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    OH OH OH!!!




    One of my favorite songs!

    So really, what do you write about in blogs? I've never had one before?

    I'll give it a shot.




  1. Pomegranate
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    Wild. 11 years on this charming little forum. So many memories!

    Life's at a tipping point, looking forward to a big career move, moving on from other stuff I've been with for a long time. I've been going to a lot of concerts and that's been so much fun! Janelle Monae and Paramore most recently, both were magical experiences. Been going to a lot of museums, too. I've been following Christian Faber's Rebel Nature project for a while and I can't wait to see it released, it seems so wholesome. I finally went to Pride again! My first time was seven years ago, it's so nice to look back and see how much freer and gayer my life has become since then, I'm really grateful for everyone who's contributed to that. Also, uh, I'm really excited about the state of science fiction right now, Star Wars and Star Trek and Doctor Who are really pleasing me right now and I can't believe it's all just getting started. That's been keeping me going.


    I hope everyone is prospering and living their best lives, love you all <3

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    I have a blog. Just like the title says.

    And that's pretty much it.




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    Being random is fun.



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    Ah, a new blog. The first thing I'd like to do here is state my opinion of the word blog.


    It is a silly word. It sounds less like a diary than it does like... well, this:




    Yes, the word 'blog' puts me in mind of loo roll. I have no idea why. That is why I shall stop calling this a blog right away and instead refer to it as a... journal? No, that makes it sound like something much cooler than it really is. And diary implies private. Ah, drat. Okay, you win, it's a blog.


    I don't usually lose arguments, you know. Don't get used to it.


    Anyway. I suppose that since this is my first entry I ought to tell you a bit about who I am. My name is Jonathan, but you can call me Jon if you like. I'm 17, and rather too far away from being eighteen (and thus able to do one or two things more legally than I currently can) for my liking. I live in England, which is better that living in America in my opinion because you get the same standard of comfort without having to have people paying so much dratted attention to you.


    Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike America. My girlfriend is American (American chicks dig the British accent, it's a fact), but let's not go there.


    Anyway, I'm Jon and... I'm quite good at a handful of things. It's probably quicker to tell you what I'm appallingly bad at, and that would be:

    • Most sports that involve a ball
    • Anything that involves making music
    • Mental Arithmetic
    Don't tell anyone that last one, I'm supposed to be good at Maths, and I am... I just take a while about it.


    As far as the internet is concerned, I've been around a few times and I'm a moderator for a thriving Teen Forum (no tiny thing either. We've got a shop :P Oh, and over 20,000 members). It's not a bad job to have, despite the complete lack of pay. Since I'm expressly forbidden to advertise rival forums here, I won't post the address. It's enough to let you know that we're out there and I'm helping out :)


    Been on BZP since... well, since it was BZCommunity and KanohiPower. I remember the KP logo, it was rather natty. I have way too many Bionicle sets, but I don't buy 'em like I used to. Two Piraka, one Inika and two Barraki in the last two years, and that was more than I intended. Oh, and Kardas, but he was a bargain, seriously... three sets for £25? Come on, man, Vezon alone costs that much!


    Speaking of bargains, I got myself one the other day. One of the sets I've wanted since my childhood:




    Four pounds. Yay me!

  3. My blog has come to a close. It may open up again or if I become a P.M. They're may be one more post after this one. Thank you for all of you for not reading this. :lol:

  4. To continue my look into the world of Bioncle I will discuss Vakama, and all his aspects. He has to be the most intriguing character of the entire series. From his first appearance I could have never expected Vakama to have been a villain in the past. That's just epic, as I said before. No matter what anyone states when you look at it from a 2001 standpoint, it's just a shock, and a darn good one.


    Vakama is the most troubled Toa we have ever seen. He didn't want to lead, self-doubt over-took him. And he had the worst temper and anger problems there is. The makings of a fine character. Vakama is the Anti-Hero within the world of Bionicle.


    But through all the troubles and trials that he faced. Vakama stepped up and became one of the greatest Toa. He became a hero, saved all the Matoran, and prevented the end of all time as they knew it. Even with all odds against him. The other Toa had no trust within Vakama, nor did they even believe he could lead them.


    Vakama succeeded. And is now the wisest Turaga. But in his heart he holds the greatest regret. Deep down he knows the others will always look at him differently. But he stands above it. Vakama realized it's not about what others think. It's about who he was to himself. He is a hero like no other Toa.


    The most complex within all of Bionicle. Vakama, you are the greatest. And he is what made 2004-2005, the Greatest Years Of Bionicle.

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    this is my first blog so im not expecting people to post that much. but if u like it ill make a cool banner!!

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    Vilas stood and brushed the dust from his armor, continuing magnetically to hold his opponent in place. He smirked. "Not that I wasn't enjoying that," he said. "But regrettably, the whole universe is waiting on me."


    He crossed the distance between them in long, confident strides. With a sweep of his arm, Vilas slammed the other into the wall. Redirection of the magnetic field charged her armor and she stuck fast to the metal.


    "Goodbye, Lariska. Give this to death for me."




    This is a quote from Crosswired, to be posted August 1, 2007.

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    Out of hydraxon, maxilos and gadunka which one has the sickest taste on weapons?
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    So... hi. Welcome to the Kraata Farm.

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  5. blogs_blog_682

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    Here you can post a link to your comic series and advertise your comics.

  6. That's the main book I have to read for summer reading. It's an ok book to me so far, since I'm only like on page 100 or so, but there are some parts that are just..why is that in there?


    If you haven't read or heard about it, the story takes place in Afghanistan. As far as I know, it involves the friendship of 2 boys and their families. The main character is Amir and his friend is Hassan. The worst, sickest, and in my opinion, the most unnecessary part so far in this book has to be where Hassan gets..well let's say r'd by a bully, named Assef. When I read that I was like, "What kind of boy would do that to another boy? Doesn't that make him gay?" :P I don't care if it shows he thinks Hassan is absolute garbage compared to him, I think that a bully would have beat the crud out of him.


    I'm really beginning to dislike Amir where I am at right now in the book. He saw Hassan's incident and didn't even try to charge in and protect Hassan. Then he feels guilty whenever Hassan is around him and he tries to get Hassan out of the house since Hassan and his father are servants to Amir and his dad. Hassan and his dad eventually move out when Amir says that Hassan stole his watch and money, which is a complete lie since he planted it under Hassan's pillow. I'm thinking of Amir as a real sissy since he didn't even try to beat up Assef and his buddies. Sure Assef may have been bigger than him, but that didn't seem to scare Hassan. I mean, why wouldn't he just throw even one punch at Assef?


    Sometimes I hate the books teachers make us read. If I ever become an English Teacher, I would let students read comic books if they want to for summer reading. :P Much more easier to follow with all the pictures and not to mention, much more interesting with all the action. :P

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    Verdant Autumn
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    Hmm. I've never done one of these before, and everything I write here will be destroyed in a week or so -- ironic. Somewhat. Well, not at all, really...



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    Yay for today! That rhymes! I'm all happy!


    Horray for those Premier Perks! :lol:


    - Flares of Darkness

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