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    I've changed from Overlord Ecto to Rook. Thought y'all might want ta know...






    Cool. An edit. :P

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  2. Jacob83093
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    Huh. Funny thing happened yesterday. I never got to write about it then, so... here it is!


    Okay, before you read the situation, you must know that I am a huge Spider-Man fan/geek, and have been following the progress of the third movie for a while. Anyway, so yesterday, I was checking for updates, since I hadn't for a few days. I went to Superherohype.com, and looked over the news. And, you know what I saw? The words FIRST VENOM PICTURE! Now, Venom is one of the coolest villains in Spider-Man. So, naturely, I clicked the link, while excitment was building up in my head. Then, it slowly started loading. Then, it loaded. And do you know what I saw? These words: THIS PAGE CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED. Hugly dispointed, I tried refreshing the page, but the same thing happened. So then, I went to the official Spider-Man 3 website. There, I saw a ton of links to new wallpapers. Instantly, I thought "Those links... I'm sure they link to a picture of Venom!" I was getting ready to click one of them... when the computer suddenly shut down. Now, this has only happened twice in my computers history. Naturally, I was enfuriated. Quickly, I grabbed a shot gun and blew up the monitor. Okay, I didn't do that, but I was still extremely angry. So then, I tried turing the computer back on. It wouldn't turn on. I was angry. Anyway, I had to wait over an hour to see that picture. It seems short now that I discuss it, but trust me. It wasn't. Finally, when the computer was working again, I saw the picture... and it was just a picture of Eddy Brock having the symbiote crawl on him! WHY?? Oh well.


    By the way, one day until I can get the Inika. And, as it turns out, I might be able to purchase three, not just two! Yay!


    Also, I'm adding an extra thing to this blog today... I'll edit this entry when it's up...


    EDIT: It's up! The "Epic Quote of the Day!" is now on my blog! It'll be updated every week with different quotes from all of my stories. Enjoy!



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    Cade the Pokeathlete
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    Dang, 8th grade

    My Homeroom and Locker are like as far away as possible, they're almost all the way across the building from each other.


  3. Ladon: Lord of Hesperides
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    "There is no emotion; there is peace.

    There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

    There is no passion; there is serenity.

    There is no death; there is the Force."

    -The Jedi Code


    So the weekend's been good to me, and I found that canvas, though now I don't think I'll actually get around to using it. I have, on the other hand, written an essay for the newspaper editor, and I'll see what he thinks of it today. If he likes it, this may be the beginning of an amateur career. The only thing is that for another essay, I'd have to get ticked off at something, as most of my essays are about things that annoy me. :unsure:


    I suppose I'll kind of miss this blogging thing when it's over, but as 1.) nobody looks at it anyway, and 2.) I skipped a couple of days, I think I'll get over it.

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    Guys I drove again on Friday. I got significantly better. Left turns I can do very easily. And Right turns I have to make a bit more sharper. But their better too.


    ...And I am very tempted to drift in the that car. So very tempted.




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    :wakeup2: hi :rolleyes:

  4. ~Ichigo Kurosaki~
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    I got Onua Mistika a couple hours ago! Hooray.

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  5. Akaku: Master of Flight
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    Slinky through this linky on over to the comics forum to have a peak!

    More to come maybe? Possibly? Who knows! The inner machinations of my mind are an engima. If I do continue it, I'm thinking of maybe having permanent guest stars positions, just for ol' times sake.


    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  6. D-D-D-Ddude
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    I leave you people alone for a week, and the advertising policy finally gets improved.


    ...I need to leave more often.

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    Finally my blog is here! I would like to thank :bzpower: for...well :bzpower:!


    Also, Congradulations to :bzpower: for the 5th Anniversary!!.


    Oh, and I'd like to thank Bio Rex For the Premier abilities.

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    Toa of airs
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    Hello this is my first blog. :happydance: Today I mostly was on bzpower so there is not much to talk about :unsure: besides that I am going to be in a bzpower movie called a new hope. :[/font]

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    Hmm... I has a blog again... I'll post more later, even though nobody's reading this... .....................................................................................................................

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    So, I went to TRU last evening with my grandmother, and boy did we have a tour of the area, when we got lost TWICE, we had no clue what was going on, and we were running low on gas, but right on time we got to TRU which happened to be in a very bad area, in Wyncote ,PA if anyone lives there don't take offense to this, but when we got there, I found Axalara T9, Jetrax T6, Rockoh T3, (Hiding outside of the bionicle section BTW for those rockoh T3 fans , he's a good buy ) I saw Onua and Bitil, and I bought my double of Onua, for Trinuma, and a Matoro Mahri set just because i wanted to build Kopaka Mistika, which made me also buy Kopaka Phantoka, and i bought Jetrax T6, now uh, the reason my grandma had to drive me to TRU, is because my mom's car broke down and luckily my brother is a mechanic so he fixed it at his work, so all in all after a long night of buiding some more of the mistika my FAVORITE IS PROBABLY Jetrax T6, for he is neat, and even though I HATE star wars, I like the vehicles for star wars, and it reminded me of one, I am a hardcore collector of bionicles BTW, so tonight my mom might, just might drive me to my local toys r us (Not the Wyncote one!) to get Tahu Gali, Krika, and Gorast, but I will use my Tahu and Gali for the combiner model.

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    Well, to celebrate my new baby blog, why not have some epic cake. Oh, no cake ingredients readily available? Huh.

    I wish I had more money. My Steam and GOG wishlists are piling up quickfast. I probably would usewaste it all on cheap GOG games though. Maybe I could use some of that money to buy cake ingredients for my baby blog, but I'd rather spend it on games. Enjoy the... Party... If there is a party to have anyways. Don't really think there's anybody here but lonely ol' me.

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