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Leaked sets

Toa Zaz

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So, hypothetically, if a member was to take a picture/name of a leaked set, and say that he made it up-- like, draw it or something-- I couldn't report him or her, could I? Because, if I did, I'd basically be confirming that it's a leaked set, right? Seems like a pretty big hole in the rules. Please clarify.

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I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I think you're saying that you couldn't report him because you yourself would get into trouble for knowing it's really a leaked set? There's nothing wrong with knowing something is a leaked set -- if you want to go to Google and find pictures on your own, that's your business, and we can't and won't punish you for it. Of course, however, we ask that you don't out of respect for the Lego company -- that is, after all, why we don't all leaked info here. But what you're not allowed to do is post leaked sets/information here. You're not going to get in trouble for reporting something, even if that means that you know that something is leaked. You get in trouble for posting it, not reporting (in fact it'd be the exact opposite -- we appreciate it when members report things). And when you report something, you use the report button or PM a staff member; you don't have to post in the topic saying that it's leaked info (and you shouldn't -- if something is posted in a topic that's leaked, you should report it, not post in the topic). Does that answer your question?newso1.png

Edited by Velox

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Perhaps I can clarify this a bit...So say I find out about a leaked set and post info and a picture here.Then I remember that leaked photos are not allowed, so I edit my post to claim that it was a MOC, or perhaps my own idea of a hypothetical set. Then let's say Zaz notices that my "MOC" is actually a leaked set and he calls me out on it.What would happen then?(At least, I'm pretty sure that's what he's asking.)

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there is no hole. If it is a leaked image, report it. than it will be removed and it no longer matters. there are typically easy ways to check for this. most having to do with new molds and such.so to answer your question: no.

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there is no hole. If it is a leaked image, report it.than it will be removed and it no longer matters.there are typically easy ways to check for this. most having to do with new molds and such.so to answer your question: no.
Actually, the answer to his question is yes. However, there are two questions, rather than one. The first question asks whether or not he can report a post that he thinks may contain leaked information or images. In answer to that, as Velox stated, is most definitely. You will not be punished for helping out BZP. The second question asks whether or not the report will confirm that it is a leaked image. Well, I suppose that if it truly is official LEGO material that you know is leaked, then yes, you are confirming it. But in the staff's eyes, this is not a violation, but, rather, a helpful act.-Rez
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We will not punish you for knowing leaked sets exist, nor will we punish you for reporting such stuff. We won't even punish you if you happen to be wrong or mistaken. I'm not even sure what would give you an idea like that.There are no holes.

Edited by Makaru



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