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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

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A ball hit me directly on the (open) right eye. ><   but my eye's okay, methinks. Just a bit red.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

"mini Talk"

... so today I got to school, and the first thing I got asked was, "Have you prepared for your mini talk? Or have you already had it?". (A mini talk is a small presentation in semi-formal style. 't least that's what our teacher told us)   Of course I had not been prepared. But I knew what topic I'd talk about ("My weaknesses and strenghts").   It all went well, I had a small sheet of paper with 5 words and talked more or less freely.   Now, I just wish I knew what I specifically talked about

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

All My Obsessions

weeeell, actually not all of them... but quite a handful. ^^   There you go.   Soo, from left to right, we have: Takanuva, Kualus (the little thing down there), Takarion Avon (self-made character), me [no, NOT an obsession of mine, but I wanted it to be like some kind of family portrait, so I had to include an idealized self-pic], a smiling borg, the Starship Enterprise, Leander Milan (I made her up sometime ago, and she won't seem to leave me), aaand, last but not least, Taka Nuvia   Again

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Oooh, Portfolio

for Geography. About?   Monopoly   Actually it's kinda fun. Economics are way cooler than Topography and memorizing maps

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Omg A Drawing

*sigh* looks like I'm finally coming back to arty things.   There ya go   Yeah. A drawing. Inspired by a StarWars character (or would 'influenced' suit the whole situation better?), done with a HB pencil. I'd like to hear your opinions on it, and I'd be grateful for any advice on drawing decent weapons (I found out that I'm not really good at that ._.)   Hope you enjoy it

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I Cleaned Up My Desk

... seriously, I did. (I never knew it was that big)   And ewww, I found a few things I could not identify... and cleaned away some dark spots... and now it's all organized and pretty

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Oh Indeed

... it may be dark outside, but inside my mind it's all warm and sunny. What a weird feeling. O.o   Aaanyways, how are you people?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Merry Christmas!

...I know I'm a bit late, but yesterday was big family celebration... Merry Christmas to all of you! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Christmas = stress   Seriously... but now it's all over, I've got the presents for my friends, and those for my siblings.   It's all over. Yay.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Biology Test On The 22nd

life is just so beautiful at the moment. I mean, how wonderful is that? How could I not be lucky in such a wonderful time?   ... just in case you did not notice: no, I'm not serious 'bout that, yes, I was being sarcastic, and yes, I'm angry with me.   Tomorrow I have the test, and when do I start studying? Today. And then I have to listen to my mum telling me I'm not able to plan such things. No, I'm not, but I know that, okay?   I feel guilty in a way. I mean, what have I done for Bzpower

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

It's So Cooold Over Here...

... now I know what is bad about losing weight... and why penguins don't shiver ><   Seriously, it's cold over here. And my first winter with normal weight (ha haaa as if someone cared xD)... cold cold cold.   and tomoroow I have Italian test. -.-

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

December Comic - Student's Magazine

Link (warning, its pretty huge)   And as always, the translations:   ~~~~~   Headline: Austria's looking for Santa Clause   "Dear viewers..." - Today we're casting: Santa Clause 2009!" "The Jury" - "The prize" Who did not win "Oooh, perfect" - "Ah well..."   ~~~~~   Hm... I guess that's it. Actually this is already a month old...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


The only thing I like about today is that we're gonna watch two episodes of Star Trek in about an hour.   Asides from that today was HORRIBLE. (yeah, caps) Why? Well, I got the geography test from last week back. (I didn't blog 'bout that, methinks). And why's that so bad? Because I got my worst mark ever. Now you might ask "Well, poor you, how bad was it?". Then I'd have to tell you that the grade would be a C. (Meh, Austria has a different system for that; over here it's a 3, just in case so

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I'm Scared

Do teachers believe they can show us any clips just because a few people in my class are 16 already?!   ... 'cause we watched the beginning of "The Wall", and there was once scene that grossed me out, and now... (If you know what I'm talking about, please do not mention it. Please)   I just want to forget it.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Dopo Domani...

...everything will be alright. (and that's Italian in the title... should mean "after tomorrow", but I'm not that good at translating stuff, so it might be wrong...)   Aaanyways, tomorrow I have my maths test, the one which I've been studying for the whole past week >.<

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Okay Now This Sucks...

... writer's block whilst doing homework is annoying :angry:   And I should finish the text 'bout "Hamlet" 'till tomorrow... *sigh*   I'll just take a break and try to finish it later

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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