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Todd Thuma Got The Baby.

Yes he did and no one had better let him out of it!   Wow, BrickFest was a blast. It's all mish-mashing in my head right now, so I'll make with the quick-hits before I forget everything. 50° F (10° C) is an overnight low, not a daytime high, for March. Geez, Oregon. It's spring. Get with the program. The scent of a Randazzo even before the bag is opened is as hypnotic as ever. TLG has to open a LEGO store at some point along the Gulf coast. I'll drive to Gulf Shores if necessary; I just can't

Now At A Remote Location...

Well, remote relative to New Orleans. I was the only person I saw today with any kind of New Orleans Saints shirt/jersey/something on. Could it have anything to do with being 2 timezones away? Nah. Black & Gold nation all the way.   Why didn't I post about BrickFest, CF? Well, for starters, I don't have my own computer up here: I either have to borrow Omi's laptop or use something in the hotel lobby, the latter being the current mode of typing.     It's 1 AM here in Portland. I just got


Taking time out from BrickFest PDX to post this pre-typed blog entry.   My car turns 1 year old today.   Well, not exactly today. I don't know when it was manufactured, but a year ago today, I bought the dark blue metallic 2006 Chevrolet Malibu LT parked inside the gates at the apartment complex. Although the paper I signed said it had 5 or fewer miles on it, it actually had 10. I didn't complain, however. This entry's title is the current mileage.   Thirteen thousand, two hundred and eight


Well, it's 7:45 PDT, and my flight leaves in about, hrm... 9 hours.   What am I doing still up?   Can't sleep.     I didn't get everything done on the model. I'm not officially in limbo, as I discovered two things. Jefferson Parish marked the wrong drawings as record drawings, and left off a vital piece of information in a semi-inconsequential lift station in Bucktown. Net result is that I have to design pump controls on the fly when I get back. I forgot to import some lines from the G5-

"random" Award Of Indeterminate Period Of Time #1

201¾ lb., 24.7% body fat   An award, hurrah. I'm such a bandwagonner.   I finished the preliminary flow input for Helios/Galleria. It took about 3 weeks of coming in every day to get it done, but I got it done. And then I discovered I still had wet well GPS and pump controls left to do.   I HAVE to get this done today, so I can actually leave Thursday morning.   Thus I give you the random award. Award #1 goes to....Albequr...Albaque... uh, a city in New Mexico notorious for eliciting w

For Home Country!

The title is from a sound bite in Red Alert 2.   I figure, since everyone is doing it, I ought to have a Q&A entry in my blog. That is, in case anyone wants to know more about me.     If no one asks any questions, I'll know I've scared everyone off. Either that, or I have overexposed myself here.   With that said, ask away! Every question will get a response, and most will have answers.   -KIE


Nope. I wasn't in an accident or anything.   I got an interesting piece of email the other day. It's funny, but in a tongue-in-cheek, Toaraga's finest dry wit, way. Double-dose of funny email...I gotta do something to perpetuate the Blog of the Week XXVII traffic. I shall not yield my fame so easily!     It's also worth reading and taking to heart. Because, y'know, there's truth there.     -KIE, whose bracket is riding on Butler upsetting Florida and Southern California NOT upsetting North

Encase Yourself!

New category!   The computer case arrived today. It's ÜBER-freakin'-spiffy. It's a Cooler Master Ammo 533 RC-533-SWN1. I bought it off of NewEgg.com.   This thing is going to rock once it's all been put together.   I could break down each angle of it, or I could just link you to a Maj gallery. In any case (), the company takes better photos than I do.   OS, check Case, check >minimum 600 W power supply >Motherboard >Dual processor (Not dual core. Two processors) >2 GB RA

Portrait Of An Apology

^The song I've got playing in the former KexPod. "Could you stay for a while?"   Funny email time! My computer case arrives Thursday. I'll find time to take pics with a camera here at the office, and post an entry.     -KIE

Return To Chocolate City

Blog of the Week XXVII celebrations continue below, and will resume tomorrow, but now we interrupt to bring you this headline, ripped from this morning's Times-Picayune.... :wakeup2:   I have to admit: it's never a dull moment when Nagin opens his mouth. Again, while this might do more harm than good, what's Louisiana politics without a good conspiracy theory or five?   -KIE, whose bracket would still be intact were it not for Louisville choking on Aggie crunch.

Welcome, Traveler!

Welcome! ahm, beh, cah, lum, mu, om, ra, summ....   Okay, so I can't pass myself off as a gypsy in Austin City Park. I definitely don't have the right tarot deck. Come to think of it, I don't have any tarot decks.   </obscure reference>   Before anyone jumps down my throat, I was making a reference to Ultima IX: Ascension, a single player RPG published a few years ago by Electronic Arts & Origin Systems. The tarot in question are only 8 cards for the eight in-game virtues, not the

Making An Impact

201¾ lb. 24.1% body fat   I have three sets of picks this year. My best set is 14-2, and my worst is 12-4, but I didn't lose a single Sweet 16 team.   However, the first Friday has always been the ends of my runs, not the first Thursday. How I do today will determine if this is a banner year or a "same-old-story" year.   In other news, my inbox has been popping lately. Not my PM box but my real, email inbox. Lots of messages RE: BrickFest '07, since we've hit the last 2 weeks before the sho

Bracketology: 2007

I'm tucking this away in this category because I was offered tickets to a basketball game tomorrow morning: University of North Texas vs. University of Memphis.   Yeah, baby. March Madness will hit the Big Easy tomorrow & Sunday. I'm not going because I'm holed up with all this work.       But, that doesn't stop me from filling out a few Sheets of Integrity. ("Sheet of Integrity" is a euphism for a completed prognostication of events of the tournament, the outcome of all 63 games.)   I


The KexPod arrived yesterday. After about 5 months of waiting (Okay, you can scratch all of that before January: I was holding hope that I'd get one for Christmas.), several PMs and hint-dropping blog entries, the KexPod has arrived.   Yeah, it was only 4 business days, but what it took to get it mailed was ridiculous. (By the way, I still owe Kex $50 (or lifetime premier membership) for the iPod, but that's on hold until his PayPal account is un-hung-up.)   Kex left me a smattering of hits

A New View

Sadly, it's a view still obscured by work on this sewer model. I got next to nothing done yesterday.   I need a new computer. I don't want a Mac or Microsoft Vista, because I still have some 16-bit applications (read: games from the turn of the millenium) I still like to run. Thus, it would appear that I need to buy the computer *now*, or get an operating system while I can.   But, an operating system means I'd more-or-less be building the box by hand. This scares me, as I have said before.  

Ha-haha Hahaha-ha

For the record, this entry was supposed to be made 3 weeks ago, but Michael had me busy playing Red Alert 2.   Yet another image borrowed from Wikipedia. An anime that lampoons anime. Genius.     That is all.   -KIE   Another edit for clarification: The above image is of 4 of the 9 or so major characters in the anime/manga Bo-BoBo BoBoBo-Bo, a japanese cartoon that basically gives the Scary Movie or Epic Movie treatment (mishmashing the stereotype to the point of absurdity) to anime/man

Happy Birthday, Michael

My little brother turns 25 today. They grow up so fast... *sniffle*     I'm making plans to go to a baseball game. Astros vs. Phillies Wednesday, July 4, 2007. 1:05 PM CDT start. Heck, I might even get back to the apartment for midnight and go to work on Thursday, thus not taking a day of vacation! It's a win! Gonna get some good seats, too, if I can get the plans settled quickly.   (If anyone else is in Houston, and is going to go to that game, let me know.)     I'll leave you with a

The Last Traces Of Little Kurt

Work has gotten snarky this week.   Someone didn't follow instructions when filling out a database 7 months ago, so now I have to go over the entire database to fix it, all but recreating the entire thing, before I'll be able to compile it and import it.   Snag? Yes. Minor? Not really. Life threatening? Er, *gnashes teeth* no, not today. Check back later in the week.   *mutters something that seems to include the words "disrespect" and "moocher"*       Just letting you all know I'm still w

On Season

201¾ lb., 25.1% fat   I said there would be no offseason for softball. I lost too many steps and had gotten a bit porky. I was sucking wind too quickly.   Okay, I may not have said it in those words, but I did allude to it here.     FBC-K softball practice starts tomorrow, and I'm going to miss it for a wedding. Worse things have happened, though.   I kind of like where I am right now, as some weight training has added a little zip to my starts at the plate (I did some test running last week

Return To Modern Civilization

Or, a case study in meeting deadlines. Bah, who am I kidding. It's not a case study; it's just a rant.   The elevator in the office was fixed today. Well, the repairs were completed, in any case. The hydraulic pumps had given out, which meant, well, I've never worked for Otto, so I don't know what work that entailed. All I know is that the original scheduled completion date was February 5. Then February 19.   Then we started joking that it was sometime in June.   But, my office building now

A Case Study In Over-diversification

Nah, nothing to do with my 401(k), despite the hit it took with the Chinese stock exchange falling back.     The saying goes "Do one thing, and do it well." Thus, I rue today, as today was the day I went into the International House of Pancakes, and found spinach on the menu, yet failed to find boysenberry, butter pecan, or warm maple syrups on the table.   I died a little inside, let me tell you.     That is all.   -KIE EDIT for clarification: Spinach is now an omelette topping. Truth be


Not caught up yet, but, with a little good fortune, I might have some breathing room depending on how much gets done by Friday.   The KexPod is still in transit to New Orleans.   Got a phone call during my lunch break: April D., one of a pair of identical twin sisters with whom I graduated high school, had a brain aneurism rupture over the weekend, and is in a hospital in Shreveport (*pokes Makutaman654*). She still has motor skills, but it's still dicey. She's either in surgery now, or will g

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kalmah's Got Nothing On This.

shadowpirakafan, I'm doing better, although I do have half a mind to take off the last hour of work and go take a nap. Though if I do that, I should go work on my MOC for BrickFest. I might even be able to take some pictures before BrickFest, depending on what I can get my hands on and when.     In the interim, an email I got all of 35 minutes ago:     Tasty. *twitch*   -KIE, who after a week still hasn't gotten the KexPod

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Ugh. Why oh why did yesterday have to happen?     I may or may not have mentioned I'm much further behind on the sewer model than I need to be. To top it off, the Regional Planning Commission is not renewing their JP sewer modeling contract with HEI, a firm we're subbed under. This means the sewer modeling must be done by the end of April.   This means I kind of need to be working on this seven days a week now, if I'm to have any hope of finishing it. If you want me to pick up your MOC for B

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

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