept away from his transport. We can't have him stopping progress. Two Iron users must be in this one, or one Iron-wielder and Sarkan." he said, sketching the map into the rock. "For the land group, we could divide it into even smaller teams. One can come from one side of the forest or mountains while the other group comes from the opposite side. I'm not too sure about how to get this team to ambush the Makuta without him retreating, so this -- all of this planning -- is open for suggestion. We need all the Shadow users we have in this group, since a Makuta is so powerful, by the way. Or maybe one in this group and one in the other, in case he tries to escape? Also, two Iron Toa or one and Sarkan." He looked up at Void. "How should we have you 'capture' Levacius? Bring you away from the ruins and have you 'sneak' past our 'tired' guards or an unwatched spot in the base? Then have Amalia knock him out inside the barracks and have you drag him out? Like I said: this is all up for suggestions. We need the most realistic capture here for both beings." Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"If you want Suicavel, he's dead in the lobby." Levacius said."And it doesn't matter how we do it. We've killed all the observers in the area, and new ones haven't come in yet.""And once we're done, I will captain the ship. I assure you I can pilot anything."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - Nostala - WoLves' Base: Nostala raised a hand. "Excuse me," she said. "If you want to fake a capture..." She activated her mask, transforming into a bipedal, reptilian being. When she spoke, her voice was airy and venomous. "I can be of major assistance in that regard."

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Plagia SimulPlagia raised her hand as well, 'Greel, I volunteer to lead the mountain team. I'm a good sharpshooter, you'll want someone like me up top.'IC: VoidVoid was distraught. Cheated out of his revenge. Oh well. At least he was dead.'In any case,' he said to Nostala, 'I don't care who catches this Barraki, as long as I get my reward. Tell me who killed Suicavel.'OOC: Ah, RPing. The perfect way to distract ones self while attempting to stay up 'til midnight.-Void



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IC: Parched Wastes"Hmm," Greel thought out loud. "Maybe it would be good to have two people 'capture' Levacius. It might seem suspicious if only one person was able to defeat him in such a large group." he finished, looking at Nostala's new form. "Also, after catching him, you'll need to get away from the base and attract the attention of the Shepherds, so that they know he has been taken."After that, we start heading out. Some of us begin traveling to the jungle and some look around the rest of this half of the island for whatever the Shepherds tempt us with. Destroy any of their machines along the way, that way they won't know what's happening, and think we just don't want competition. But, of course, the split teams turn to the southern half; one takes to the sea, and the other goes to or around the mountains."Looking at Plagia, he said, "Certainly. Just be ready and totally alert.""Now," Greel said. "Who's going in the water onto the boat and who's going with Plagia?"IC: AshringIn eastern Ashring, Vertan sat in an armchair he carved into the rock of an outcropping. He used his eyebeams and force bolts to blow the stone away into a rough and jagged shape. A little influence from his heat powers, though, caused the rock to soften enough to be pushed into a correct form. Now he reclined in that seat, sitting casually with his clawed feet propped up on a footrest he also crafted from the volcanic rock.The Skakdi of Fire had his scarlet eyes closed, a smile on his face as he had fully recovered from his last battle. Where was Reptak? He didn't care, just tapped his sharp, silver fingers into the dark grey, stone armrest.If he had been asking, though, his answer was right before him: a stream of green crystal dust flew on the comforting breeze, collecting into a cloud. A few moments later, his partner stood on another closeby, small rock formation, his eyes gazing out at the sea, watching a thin line of smoke drift up into the sky, and his talons curled on the edge."Their ship has fallen,'' he crooned, not even looking back at Vertan. The Patronage member didn't seem surprised by his appearance. "No one has put out the fire from earlier. They will all end like that, burned to death under our power! Levacius and his followers will be crushed... it is only a matter of time."A red-orange eye flickered open on Vertan's face, staring up at the map through a break in the black clouds while he took in these words. The black dot revealed the Toa's location on the map; no-one had gone after him yet.Good, because he will be mine to finish off when the time is right. I will never stop at killing that accursed Toa! He has been too elusive at death. In the end, I will have my final battle with Levacius, and I shall conquer every one of them!

Edited by Magnus Greel
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OOC: You know, I hope Vertan comes to the final battle just so I can finally gut him. <_<IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Amalia," Levacius said, turning to the psionics user. "Make your way to Haven Cove. Stay hidden in the shadows. Use your psionics to mask yourself from mental detection, and everyone else who comes - we don't want the Makuta to sense us. Just make an illusion that you're a rock or something."IC: Kopraga / Toothy BaneKopraga collided with the surface of the highest mountain in the range, just below the edge of the clouds, and grasping on with his claws."We can rest here, until new information is to be had."From up this high, he could see multiple paths. There were dozens of slaves below, hiding in the far off areas of the mountains. It was a perfect view of those to kill.IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"You have yet to show your last powers, Elynirus. We will continue our arguments another time. Until then, all of your memories of combat are being returned."The other powers she possessed flashed back to her, and Elynirus stumbled back. Confidently, she looked up and said, "I remember - the red energy. It's paralysis ability is almost lethal to beings of antidermis. If I can fire it onto that Makuta, he won't be able to move once the fighting starts.""I will acompany Plagia in the mountains."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Travel with Plagias group then." he said. "If you're so worried."IC: Kopraga / Toothy Bane"Unnecessary." he said. An arrow shot up at him, snapping against his wing, and he quickly looked down. The Skakdi behind it, down far below the two but in range for a shot, thumped his chest and called down."Just like this."The skakdis shadow animated, clawing at him and causing him to scream in terror, rushing around as darkness covered his eyes. The rocks he was standing on for safety gave way as their own destroyed them, sending him plummeting to his death in a rockslide."I could have just came down and ripped his heart out. But that was much more entertaining."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Rynekk SimulRynekk nodded, 'I'll go with the sea team. It'll be closer to the machines, and with my iron powers...'He grimaced slightly. He knew in his bones. Somehow or other, this would be the end. 'Everyone,' he shouted, 'Toady is the day we fight for our freedom. We may succeed, or we may die. But even if we die, I assure you, we will die free. At the end of this day, we will be free of the Shepherds!'-Void



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OOC: I don't really want to kill off my character. But the RPG lost. :(Thanks for letting me play. It was fun.IC: Draco ran through the desert (because he had left the forest a few hours ago) after some prey but something out of the ordinary happened. A larger more powerful rahi like creature attacked him. They fought for a few minutes but Draco was at a major disadvantage and was overpowered by the other beast. The beast crushed Draco's chest cavity in and instantly killed him. Draco felt no pain in his last moment. But unlike most dead bodies Draco's did something. His exploded in a deadly ball of fire. The explosive force knocked the other beast back and the beast hit its head very hard and that along with the fiery explosion killed the other beast. So in this battle no one won.

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OOC: Erm... There is always the slight chance it'll get entered again next contest. =PAnyway...-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan smiled, and then smirked as he walked toward Levacius, and clapped."Good plan. Mind if we go outside for a moment? I just have one question about it that I wish to ask you privately." Sarkan said, with a smile on his face.OOC: Why make up a reason, when I could simply just hand-deliver Levacius to the Shepherds? =P

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseLevacius shrugged and went outside to see what Sarkan wanted."That's odd. Perhaps a plan he wants to privately discuss? Meh, he's an odd fellow. Seems out of place with the rest of us."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan smiled, and nodded."I definitely think I can help you..." Sarkan said, and then smiled evilly."Be captured." Sarkan said, as he quickly turned, and then attempted to draw his sword in the same movement. He wasn't using his mask, not now, but he was definitely going to make use of his powers if he needed to.OOC: And here Sarkan's true intentions and loyalties are revealed.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseLevacius heard the sword being drawn the moment Sarkan first started pulling and almost immediately whipped out both blades, attempting to strike with the one in his left harm to disarm the toa of magnetism. He did not speak as he did this.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan, however, merely reversed the polarity of his blade and Levacius' blade, as they clanged against each other. Taking that moment of opportunity, Sarkan drew his own second sword."Heh. I'm surprised you couldn't see it... That none of you could." Sarkan said with a chuckle, as he smiled, and circled Levacius."I must thank your Weaponsmith once more for these. Fighting without weapons has been... inconvenient." Sarkan mused, even as he focused on the fight.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseStepping back and dropping both swords, Levacius moved his hands quickly. His armor fell off in a matter of moments, and electricity leapt through his hand."Fighting a toa of magnetism in armor is suicide, frankly. Unfortunately for you, you're hardly my first."Looking a little bit too much like The Emperor forward, Levacius released dual beams of lightning at Sarkan's weapons.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan rolled to the side, and then held out his left arm toward Myr. He activated his attracting power, and attempted to send the bow flying toward him, if at all possible, as he smiled at Levacius."Congratulations. You realized what my element is." Sarkan said with a smirk, as he was currently more focused on repelling the Toa of Iron.

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IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"You can't use metal on a toa of magnetism." shouted Levacius at Myr. "Your arrow will never come within two Bio."He was proven right. Growling, he fired more electrical blasts at Sarkan and his weapons.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan simply rolled out of the way of the electricity again, and aimed to pushed Myr away with magnetism, back into the base. He then, however, turned his attention to Levacius, and slashed out at him again.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseA field of electricity sprung into existence around Sarkan, freezing him in place. Unless he was able to quickly act, his blade, not under the same effect, would fall limply out of his hand."Did you really think this would work?" he muttered, attempting to electrocute the toa of magnetism as electicity poured from his hands.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan simply looked at Levacius with a smile, as his mask began to glow."Yes." Sarkan said, as his eyes twitched, attempting to copy the ability with the will he had left, before the electrocution became lethal... Hopefully it would; but there was always that one chance that it just would not work.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseLevacius looked quizzically. His powers weren't killing Sarkan, though they were still holding him in place."Ah." he said. "A mask power. Let's see.... you see me using a power. And you use your mask. Power doesn't work, because... what? Adaptation... or perhaps Emulation? Either way, you're trapped."He turned back - his attention was still on Sarkan, though - and headed back to the base.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan, however, smiled, as he attempted to have a field of electricity spring up around Levacius as well."Did I give you permission to run...?" Sarkan asked, as he raised an eyebrow, attempting to think of the perfect way to get rid of this electrical field.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseLevacius had been practicing for millenia on this particular function of his powers; Sarkan, not nearly as much. With a simple flex of mental exertion over his element, he broke free of the constraints of the field, and turned back just a moment before grabbing a sharp rock nearby and walking back over. Closing in, he attempted to thrust the sharpened stone into the toa of magnetism.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan smiled, as he used his own powers to disable the electrical field surrounding him, and stepped to the side for a moment, as he attempted to stab... the rock. Yes, the rock, not Levacius.

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