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Band Forming, Audition Inside

Rock Band launches for the 360 on Tuesday. I'm not bad with a guitar, and I'm learning drums...but I don't want to know what'll happen if I step up to the mic. So I'm looking for fellow gamers who want to start getting together and playing through the Co-Op portions of the game. I won't have XBL until after the New Year (I'll be out of state for most of Decemeber so it'd be a waste), but when I get back I'm going to be ready to rock.   Feel free to drop your Gamertag here if you're intereste




T-Hybrid found it difficult to put together a proper entry for today's festivities. He has asked instead that his guest writer give it his best shot.   YaHAR me mateys! It be Cap'n ViceGreymon settin' sail on this fine Wednesday eve! When I told that scurvy dog T that it be the Annual Day to talk like a pyrat he gave me the ol' eeevil eye and shook his head like a yeller-bellied coward. So I too it upon meself to grab the keyboard and punch out a fine shanty to mark the occasion!   You wan



As A Rule...

In case it's still under debate, the best commericial during the Super Bowl this year was the very first one. I dunno if I can actually name the product though. Runner up (and dang close) was the careerbuilder.com ad about how to tell if it's time for a change.   And for those of you not in the workforce yet...yes, sometimes you do truly feel like you'd rather be riding a seal across the ocean than being at work.



Anybody Else Notice This?

I was looking at the shadowy figures on the back of Nocturn's box today, the ones that people have thought to be this year's Toa. Pardon me if I'm a bit behind, but has anybody else noticed they look surprisingly like some images we saw late last year that people thought were prototype Inika?   I'm talking about pics such as this: Though there are others which are actually live pics of sets (not book covers or other things such as that). Considering we saw the Barraki prototypes back during




I've gotten a few messages from people wondering when the Inuva fic is actually going to begin, and though I can't promise a date...hopefully "soon" should be a good enough answer.   If you read the Sneak Peek I posted a week or so ago, you'll note that at the time the project was untitled. That sorta remains the case today. And really, I can't write a good fic if I don't even have a title. I have the tagline, don't get me wrong: "Two Minds, One Destiny" or something along those lines. But



Another Year, Another Move

The big news for me out of Spring Break last week is that I've officially found and leased out a new apartment. Located about 10-15 minutes from work, as opposed to the current drive of two hours, my new place is a substantial upgrade.   For one, it has carpeting. But the big upgrade is the little walk-out patio/porch/balcony thing in my living room. Now I can step outside and get a breath of fresh Minnesota air without having to tramp through my complex and out the front door.   The big mo



Another Year Older

It's that time of year again! Now at the ripe old age of 24, I'm still able to say I'm "early 20s" vs. next year when I'll be "late 20s" and "almost 30". Sorry for the short entry, but now is the time for CAKE!



An Irs Sucker-punch

Some mail came for me today from the IRS, apparently there were some discrepancies in my 2006 Tax Return. To make a long story short, I now owe them $620 by the end of the month.   At first I couldn't figure out what the heck had happened, but after going over some of the paperwork from last year's filing, here's what I found. The person who did my taxes neglected to take into consideration some investments I had cashed out. The paperwork was all there, including the proper W2s or whatever t



An Irs Counter-punch

Well, things may have brightened up a bit around the Haven. I talked with my grandpa, who's a financial whiz (runs on that side of the family) about the problem I had over the weekend. Apparently there was more of a miscommunication between the me and the people I had purchased/sold stock through. They sent some info to me, apparently neglecting to make it clear that they weren't sending the rest.   So I had to track down a few forms (didn't know that there was such a thing as the Schedule D



An Exciting Thursday Wrap-up

This is going to be a quicker entry, as I have a few places I'm going to stop by in regards to work. The school year is fast approaching, and if I can't find something soon who knows how much time I'll have once classes start. Not to mention the expenses I'm already incurring...let alone book fees.   Fic News: Well, the results are in, and I'm proud to say that my Epic Contest entry has been named winner. I'm so excited! This is my first ever contest win in the 5 years I've been at BZP. I



An Accidental Culinary Creation

My boss was kind enough to pick up dinner for us guys at the office today. The meal of choice today was a quick pickup of a burger and fries from a nearby coffee shop. I had to fly, so in my haste to get everybody their food I neglected to grab enough condiments to go around. Since that was supposed to have been my job, I left what I had brought and ran back over to get some ketchup and whatnot for myself.   In my haste, I neglected to realize that the shaker next to the salt and pepper was



Alternatives To Baseball

The Twins are playing terrible right now. To a point that it's almost impossible to enjoy the few times they manage to score a run. As such, I've been turning more towards video games and my DVD collection to fill in boring evenings when I'm at my place.   Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 looks to be interesting enough. A combination of demon-hunting and SIMS style NPC interaction (as bizarre as it sounds), Persona appears to be the time-filling RPG I've been searching for ever since the Pokemo



All Kidding Aside

Okay, I've seen some pretty heated posts regarding the closure (and removal) of LGD and COT. And seriously, some people really need to calm down before they get themselves in trouble.   When I first read the post regarding the removal, I figured it was an elaborate joke. I know the staff is working hard on trying to keep those Board Messages from popping up, but of all days to annouce something like the removal of two forums April 1st just didn't seem like the right time.   But now the forum



All Good Things...?

I haven't been following Bionicle that closely the past few years, but I guess I wasn't really shocked to learn that things are wrapping up for now. It was one of those inevitabilities that had always lingered in the backs of people's minds...and now it's a reality.   I'm not exactly sure what to say here. I remember when Bionicle was first getting started, and I was just getting a feel for what could be done with the sets. And soon they became just another of my hobbies along with other act



Advice To Live By

I got this out of a fortune cookie in Mankato a while back. Just found it the other day while cleaning out my wallet.   Best. Fortune. Ever.



A Year Already?

I can't believe BZP's turning six already. I swear it was only yesterday I opened up The Haven. It's not that I forgot the Anny was coming up, it's just that I've already put it the best I could. But wow, six years! I never thought it'd happen when I first joined.   I'm looking forward to the next set of Spinners, some new Pips, and if all goes well...finally someday getting back to potentially working on Rebirth. Sorry all you loyal readers.   Saw the Mahri as well as the 07 Titans at Wa



A Triumphantly Unneccesary Return

T-Hybrid is currently running around like a chicken with his head cut off as he spreads his first paycheck out over his first round of bills.   Uh, hi I guess. It's been awhile, and honestly I don't know what to say. T-Boss called me up this afternoon while he was at the office and said I'd have to write an entry. Apparently he wasn't gonna make it and from the looks of things this place has been dead lately. I think it's too much of the Pokemans but that's just me.   There's no room in hi



A Tribute To Hank Scorpio

I just picked up the 8th Season of the Simpsons on DVD this weekend, and was suddenly reminded that it contained what I believe to be one of the best episodes in the history of the show. I'm speaking of "You Only Move Twice" featuring the greatest one-off character ever, Hank Scorpio.   As I watched the episode, I was almost able to quote along with it verbatim. It was amazing, it's been nearly 10 years since the episode aired, and here I am able to remember so much about it. Right down to



A Sour Note

So the guitar that came with Rock Band isn't working properly. And I haven't had a chance to test my own, but I've heard the USB hub that connects the instruments to the 360 is also faulty. Have had issues with the drums, but I'm going to stick with it and see if it's just me getting used to playing or the actual pads. The box to ship my guitar back to Harmonix is on it's way. Hopefully I can get that and the replacement before I fly out to Colorado in the winter.   Otherwise the game itsel



A Rally Cry For True Hordika

With all the talk about the Inika, many have started posting in various forums about their favorite Toa sets. Since I haven't seen a place for that topic to actually be discussed, I decided to take it to a blog...where if it you want to ignore it. You can.   But without Inika in hand, it's tough to do any sort of fair review. So while I sit and wait for the next generation of Toa to arrive on my doorstop, I've been left to ponder something that's been bugging me since the "Top Toa" comments



A Long Road Ahead

Wow, I didn't realize until today that I haven't had an entry for nearly a week. It's not by choice...rather by a combination of work, classes, and a long string of "Board Messages". I think part of me needed a break for a little bit. It was getting frustrating to only have a few hours a day to check the forums, and having those hours essentially negated by server overload.   But that's not what this entry is about. Mostly, it's about the Inuva (hence the placement in that section). The fi



A Little Something For Myself

Today was payday, and with my birthday coming up I treated myself to a...treat.   Gathered up a bunch of games I rarely play anymore (all my Dynasty Warriors games except 5, and the two LEGO Star Wars games....and all four Guitar Hero games), and went to Gamestop. Traded them in for a slick $150 bucks. Took that and picked up GHIII and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam (hereafter referred to as Gundam Warriors) for the Xbox360.   "But Torhu," you're probably saying. "You don't have a 360."   Well, t



A Hard Goodbye

I recieved news today that Sophia, our family dog, passed away today at the age of 12. I remember when we first got her, I was walking home from school and as I looked in my backyard from the street I saw a strange red dog running around with our other dog Buddy. So I hurried home and burst through the gate and was greeted by the newest member of the family.   We adopted her from the Human Society, where she had spent some time after being rescued from an abusive family. I don't think she



A Gestalt Fan's Nightmare

Some of you who know me better may be familiar with my weekness for combiners (it was what drew me to Bionicle in the first place).   Well, one major sacrifice I've had to also make in order to pick up a set of Inika (at least when it comes to buying fun stuff) is the quest for the ultimate Mecha.   Anybody here follow Sentai? Because if you do, I'm sure you're familiar with Boukenger's plethora of mecha this season. On the left is DaiBouken, the team's core Mech. DaiTanken (a Mech made up



A Frightening Discovery

Let it be known that on this day, I have discovered the center of the universe.   It happened while watching CSI this evening at 7:34pm. A commerical came on for Jumper, which I had considered going to up until this point. During the trailer, the main character drops into a couch and turns on a TV. Suddenly a commerical begins to air for HP and Windows, with the main character teleporting randomly in and out of the shot. Then at the end of the HP commerical the main character teleports out a



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