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Big Man On Duty

Christmas may come but once a year, but that doesn't seems to stop it from coming earlier every year. More that 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and there were already yuletide decorations this past weekend at the Mall of Louisiana. (No Google map this time, as I am lazy. However, take the Bluebonnet exit off of I-10 in Baton Rouge, and you literally can't miss it.) Anyway, I decided to get a jump start on Christmas gifts. I saw something for my mom at the Disney Store.   [secret] I don't think sh

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

The 165th Hour

*yawn*   I mentioned I play Ultima Online, right? Well, this past week, from 4 AM CST Tuesday (7 Nov) to 4 AM CST Tuesday (14 Nov) was a "Welcome back week," a period of free login for accounts in good standing. (Normally, it's a $13/month subscription service.) Thus, a friend and guildmate, whom I shall henceforth refer to as "Pike", and I had a unique opportunity to create a lasting memento of the guild's founder in-game. See, UO's been open for 9 years. Longest continously running MMORPG...c

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

One Hundred And Eighteen

Fortunately, that's not the speed I'm going to have to drive Sunday, December 17.   So many sundry items to address today.   118 is the number of blue "gems" I have on my Virtue gump in Ultima Online. This is significant because while the 60 associated with Compassion and Valor are not difficult, and the 30 for Sacrifice aren't terrible if you stay consistent with it, the last few of the 30 associated with Honor, are a bear to attain. I'm at 28. Ice fiends topped out at 27, but Swoop has gott

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

*sigh* Why?

I'll tell you why. I admit, I probably have gotten out of hand the past couple of days. And while the nationwide returns last night were a bit bluer than I would've wanted, I do feel as though I did my part.   I count 9 seats in Congress in 7 different states from yesterday's entry. (Yeah, I'm counting you, Lady K, Makutaman, and Mikerahk.) Thank you for voting, or wanting to vote. And this is where I tell you why.   I come across many people, both in person and online, who complain about the

Is Today The Day?

I hope today is the day.   Election Day today. I've not voted yet, but I will during lunch. LA House District 1, and another slew of amendments. Bobby Jindal still looks to win going away, so I want to turn my attention eastward.   ATTENTION: ANYONE RESIDING IN ORLEANS PARISH, OR ON THE WEST BANK OF JEFFERSON PARISH.   PLEASE vote today. PLEASE vote for anyone other than the incumbent, William Jefferson. Vote for any Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, whatever, just please fi

Uncharted Waters

Between my last 3-4 entries, I feel as though I've scared the lot of you BZPers off. Trust me, this was not by design. I like to be personable. There are just times I feel strongly, and I might have gone over everyone's head. I don't mean to put anyone off.   Unless you would have nothing more than five letters to contribute; I suppose I could do without those kinds of comments.   The Cruisers are over .500 for the first time in their young DEII FFL history, barely slipping past the Caribe Sh

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Thirty-three Twenty-six

No, Dokuma, not every entry in my blog deals with food. In fact, despite my having eaten two Italian chicken sandwiches for lunch both yesterday and today, you've just read every food reference to be found in this entry.   The Moss Bluff Cruisers are favored by 20 points over the visiting Caribe Sharks in this weekend's matchup. Yet I don't really care about perhaps breaking the .500 barrier for the first time this season. If I weren't sick, I'd be packing my bags for the weekend and getting on

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Epicurean Bliss

197¾ lb., 24.8% body fat   Still sick. *cough* Not as miserable, though.   Yes, there is hope in KIE's world. After 10 wayward years, the Italian Chicken sandwich has returned, if only for a time, to Burger King.   If any of you have seen the Dexter's Lab cutscene on Cartoon Network, where Dexter is munching away at an endless burger pyramid? Yeah, that's me with the Italian Chicken sandwich.   Must...engorge...myself....     -KIE, who wishes they'd bring back the French for a little bit

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

House Of The Rising Sun

Boo.   NASA's picture of the day   Here we come to All Hallow's Eve. It means many things. The day before November. Shard of the Dead (in Ultima Online) Fall weather Start of the restricted waiver claims for Week 9 FFL Spooky get-ups and/or set-ups. 7 days until nationwide elections (Robert Jindal looks to win La. District 1 going away.) the birthday of the New Orleans Saints (who lost in a none-too-pretty fashion Sunday) But, probably most important of all:CANDY I'm not connected enough to go

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Confectionary Clash Of The Titans

The Cruisers defeated the Knights over the weekend, 53-35. Now at 4-4, the Cruisers are early 1½ point favorites over the visiting Caribe Sharks (third and final company principal, also 4-4 on the season), in a must-win-to-stay-within-striking-distance for both teams. Why? The Sharks lost a bad one to the Poplarville Stallions, and the Kastrators (still can't type that with a straight face) ran into the Dominion buzzsaw. We're both 2 games out with 6 to play, so there is almost no room for error

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Shore Turtles......heh

197½ lb., 25.1% body fat ()   Last night, I finished VNOLG. Level 48. Had waaaay too much equipment to go through. Bought a stone ripper just before the little quest for the stone ripper. Man, I wish I could recoup some of those stone shards. (I played as Nuparu, so stone shards went to my weapons.) 12 Attack 14 Defense 21 Technique   A high Technique makes the game a lot easier: Defense becomes less important when you're dodging the attacks, and Attack rating can take a back seat when you

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Turning Over

Something Dallas quarterbacks saw fit to do with the football several times last night. Because of this, the Cruisers managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat at the hands of the Touchdown Titans, 48-43. Next up, the probably easiest stretch of the schedule. Looking ahead, the 3-4 Cruisers are early 8 point favorites at the 1-5-1 Kenner Knights. Another one of the company's principal owners.   Speaking of turning over....this is a reprint from the Sunday, October 22, 2006, edition of t

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


198½ lb., 24.2% body fat   Oh, what a weekend. Friday evening, I got to go eat at Rotolo's Pizzeria (not the one in Columbus) in the [French] Quarter with a group from UNO and then go to a game night at a church on Paris Avenue. There were four of us playing other-than-Balderdash: A Tulane student, a NOBTS student, myself, and an architect (the seminary student's husband). We played a round of Clue (I was dealt 3 rooms and a suspect, was nowhere near the solution when the accusation was made.)

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Nope, not redoing my blog. I've found a nice groove here, and I will keep it in said groove. May not be a daily thing to update, but I definitely like where I sit here. The rework is where I have to re-address some comments for something that, again, someone doesn't want to do themselves. And they're not paying me any more to do it...   I would be mad and flatly refuse, but I'm too nice a guy to do it.   While I suffer through this moral quandry, I offer for you to discuss the purported best

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Not just reeling anymore: Writhing. In pain. I take solace in that there was nothing I could have done to win this past fantasy game against Dahveed's Dominion. This week, the Cruisers host the comissioner's team, the Touchdown Titans, in a battle of 2-4 teams desperate to get off 2 and 4 game schneids, respectively. Odds are, I'm taking the loss here. Still only 3 games back, though, as Frank's team didn't show up last weekend, making him 5-1 on the season.     In the spirit of the autumnal

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

…'kay, So Now What Do I Do With It?

I need a break. A day off. Something. Heck, I'm drinking a Coke and it's only 10 AM!   Brandy & Michael's wedding (Saturday) went great. I don't know how many of you have been in weddings before, but this was my first. No miniature groom. No ring bearer. No groomsman. Just straight to Best Man. In a way, I'm honored. And yet in another way, I feel gypped. I can say exactly how I feel gypped: I'd never been in a wedding before, so I had no idea how much standing was involved. A third of t

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Why Unchecked Rage Is A Bad Thing.

:wakeup2: This was in the paper today: Bear with me, here. Emotion is a good thing. It makes the colors of one's life much more vivid than without. Anger does have its place in life. There are times and situations that warrant, nay call for righteous indignation. But please, temper that anger; don't let it temper you.   A lot of things happen during the teenage years. Physical, emotional, interpersonal, spiritual...the body is in a unique brand of chaos.   The young Mr. Anderson has now ef

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Blog Lists

With this being my 47th blog entry (my favorite number, incidentally), I figured it was time I went ahead and divulged my favorites, official and non, of the approaching 600 blogs here. By no means is this list complete. This is just what I found on the first 5 pages.     FAVORITED BLOGS Puffins Puffins Everywhere The Life of Lady K Toaraga's Toa-Bloga Captain's Quarters Omi's Rush From the outskirts of Chocolate City.... (Hey, it's not vanity: it's a way of finding mine quickly!) Nikir

Lego Bricks For Engineers

I've said it before: I'm a licensed Engineer Intern in the state of Louisiana. (My registration number is 20327, if anyone wants to look it up.) In maybe a year or two, I will have been employed as an engineer long enough to be eligible to take the Licensure exam, and become a licensed Professional Engineer in my own right. Until then, my title is EI, not PE.   One of the requirements for maintaining a PE license is continuing education. In Louisiana, the requirement is 30 PDHs (Professional De

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


The Cruisers got absolutely manhandled last week. Now 2-3, three games out of the division lead and a game out of the wild card (with a very rough stretch ahead), my season is just about done.   Maybe I should just concede that I don't have a good team, I won't have a good team, and I should just finish paying off the season and dump what good players I have. </self-destructive> Seriously, though: I had Chase Utley, Roger Clemens, Mike Mussina, Akinori Otsuka, Travis Hafner, Jason Giambi

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Are You Ready For Some Football....part The Fifth

200½ lb., 25.0% body fat ()   So. Much. Football.   I know you guys are getting tired of it, I can just tell.   In the fantasy realm, the Moss Bluff Cruisers are 8 point favorites, visiting the Cookie Crunchers, a fellow rookie team. This game will be over by 7 PM tonight, so go ahead and follow the details here. Or at least in about 4 hours, when the games start.   Me, I will actually be in attendance of one of the real games: Tampa Bay at New Orleans.   Will be the first time since th

Are You Ready For Some Football....part The Fourth

Sam Houston High School defeated Patterson High School last night, 21-20. Patterson scored a touchdown with 30 seconds to play, but without a functioning placekicker, they were forced to go for the 2-point conversion. I understand the quarterback option was stopped in the open field inside the 1. However, I left with 2½ minutes to play in the third quarter, with the score tied at 14-14, when it came to me: I really didn't care how this game ended.   Last night was a cross-class social. Members

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Are You Ready For Some Football....part The Third

I'm packing a soft bag right now. Headed home this weekend.   In the fantasy realm, the Moss Bluff Cruisers are 22 point favorites over the visiting Poplarville Stallions, but then again, we all know it will be closer than that. While the Stallions are a very weak team, I've got some pretty poor matchups this week. I like to think I'm going to get back to .500 this week, but it's not money in the bank (something I seem to have little of recently). Yet, that's not this entry.   Tonight, it's

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Right now, as of midnight ET, September 29, 2006   NL Central standings St. Louis 81-77 Houston 81-78 ½ GB   Need at least one (preferrably 2) more from the Brew Crew. Gonna pull something I'm reaching so hard.   -KIE

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


(Bonus entry) as of right now, 23:19 GMT, September 28, 2006   NL Central standings St. Louis 81-76 Houston 81-78 1.0 GB   Oh Lord, please oh please oh please oh please..... Three words: (help me out here, Kohaku & Than) GO BREW CREW.   -KIE

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

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