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Toa Mangai Hura, Mafa, Tiro, And Nihu

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Ok, so Metax and I are working on a comic series and game, and in it we're hoping to see a few Toa Mangai. Now we all know, or should know that the Turaga named several landmarks on Mata Nui after the Toa Mangai and other people from Metru Nui's past (Mangai volcano, Mount Ihu, Naho Bay.). Now, I recently ran across a few landmarks, and wanted to know if you, the fans, would like to see them as names of Toa Mangai. Now, keep in mind that the Toa Mangai aren't all known to be dead. We only know about Lhikan, Naho, Nidhiki, and 3 others. four could still be alive. Hura Mafa - A river that runs along mt Ihu into Ga-Wahi. These could be 2 Toa of Ice.Tiro Canyon - A Canyon in Po-Wahi. This could be a Toa of stone. Papa Nihu reef - a reef near Onu-Wahi. Nihu (Since papa sounds stupid) could be a Toa of Earth. Would you like to see these? Pick your two favorites.

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Unfortunately (or fortunately :'D), GregF has stated that he did not want this done because he counter-questioned someone and asked why the Toa Metru did not name a location after Lhikan. Although, Vakama created stories about a Matoran named Lhii as a way of remembering Lhikan, so I don't understand GregF's judgment on that. :P EDIT: Wait, someone pointed out to me if you were asking them to be canonized... Did I jump the gun?

Edited by Erebus


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Ah, I see. My mistake. Well, it's probably best if you asked in your signature or your blog, because this forum is for S&T related questions/discussions, not exactly personal story questions. :) In any case, sure, a lot of members had wanted them to be Toa, so it may be a good idea to have them in your story.


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