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Wet Mane Fad

Black Six


Alright, time to clear some things up.


If you have heard anything to the contrary, unhear it. Pictures of ponies from the TV show, 'My Little Pony,' including 'wet mane' images, are not banned on BZPower, so long as they abide by BZPower rules.


The content of pictures, as well as captions or comments relating to them, can make any image inappropriate. This site is not the place for sexual content or themes, so keep that off the site.


I apologize for any of the confusion that arose in the past few days, it was not our intention to mislead anyone. I hope this puts things to rest.


That said, the reactions I've seen in some blogs have been very disappointing. I would like to say that those entries and comments only made the situation worse, and that it was a well-worded, polite PM that brought all of this to my full attention and caused me to address it now. Please everyone, be respectful and courteous - it gets you much further on BZPower and in life.


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Thanks Six. I may not've been involved but I'm glad that this's been cleared up.


Honestly though, i think everyone involved, members and staff, overreacted a little bit. but that's just my opinion.

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Bravo, Sixxer. Maybe now I can see some peace in the blogs.


It's a shame that more people don't take the rational, more sensible approach to things like this. I hope this is a lesson to all involved.

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Thanks for clarification. But what exactly are you going to do about it from here on out? If it's sexually explicit (something I more or less agree with), why are there still entries containing the pictures?

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Thanks for clarification. But what exactly are you going to do about it from here on out? If it's sexually explicit (something I more or less agree with), why are there still entries containing the pictures?

I have yet to see an image of an animated pony on BZPower that I consider to be sexually explicit. If you see one, please use the report button.

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Thanks for clearing this up. I hope my blog entry wasn't one of the ones you found objectionable. I didn't at all feel the staff were acting outside authority, but the "decision" seemed quite confusing to me.

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Finally, something official instead of comment drama. I'm glad the pictures aren't banned - especially considering that the original image was a vector lifted from the show itself - but the reactions to them were far creepier than the images themselves. Something did have to be done, and it was.


I would imagine, though, that the posters of the images, and the members who comment on the entries, will be more careful from now on to avoid another dramatic BZPower imbroglio. This entry will help to clear the proverbial air and have a lenitive effect on those that believed the pictures to be truly and totally banned. :)


EDIT: I hate it when I use the same word twice in a sentence. <_<

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