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I sometimes really miss this community. And others I used to be involved in as part of the larger BIONICLE/LEGO fandom.   So I occasionally peak in, see how things are going... Generally without comment, and usually leaving a little more saddened by not feeling connected to it anymore and that things in general are really rather... quiet. Which I suppose makes sense when the focal point and passion of the fandom is dead again.   But man, what passion... I dedicated so much of my formative years



A Dance of Titans - July Haul

A Song of Ice and Fire: A Dance with Dragons Transformers Titans Return Blurr Transformers Titans Return Skullsmasher Really don't know how much longer I'm going to keep this up. Just whenever I post elsewhere I feel the need to here as well since I've never missed a month... Kept me coming back to this place every once in a while at the very least.   Anyway, didn't get much. Wanted more but just couldn't find many TR in stores.   ~|ET|~



Shipping Sucks - June Haul

S.H. Figuarts Super Mario Diorama Playset E S.H. Figuarts Lord Baron Transformers Unite Warriors Bruticus Transformers Masterpiece Wheeljack More Mario enemies. Meh. Wish they weren't static, there's really no excuse for it. Yet still somehow better than the Bowser they released alongside of, which I'm just not getting unless at a huge discount. So terribly limited in articulation and too small, that one is... But anywho, at least this pack is all new enemies. Do hope we see more at SDCC thi



Blind Boxed - May Haul

S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ghost Ore Damashii (w/first run bonus Yurusen) S.H. Figuarts Pikachu Just Cause 3 LEGO Disney minifigure collection Genie LEGO Disney minifigure collection Aladdin Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Transformers Combiner Wars Deluxe Groove S.H. Figuarts Mace Windu S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Specter Ore Damashii (w/first run bonus Specter, Edison, Nobunaga, Tutankhamen, and Kanon Eyecons) Had everything ready to go to post at the end of the month despite all the tr



Sweet Satisfaction - April Haul

Transformers Masterpiece Shockwave Star Wars Black Series Kanan Jarrus Transformers Masterpiece Tracks Star Wars Black Series Ahsoka Tano BIONICLE Protector of Stone BIONICLE Ikir Creature of Fire BIONICLE Tahu Uniter of Fire BIONICLE Umarak The Hunter Star Wars: Dark Disciple Star Wars: Heir to the Jedi Star Wars: Aftermath Star Wars: Maul: Lockdown Don't really feel like writing up too much today. Put as short as I can: love everything I got this month (some I didn't expect to or e



Greater than Expected - March Haul

S.H. Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Decade S.H. Figuarts Captain Phasma Nendoroid Kirby Nintendo Amiibo Wolf Link The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD BIONICLE Lord of Skull Spiders BIONICLE Skull Warrior BIONICLE Skull Slicer BIONICLE Skull Scorpio BIONICLE Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder Nintendo Amiibo Ryu Rise of the Tomb Raider Season Pass (digital download) Halo 5: Guardians - The Master Chief Xbox One Controller Nintendo Amiibo Roy S.H. Figuarts Minato Namikaze S



Rise of the Tomb Raider

I just want to start off by saying that I really do feel that this was quite a fun game.   I finished the campaign for Rise of the Tomb Raider around 2 AM yesterday (it was the weekend, okay...), but do still have plenty of content to get through before I shelf this title. I want to go collect everything, and I'm very nearly there now... but have suffered from a known widespread glitch not counting some things so I fear I may need to play again 100% to get the achievements to pop. Plus I've not



Nendoroid Kirby - Photo Shoot 17

I've voiced complaints about Nendoroids often enough elsewhere that I find it a little weird at times to think of how I've started getting some and keeping track of a few future releases. But there are just now some where the aesthetic absolutely works for me, and Kirby is deifnitely one of them. I don't even look at this and see a chibi superderformed abomination they make too many of. It's just... Kirby! And that's why he's awesome. Plus his limbs are magnetic, making him very fun to play wit



Unfulfilled Expectations - February Haul

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (Digital download) Rise of the Tomb Raider Huh. Well that certainly looks like quite the light month, although it's not what I expected.   Already shared my thoughts on ACC: Russia, so go ahead and check that out if you're interested. And Tomb Raider I just got yesterday, but the two hours I got in so far were pretty fun.   So yeah... Totally thought I'd have a lot more. One of my pre-orders at BBTS didn't come in stock yet, which I'm a little mad about, so



Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

At last I am done with this trilogy! (Mostly.) And in my opinion, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia was a pretty good ending.   Once again, nothing too new mechanically here to report. You have guns now replacing your knives from past games, and you can electrocute people. That was fun.   What does set this one apart from its predecessors is the presence of a deuteragonist. I was not expecting that at all, let alone it being an actual historical figure. When you weren't running around as the g



My D&D Characters

Around this time last year I think, my friends roped me in to playing Dungeons & Dragons. I hadn't played for about 6 years, and even when I did previously I never got too into it nor really understood what I was doing. So it was more or less a new experience for me. Especially since it's all done over Skype.   Anywho, here's the guys I've played since then: Rhikorin - A tiefling cleric of Trithereon, he is a stubborn ex-soldier intent on meting out his own sense of retribution after years o



Photo Shoot 15 - Kylo Ren and First Order Stormtrooper S.H. Figuarts

Kylo Ren Until yesterday I'd say this was the best Toys Kylo Ren in this scale out there, but with the MAFEX revealed (and coming with a Driver head and melted Vader helmet..) I'm not too sure now. Though that's not coming out until the end of the year so for now it's still at the top in my opinion.   But yeah I love this guy.   First Order Stormtrooper Probably should have removed the window before taking these, but didn't realize how funky they were turning out until I was done and at



Photo Shoot 13 - Battle Droid & Clone Trooper S.H. Figuarts

Felt like getting back into taking pictures of my stuff lately. Got a bit of a backlog of things to post even haha. From back in December, here is... One really awesome Figuart and a pretty okay one.   Battle Droid   Still love this thing. By far one of the best 6" figures I have.   Clone Trooper   Meh... And I'm still finding it hard to get this guy to look good in shooting poses.   ~|ET|~



Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India

It's not been long since I last posted and I already beat my next game, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India.   Maybe it was because China adjusted me to the mechanics, but I did not find this game nearly as difficult. The only real difficulty was self-inflicted, as I chose to make my first run be an attempt at beating the game without killing (because Achievements). I wasn't wholly successful, but it did mean going a little slower at times and being a lot more methodical. It was almost fun heh. P



Funky - January Haul

BIONICLE Villain Pack Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (Digital download) S.H. Figuarts Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I) Funko Legacy Dovahkiin Funko Legacy Daedric Warrior S.H. Figuarts Hatake Kakashi LEGO Dimensions Doctor Who Cyberman Fun Pack I sort of got back into getting BIONICLE this month. Thanks to a tip on the BZP Facebook page, found a pretty good deal on eBay so decided not to pass it up and got the villain pack. I kind of want... a lot now. Just for that base. It's cool displayi



The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

Going to try and cover the games as I play them this year. No clue how long that will last haha.   But first up in 2016 is The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, the first game I played this year and the first one I beat. I've now played four games in The Legend of Zelda! While the previous three were all very different, this one did feel like more of the same. Which it obviously should have, being a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time. That's not a bad thing in the least, though. In fact it made g



Photo Shoot 12c - (BIONICLE, Star Wars, Transformers) January 2016 Collection Tour

Last but absolutely not least, are the three collections I'm probably into most.   Star Wars Figuarts were the game changer here. My interest in Hasbro's Black Series line is fizzling, mostly because the figures just seem to keep getting worse from my subjective point of view. But they're still doing things I don't expect Bandai to get to (Rebels figures, Revan) so I probably won't stop. But man, these Figuarts are some of the best action figures I've got. They're great. And unlike Hasbro, Ba



Photo Shoot 12b - (LEGO, Tokusatsu, Games) January 2016 Collection Tour

Video Games There were some pretty predictable additions in the past year here. New year means new Assassin's Creed means new statue and hidden blade. Biggest changes here are all Nintendo figures, with most coming from Good Smile Factory and their Figmas and Nendoroids. Always found Nendos a little too stylized for my tastes, but with two new Pokémon releases last year I caved again. There were a few things I repeatedly thought of getting to diversify the shelves here even more. Chief



Photo Shoot 12a - January 2016 Collection Tour

These are going to be pretty photo-intensive entries. I took more close-up shots than wide ones this time around in order to see things better. (And I'm not quite done yet so there's going to be some delay between updates.)   Marvel Now here's one I didn't have much to speak of before. One year later, my Marvel collection has septupled. I truly love Figuarts. Bandai now doing so many franchises I love isn't helping that addiction haha. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before that I never had many



Doctor Wars - December (Christmas) Haul

S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Knuckle Kurumi Arms S.H. Figuarts Battle Droid S.H. Figuarts Clone Trooper Phase 1 S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Kurokage Mastubokkuri Arms Transformers Combiner Wars Shockwave Funko Pop! BB-8 LEGO Ideas Doctor Who The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D A Song of Ice and Fire: A Feast for Crows Star Wars: A New Dawn Doctor Who Monopoly Doctor Who t-shirt (not pictured) Star Wars clock Nintendo Amiibo Lucas S.H. Figuarts First Order Stormtrooper S.H. Figuarts K



Life is Strange - Year in Gaming Part 10

So ends my year in gaming. Episodic titles were really the standouts, with one in particular really standing out among all those even just released this year: Life is Strange.   Life is Strange stars Max, a young girl attending high school in her home town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon, having returned there after several years away, and discovers one day that she has the power to rewind time. It should be obvious already how that will transition into a tale of love, drugs, murder, and rampant photogra



The Leftovers - Year in Gaming Part 9.5

Before the finale, I wanted to at least list all of the other stuff. Halo: The Master Chief CollectionHalo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo 3: ODST Halo 4 Halo 4: Spartan Ops [*]Assassin's Creed Rogue [*]Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings [*]Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Xbox One) [*]Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper (Came out right after I wrote the entry on the game..) [*]Super Smash Bros. WiiU [*]Forza Horizon 2: Fast & Furious (Gotta get dem Achievements



Grand Theft Auto V - Year in Gaming Part 9

Still need to wrap this series up, and I decided I wanted there to be at least 10 entries. With the last one picked from the start, I had quite a few to pick from still. (The rest of which will be showing up in their own leftovers entry.) Then I realized after scrolling my list up, that another of the very first games I played this year was probably notable enough to talk about. Grand Theft Auto is kind of a big deal, right?   Grand Theft Auto V was my first GTA game. I think I understand the hy



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