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Bring Back Bionicle Club



This is for all us stubborn members who want Bionicle back. :) Please PM me to join.

A little info about us:

After we get enough members (I'll ask Makuta_Of_Oz) I'll email Lego once again and tell them how many members we have.


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You are ridiculous. We don't care about other peoples clubs, what Lego is going to do, how this will fail, and that garbage.
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The good thing about living in the countries we live in (ignoring Tasmania's desalination plant incident) is freedom. We're allowed to express our beliefs and opinions, when and how we want. Sometimes those opinions can clash, but nonetheless we are allowed and able to do what we want, regardless of whether or not it will all work out in the end.


We being stubborn and all (as stated in the original entry), sieze this priviledge eagerly, and hold it dearly enough that no Government, clashing opinions or toy companies can take it away.




That didn't make sense did it...?

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The part that doesn't make sense is how you guys all stick up for freedom of opinion and then get upset whenever someone disagrees with you, even going as far as to threaten to delete or edit any such disagreeing comments. Seems like grade-A hypocrisy to me.
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The part that doesn't make sense is how you guys all stick up for freedom of opinion and then get upset whenever someone disagrees with you, even going as far as to threaten to delete or edit any such disagreeing comments. Seems like grade-A hypocrisy to me.


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The part that doesn't make sense is how you guys all stick up for freedom of opinion and then get upset whenever someone disagrees with you, even going as far as to threaten to delete or edit any such disagreeing comments. Seems like grade-A hypocrisy to me.


What didn't you understand?

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True enough. Still, it's the same club, and when the two lead members send completely different messages on the idea of freedom of opinion (he supports it in his defense, you're apparently against it in your own) it's not exactly a good thing.
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I have made an ... interesting banner. I think ...



I see it's a simple one. :) I hate to criticise, but I suggest adding the name "The Bring Back Bionicle Club" or something like that. MI:ToI and I considered something like "Bring back the sets! Join the rebellion!"


Most importantly, is it less than 100 kb? Otherwise it won't fit in my sig. :(

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Are you aware of all the enemies you've made MoZ?

The whole world's my enemy... :crying:


My whole life I've been on my own. In fact, I'm so hated that even though I did WAY more work than I was supposed to, I'm still extremely lucky to get my Queen's Scout!

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Queen's Scout? What's that?


On BZPower, you've made a lot more enemies than friends because of this. There's a ton of people that are constantly satirizing these efforts.


I have to say, you're very brave to sacrifice that for this cause, but if I was in your position, I wouldn't do this.


What we all need is to take a walk and think about what we're doing.


What's wrong with Hero Factory anyways?

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Queen's Scout


Waffles is correct at that. What is so wrong about Hero Factory? You people are hating HF because you can't take in the fact that it replaced bionicle. Aside from those things, what is it that makes you think that possibly one of the last builable action figure lines is horrible?

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Oh, nothing. Just that it replaced Bionicle. -_-


I'm actually not as much of an HF hater as others on BZPower. I am actually willing to buy an HF set if it has a piece I like (such as Jimi Stringer's Helmet and maybe Fire Lord's helmet). Plus, I eagerly look at new HF sets to see if they have any pieces I might like, especially if they're Rahkshi pieces.


I was actually thinking yesterday that HF's story could be so flexible that they could make sets of anything, even skeletons or elementals! Or it could just be wishful thinking... but yeah, if they made Elemental or Skeleton sets, even if for HF, I'd buy them quick-smart!


As for my Queen's Scout, the Queen's Scout is one of the highest awards one can get in Scouts, and also the most famous.

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I can't say anything for the fourth paragraph, but for the second and third I can simply say that I'm a loner, and not very social (kind of like Kopaka, right down to being cold), which is why I don't care about forsaking friendship. Plus, my social skills aren't very good anyway, hence my not knowing that I had to reply to every paragraph in an argument. :P

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I can't say anything for the fourth paragraph, but for the second and third I can simply say that I'm a loner, and not very social (kind of like Kopaka, right down to being cold), which is why I don't care about forsaking friendship. Plus, my social skills aren't very good anyway, hence my not knowing that I had to reply to every paragraph in an argument. :P

:tohu: But the difference is, Kopaka is a fictional being with the power to change ice into whatever form he feels like, he has an island/city to protect. You've got your WHOLE life ahead of you, yet you insist to stay in the past! You need to move on, no matter how you do it, but do. Knowing you, you'll probably ignore me while M:ToI insults me. :tohu:

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