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July 1st



Still at work on the Atlas -- just finishing the chapter on Roodaka's island, which is my favorite part so far.


Got a nice surprise the other day -- BIONICLE Adventures novels in Russian! (At least, I think it was Russian -- we thought it might be Greek at first, but then someone told us no, it was Russian.)


Time to take a break from writing, play some World of Warcraft, and then take my wife up to the mall for some shopping. Tomorrow is more writing, Monday is another outing, and then Tuesday I have to revise the EXO-FORCE book. So keeping busy!


Couple of notes -- there is a BIONICLE co-promotion planned for the fall, more on that when I get it. And the big national BIONICLE promotion/contest gets announced in the July magazine and comic book, and starts in August. Not THAT clear on the details yet, but the prizing is pretty cool -- and different, not the same thing we always do.


Oh, and another question today -- what kind of BIONICLE content would you like to see in LEGO Magazine? Are there behind the scenes things you would like to know, or building tips, or anything like that? We have an opportunity to do some more substantial articles for the mag, so I would be interested in your opinions.




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Um, for your last question, I would like to see more unofficial combiners in the UK. Dunno if you can get in contact with em.

The last combiner was the nidhiki and krekka one i think, and now at last he have Jovan (in october)



Some neat stuff planned.

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World of Warcraft??!

Curses, ye blown 3D card in my machine! With no really working 3D card, I can only play 2D client games, namely Ultima Online!


UO ROCKS! always has, always will, until EA closes it.



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I hope to see a few more substantial features and maybe articles which bring us up to speed on the story.

Berg :pirate:

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I'd love to see lots of behind-the-scenes stuff like how ideas are formed, interviews with set designers, interview with you, and the list goes on!


~ :v: _ :t:

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'Nother great entry. Can't wait for that contest.


And for an idea for an article... hmm... maybe more things related to the true feel of this year, instead of the Gansta one it's been advertising. And also some data (such as detailed data on the Titans, Inika, etc.). Or even and exert from the book, which may convince some into buying more of the books (remembering how you said their were less books being sold this year).



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I would like exclusive art, or maybe a MOC of a characters that don't appear in the book very often, like Karzahni...

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Well, although sadly Dad will not renew my subscription to Brickmaster Magazine, behind the scenes stuff would definately be awesome. Some pictures of various prototypes for different sets, little anecdotes about the pains of designing the sets, etc. would be excelent. Like that little thingiemabopper in the LoMN DVD.


And I agree with some of the other members, fan art would be awesome. Though most of the ones submitted would sadly be little scrawled Avaks getting arrested and such... *sigh* But mostly I would appreciate pics of prototype sets, that way I could steal them for MOC ideas. :P


Rantingfully yours,

:smilelewanu: LFZ

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Tahatu get no Lego mag cause Grandparents subscribed to S@H catalog by mistake.


It'd be cool to have some building tips in it. Like, if a joint is too rough, rub it with your fingers a few times to loosen it. Or if you need to get a +rod out of a hole, use a longer rod.


As for Behind the Scenes, maybe 'The Making of the Toa Inika/Piraka/Voys Nui Matoran' Like, showing some prototypes, the final product, blurbs saying how it got it's look, and why it has it's light up function if it has one, and how that was done.


I made that big and bold so you guys would see it better. :P



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I have to agree with what Schizo has said..fanart and some GregF original short stories (similar to the ones in the recent S/T Contest, stories taking place that don't affect the overall storyline but are still canon).

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Contest and promo? :blink: Cool. Can't wait for the Atlas, too. Is the contest going to be one of those "send-in-a-picture" ones. And, any idea on where the promo is going to be? Also, to answer your question, I would like to see some building tips and, like a lot of other people said, some fan art, and some pictures of prototype sets, and not just for Brickmaster either.



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I like the idea of showing more of the design process for new sets and parts. Of course I'd love some more BuildIt type creatures as well.


Or maybe some stuff from the artists who work with Bionicle-taking the sets from plastic to pencil.

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I would love to see building tips in the magazine, Greg. I'd also want some comments from the set designers on how they design them before the new pieces are molded, etc. It would be really cool and the magazine would rock if they did that.


100% Nuke

0% Bomb

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Well, I'd like to see the instructions for the combiner sets in the regular LEGO Magazines, because I'm not a Brickmaster member, (If I was it would take away from your BIONICLE sales). The one I'm thinking of right now is Protodax mainly. I don't have his instructions which kind of stinks.
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Well, the latest issue of the Lego Magizine (I think it was the latest issue) I liked; With Toa Nuparu's guide to Voya Nui and Hahli's chronicle on the Inika. That was an awsome setting. And also the combination set instructions from an earlier issue. Those are definently keepers.

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You play WoW! Wow, I used to until my brother left for Boot Camp and stopped paying. We're getting Guild Wars now to solve that issue. :happydance:


I made another funny, hahaha! <quote from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles> :D


I used to get the Lego Magazine and I think they should have storyline info maybe, and building tips. Maybe you could give MOCists ideas!!! I would always look for Bionicle in them. That was about 3 years ago though, so I don't know what it's like now. :unsure:


Made new page, YAY!

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I'd like to see an occasional BIG MOC that needs several sets AND has instructions unlike protodax... Maybe some Rahi of whatever kind... OR A combiner to form Lariska. I ALWAYS wanted to know what she looked like. THAT would be GREAT!

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WoW , I'd get that game but it has monthly fees. Thank goodness Guild Wars doesn't. *hugs it*


Interesting stuff so far about all this, I can't wait....


Aah, Guild Wars... as soon as my computer gets upgraded, i'm getting that, and Dungeon Siege II... YES!


Time to take a break from writing, play some World of Warcraft, and then take my wife up to the mall for some shopping. Tomorrow is more writing, Monday is another outing, and then Tuesday I have to revise the EXO-FORCE book. So keeping busy!


WoW is good, but it would be much better without monthly fees... Though i'm guessing that you, GregF, as a succesfull writer, you'll be able to pay those monthly fees easily! :lol:




Still at work on the Atlas -- just finishing the chapter on Roodaka's island, which is my favorite part so far.


Roodaka's Island? AWESOME. Can't wait for the atlas. Thanks for the info, Mr. Farshtey! :)


Well, thanks for confirming that promo thing. It is the one that's for McDonalds right? I mean, I know it's been confirmed and all, but are you talking about a different one? I suppose probably not, but hey, you never know...


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