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Brutaka Concept

Taka Nuvia

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I see that you fit him into your style. While I hold nothing against your style itself, I don't much like it when applied to a set. For one, it took away from his imposing form. Shoulder could be wider. I also don't like the sad face, it's not expressive of his character. Overall, it's a good idea, but in my opinion poorly executed. I recommend redoing it differently. 6/10, as a representation of Brutaka. 9/10, as a standalone drawing, for good shading and detail.


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Nice to see you're making a representation of a character Demon.I got the vibe of Brutaka from the Olmak, but I'm still a little sketchy on the who it is. Brutaka is a brute, a warrior. He is also very intellegent however, which I see you captured. I just want to see more of that strength with that intellect in the drawing. A little off the mark here Demon. ~Gravity

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  • 2 weeks later...
I see that you fit him into your style. While I hold nothing against your style itself, I don't much like it when applied to a set. For one, it took away from his imposing form. Shoulder could be wider. I also don't like the sad face, it's not expressive of his character. Overall, it's a good idea, but in my opinion poorly executed. I recommend redoing it differently.6/10, as a representation of Brutaka. 9/10, as a standalone drawing, for good shading and detail.
Well I am sorry I tend to lean towards a more humanoid, organic style. Oh, and thanks for the poorly executed. Really heart-warming. Forgive me for my sarcasm, but I'd like to point out that there are always several way to express one's opinion, and some are friendlier than others. High number ratings might not take away the sting of the words before, but I see what you meant, and don't worry, I'm not hurt or something.Just for future reviews. :)Anyways, let me assure you that I did not intend him to look sad, so I'm a bit confused where that's from - is it the shape of the eyes? The eyebrows?
Great detail in this one.You really do a good job of fitting him into your style.The only thing i don't like as much is the shape of the mask. I don't know if its too feminine, too narrow or if it's just the expression.But even so, great work so far. Maybe you should make a finished version?-Dwanny
Probably too narrow. Which is interesting, because usually I draw his mask far too wide. But this time I was going for a more narrow look; maybe I went a bit overboard :lol:Thanks!
Nice to see you're making a representation of a character Demon.I got the vibe of Brutaka from the Olmak, but I'm still a little sketchy on the who it is. Brutaka is a brute, a warrior. He is also very intellegent however, which I see you captured. I just want to see more of that strength with that intellect in the drawing. A little off the mark here Demon. ~Gravity
Well at least I got the intelligence part right. ^^
Maybe the torso is a little bit less muscled than it should look, but I like your style, so it puts cons apart. The eyes capture me. They seem to be living, IMO. Excellent job. And yeah, a colored version would be such an enjoyable piece, especially with an interesting tactical pose. 9.3/10
Thank you. ^^ Well we'll see what else there'll be, maybe I'll get around colouring it someday, or just re-use the design for a new drawing. ^_^


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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Looking good Tak, but bulk that sucker up a little. Feed him a steak or something, he's looking a tad scrawny!

I'd love to link you to something Uncle K once showed me, but alas, it seems to have run away from my bookmarks

Point is, dont be afraid of heavier set figures. I notice you tend to stray away from them (god knows i used to), but mastering them will help you advance astronomically within the realm of art.

(Q.Q., are we the 'oldies' now?)

Edited by Captain Flowers

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