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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

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Exam tomorrow. And for some reasons I'm more scared of it than I should be. What if there will be just the problems I can't solve? D:

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

New Avatar and banner

Made from one of my latest drawings (actually painted with ink, but oh well.)   Sadly I haven't really created much art lately. :/

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


It's like being trapped in a cold white desert. Lovely, especially today morning when I had to wait for more than 30 minutes until my bus would finally arrive, which means I was late for a fairly important lecture, yaaaaaaaaay. -.-   Ah well.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Ewwwwww... I mean, determinants are not fun to calculate. At all. >< But thanks to some online videos I finally understand it, yay. Just how come I haven't though of this earlier, considering that I know that I learn things easier by watching someone else do it? =/ Sheesh.   Put under 'science' even though technically it doesn't really belong there. ^^"

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

You wouldn't want to enrage that demon... [Art]

^click the thumbnail to view the whole drawing; or this link. (in case the thumbnail doesn't work or you just prefer links...)   Sooo, what's to say about this one... it was drawn while going by subway (like most of my scribbles these days ><) with a fineliner... oh right, need I mention that I was a bit fairly angry at the time?   Somehow the scan doesn't do it justice, though. :/ Ah well.   Thoughts? Opinions?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I s'pose I should update this thing again

I just/wonder what I could write about... studying physics is still kinda fun, I passed the most crucial exams, two important ones are still ahead of me but that's not really a bad thing ( I bet I'll think differently in a week, but we'll see... then again, I can still worry about it later, right... ^^)     My current daily routine is fairly boring, though; go to university, be silly with 'friends' (... whaaat, it takes a bit 'till I consider someone a friend... suspicious Taka is suspicious >

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Fangirling >.<

It can be really annoying; every now and then I just need to stumble across a gif or image of something/someone I used to totally fangirl over... and I completely fall back into that state again.   THEREFORE, I'll change my avatar within the next few minutes... be prepared... for a certain elf... *siiigh* Or not. No, better not ^^"

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Went better than expected ^^'

I got away with just some minor drilling and a little filling. Somehow I always forget to ask for an injection, then realize that while it is painful it really doesn't take long... xD So yeah, nothing really bad happened ^^'

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

dentist tomorrow

... yaaaay :/   I just hope that it stays what it's supposed to be, just the usual annual check, but somehow... I've got a baad feeling about this D: Well, we'll see.    

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

*silent silence*

So, uh, recently there haven't really been any blog entries by me, nor meaningful posts or anything constructive (apart from pms, of course, but that's a different thing).   It's not because I'm not interested in this place anymore.   The problem is that I'm going through some sort of crisis IRL that leaves me with pretty little I think I can talk about. :/ Yay me ><   ... yep, that pretty much sums up what is going on right now. Sorry guys. :/

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Colour! x3

Guys, you know, sometimes I do wear colour; after all, I like it just about as much as I love dark/black stuff. So... yeah. Shocking, isn't it? No pics though =P

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Best Wishes

due to time zones there's never really a right moment for this anyway - yet, I wish you all Merry Christmas and enjoyable holidays! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


"My crystal ball tells a different story..." ~~~     The world will totally end today. And due to timezones I'll miss out on it again, anyway

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I wish I could post more art...

but recently all of my drawings have taken a dark turn, coming out rather bizarre, odd-looking, and frankly too scary and/or gorey to be posted on here ._.   That's what stress does to my mind, yay. They are fairly intense, though.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

BRB, pulling faces at my reflection [Art]

They say your face gets stuck if you do that too often. Yay.   Long story short, I'm working on a new persona. But you know, technically she's replacing Chibi-me for a while. Not forever. But I need a new face to work with. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

On subcultures and self-labelling

Inspired by a 'discussion' I had with a friend recently. Warning: wall of text ahead. ^^"   She would insist that two certain subultures are almost the same. Which they are not, because I've done a fair share of research on both and I can say that the aesthetics are different, the music is different, and the general attitude towards life and other things is not alike, too. The only thing they really have in common is that in both people wear a lot of black.   What really annoyed me though was t

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Stress and nervousity

Got an important exam on friday, and to be honest I'm fairly scared of it, even though I'm almost done with studying, have prepared everything I could and heck, as far as I know it's an open-book-thingie, anyway.   Still I am absolutely stressed and nervous, which has resulted in a lack of sleep (yay), general absent-mindedness (yay), a lack of ceativity (woot)... and of course, the need to complain about it. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Exam coming up on friday, yay... life's generally sorta busy at the moment... I'd so love to just curl up in a dark corner and, I dunno, meditate or something.   Or the exact opposite. Running around. MOVEMENT.   But somehow I'm not able to do either. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Guys, guys!

Comic! Comic! Update! Update! Yay!   ~~~~~   Yes really. I finally got around drawing another regular update for A slightly different tale. :3 And yes, I know I am being annoying and sound right like my 14 year old self. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


So in about a week I have a very important exam... and I did study a bit for it today, actually I already started doing so last week. But then I realized I totally do not want to do anything related to it today.   What else could be done?   Riiight, there's a physics problem I have yet to solve! Yay!   (kinda like homework. And it can be fun ^^)   So I did that instead. It was totally worth it, and I think I could've found worse ways to pass my time... but now I wonder, am I the only one who d

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Math books are not like fiction. AT ALL.

It annoys me greatly, because I've realized that it takes so much more time and concentration to read a mathematically-themed book. Even if it's well-written and in a rather 'easy' style, it still needs so much focusing. ._.   Of course, using a text-marker helps. But still... :/ I can only read a small fraction at a time, I need to take breaks in between parts (whereas I can read fiction for hours and hours without even thinking of putting the book down. Unless it's in Italian, then it can be f

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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