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Taka Nuvia


The only thing I like about today is that we're gonna watch two episodes of Star Trek in about an hour.


Asides from that today was HORRIBLE. (yeah, caps) Why?

Well, I got the geography test from last week back. (I didn't blog 'bout that, methinks). And why's that so bad? Because I got my worst mark ever. Now you might ask "Well, poor you, how bad was it?". Then I'd have to tell you that the grade would be a C. (Meh, Austria has a different system for that; over here it's a 3, just in case someone from Austria, Germany or wherever else they use that system reads this entry).


Go ahead, tell me that this isn't that bad.

"This is not bad, why are you overreacting, what's your problem?!"


The problem, dearest voice in my head, is that this is not my usual... stuff. I set the levels for myself high. I failed myself and my own expectations. So I'm angry with myself/that I did not learn enough/that I dunno how to memorize maps/that I got a bad mark/that I got that mark in Geography, where all you need to do is learn something, where understanding is not needed.


... and the rest was silence

Now where did that come from? O.o


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It's alright, Taka. Not everyone gets something right. This was a one time thing, the next will be better. I know it.

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...well, I can't make the little voice in your head go away, but I can say this - a C isn't that bad. Yes, I'm telling you that you did fine. Cause' you did. XD


Try not to worry about it too much; despite what you may be telling yourself... it's alright not to live up to your expectations all the time. Hopefully, you'll feel better after you get some sleep...

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I don´t even get grades, so I can´t say it´s not bad. Then again, I can´t say it´s not good, either.


Anyway, what is geography? Merely an arrangement of very big items. If you know something about physics, you should be able to convince yourself that geography doesn´t even exist. ^_^


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