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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

You know what sometimes annoys me?

I've never been all too fond of people comparing my drawings to rage faces or other memes. It annoys me greatly, because it makes me feel like my stuff is not original at all. Sure, that's kinda the risk someone takes when abstracting heavily, because a circle will always look like a circle. Stickmen look like people. Emoticons like faces.   Still. ._.   Anyone else feeling like this? :/

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

went to the cinema

watched Hotel Transylvania. And daaaang was it cute. Adorable. Even though the story wasn't that original or surprising, but you know, every now and then I really enjoy a silly, colourful childrens' movie. With monsters. :3   And of course, it totally fit the time, with Halloween approaching and everything... yep.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Jester hats DO make everything better

You know, it's weird. I am absolutely unable to directly approach strangers, i.e. walking up to someone and simply start talking to them. I can't. I worry too much. But what works, is 'joking along'. Which means, if I somehow happen to be in a group with people that are being silly, at some point I start throwing in some jokes myself. And if that works, great, I might even dare to talk s'more.   In other words, being silly is my method to get to know people. :/ Might sound weird, but hey, whatev

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


I have absolutely no idea why I can't seem to find a fitting avatar right now... :/

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

({entry image, testing} \ {testing}) u {Halloween}

Nevermind the weird title. Too much of that math class... Anyways, this is more or less a test whether entry images work now.   And while I'm at it, I thought I might as well point out that Halloween is drawing nearer and nearer, and that I'm absolutely looking forward to it. It might be a bit clichè, but I totally adore halloween season. Why? Skeletons! Ghosts! Bats! Pumpkins! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Me yesterday [art]

Magic liiink ('cause I'm far too tired for a thumbnail right now ><)   Well, what to say about this... yesterday was one of those rare occasions where I'm wearing a skirt. =P It's a nice one, though. what else... two braids, my red-and-black scarf. ^^   I know there is no mouth I left it out on pupose ._.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Patches [Art]

Magic link   I suppose the fact that I'm able to do art stuffs means that I'm re-gaining control over my life again.   Backstory? I've found my backpack not to be as great anymore, and more important, it just didn't feel "me" any longer. So I decided to paint a few patches... yup. ^^ All except for the skeleton hand have been sewn onto the backpack already. Looks quite nice, but I definitely need more patches. x3   And acrylic paint on jeans fabric is surprisingly versatile. O.o

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

... how is that even possible D:

Last night a mosquito woke me up at 3:00 A.M. ... you know, with that annoying buzzing sound they make... although it was not like I had slept much anyway, like so often in the night between monday and tuesday. >< Anyways, when I woke up, my upper lip felt funny. Funny not as in 'haha hilarious' but as in 'oh no something's off what is that feeling'.   So I got up to check my face in the mirror. ... and apparently "someone" must've had a fair share of my blood that night, because part of u

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Brief summary of the past week

OMG UNIVERSITY OMG PHYSICS I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO PASS THE TESTS IN JANUARY WAAAH MATHS WAT IS THIS I DON'TUNDERSTAND AND I DUNNO ANYONE HERE OMG OMG OMG ;n;   ... oh wait, it's not that bad actually   ~~~~   ... I seriously tried to come up with a fitting, elaborate and slightly more literary decription, but since I'm generally someone who rather tells a story via exaggerating than finely crafted words, it resulted in the ALL CAPS text above.   Because seriously, I have no idea why I was that s

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

*freaking out*

I'm currently being eaten up by my own stress, fear and nervousity.   ... it's slowly getting better, though, so don't worry about me...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I made some art today...

but somehow I'm not sure whether I want to post it. Not that it's (overly) scary, or inappropriate, but rather because it is one of those works that are the first again after a longer period of art block... and huge stress. :/   Also sorry 'bout the decreased activity, but at the moment there are still plenty of IRL stuffs that need to be sorted out, and somehow I am feeling more like a spectator than a participant right now. ._.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Fingerless glove season <3

I realized that I wear mine so much more frequently in Fall/Winter...mostly because my hands become friggin' cold within just a very short amount of time ><   But heck, I have some with a skeletton hand print <3

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


is starting tomorrow. Needless to say I'm already fairly nervous right now. :/ Nervous as in not really able to sleep well at night (the last 2 ones were... annoying. Lying awake for hours, then falling asleep for maybe 2 or 3 hours, lying awake again, falling asleep again...)   Although, I know that it will all be okay. But it's an all-new situation...   Anyways, I'm right now listening to something of the soundtrack of Risen (another PC RPG), and I think I now found one of the songs that will

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


... basically, this is why I never really get anything done. :/   And daaaang, this is horrible in terms of art style. I can find something I absolutely dislike in every panel. D:

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

New blog everything.

what has changed?   New name not sure whether I'll keep it or change it again, but the old one was already kind of boring.   New 'theme' Simply because all the old images were so... old D:   New approval. because the old one wasn't as pretty anymore.     yeah, original. And awesome font. I know ._.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

new chair

... oh yeah.   *ahem* Silly rhyme aside,there's now a new chair standing around in front of my computer. And it's awesome. Super-comfortable, and looks cool, too. (Red and Black, wheee!)   Art-wise things aren't as aweome at the moment, somehow I just can't seem to get anything done apart from silly pen doodles. Or strange pen doodles. It's frustrating.   BTW, that Sim is scary.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Always remember

To think twice before making a decision. And then another time. It helps preventing you from making mistakes.   ... or so I thought.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Some bandshirts [Sims 2]

This is what comes from boredom. :/ Okay, the Creature Feature shirt was actually requested by my sis. :3 And I know it's fairly simple. They all are.   Apart from that, there's also Alice Cooper (Welcome 2 My Nightmare) HammerFall - Back (Steel Meets Steel - Ten Years of Glory)   ... and some more, including shirts for guys (HammerFall, Avantasia), but I haven't got any snapshots of thise yet. And I guess nobody cares about my Sims 2 stuff, anyway xD

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


(click for higher resolution ^^)   They're still the cutest MoCs I ever made d'awwwwwww <3 (and that was in '09... )

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

The future... [Art]

Link (click to view drawing)   What to say about this one... well, it's the Demon Jester again. And considering that look on her face, the king should probably prepare for some bad news.   ... I know it's just a doodle, but somehow I am far too impatient to fully sketch, ink and colour something. But look, drawing freehand doesn't look that horrible anymore =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Whyyyy... D:

I will never understand why the smaller or more special shops all 'die' sooner or later. Well okay, I suppose I do. But still... >.>   Anyways, the only store in my area that sold leather jackets and had lots of different types (and also coats and faux leather stuff in good quality), apparently switched to expensive jeans. You know, designer stuff. Super expensive. That's not just annoying. It's horrible, because I don't know of any store even remotely similar. So what am I going to do if

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

That awkward moment

when you want to blog about something, but don't find anything interesting to talk about. and can't show art because the latest drawings kinda contain spoilers. and, and...   D:

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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