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Obzpc Color



Seems like most people tend to refer to the OBZPC color as orange. Isn't it supposed to be more like copper than orange, though? Seems to me like the idea behind it was that it matched the Copper Huna, which used to be given out to OBZPCs when they were still available.


So yeah, what do you call this color?


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It's copper.


Reporters are orange.

That's really strange, because on my computer OBZPCs are orange and reporters are bright, bright red.


To save this particular hassle, I call it #C4500A, its hexadecimal counterpart.


(Though I still kind of like calling it orange because orange is my favorite color and it shows up as orange on my screen. :3)

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That's really strange, because on my computer OBZPCs are orange and reporters are bright, bright red.


To save this particular hassle, I call it #C4500A, its hexadecimal counterpart.


(Though I still kind of like calling it orange because orange is my favorite color and it shows up as orange on my screen. :3)

How high did you set the red levels on your screen? :PP I have my screen set to "warm" and Reporters look like your typical orange, not too red and not too yellow.


I guess differences in screen settings can contribute to the difference in color classification. You never really think much about that....

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That's really strange, because on my computer OBZPCs are orange and reporters are bright, bright red.


To save this particular hassle, I call it #C4500A, its hexadecimal counterpart.


(Though I still kind of like calling it orange because orange is my favorite color and it shows up as orange on my screen. :3)

How high did you set the red levels on your screen? :PP I have my screen set to "warm" and Reporters look like your typical orange, not too red and not too yellow.


I guess differences in screen settings can contribute to the difference in color classification. You never really think much about that....

I haven't messed with my settings, really, at all. I might try to do so, though.

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Lol. For some reason, most screens don't display color all what well when you get them, and you need to tweak.


When I got this screen, the contrast was set ridiculously high. I can't imagine anyone even wanting to view the screen like that. ._.

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Aren't there certain hex colors that display as pretty much whatever they feel like, depending on the computer?

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Aren't there certain hex colors that display as pretty much whatever they feel like, depending on the computer?

I'm not aware of that.


I guess the colors could vary if your computer's color bit-rate varies.


Mine is 32 bit, which is the highest XP goes as far as I know.

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for me, OBZPCs are a burnt orange (like Huki) and Reporters are a really bright orange.

This one.

This again. Reporters are more on the light orange-red side for me :/


Lord Oblivion

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