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Vakama Animation



Sunday, September 24, 2006

IPB Image

Just messin' around with a big roll of paper, a camera, my Bionicle sets, Adobe Photoshop, and Microsoft GIF Animator. It took a few hours yesterday and today to put together. Yes, I am very pleased with the results. Comments greatly appreciated!

EDIT: (I don't like commenting in my own blog -- it's wierd): Yep, GFLK, I'm alive. Don't get many funnel clouds where I live, though.


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ZOMG! The tornado didn't kill you! ^_^


The Animation is smooth, and clean...

When I first looked at it, I thought it was 3d...

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Yes, it is very smooth, and I thought it had been made in an editing or 3D program! Do you think you could resize it to avatar or banner size?


You have Vakama? :( Me sad now. Me want Vakama....




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Wow this is the first animation like this where the object doesn't change pose. Did you move the camera or Vakama? My only complaint is that the speed of the rotation differs slightly in various places, and that your camera is better then mine. :P

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Wow this is the first animation like this where the object doesn't change pose. Did you move the camera or Vakama? My only complaint is that the speed of the rotation differs slightly in various places, and that your camera is better then mine. :P

What I did was set up a large sheet of paper against a wall and under Vakama's feet so that there was no edge behind him that I would have to crop out during editing. A drew a circle with a compass on the paper beneath Vakama's feet, and I took a series of separate images with the camera on its tripod as I rotated Vakama around the circle of reference. I edited out the shadow from the flash later.

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Actually, Turakii, you probably could use it as an avatar -- if a pic is too big, the av thingy will resize it. *goes off to try it*


EDIT: Nope, didn't work. "Not a valid file extension..." darn. It would have made a cool avatar!



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You used GIF Animator? Odd. When you save something in Photoshop as a GIF you can chech the "Layers as Frames" check box and it will animate it.
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