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I Have No Work Ethic.

I have none.   Can some responsible person come smack me over the head so I can go study for the PSAT? I need to do well so I can get scholarship monies. Otherwise, I fear my parents (mostly my mom) may disown me.   Also, thoughts on new blog tagline? Blueberry or strawberry? Cats or dogs? Yes? Mudkips? 42? Your mom?   -Raia-



Sick Again.

Well, I caught another icky cold, I haven't been well-rested since October and my artistic motivation is a roller coaster of insane sky-highs and bamboozled bottom-of-the-ocean lows, but that's okay! We are all about optimism. And while my throat has a frog in it and my grade is slipping in my Pre-Calculus class, I'm a couple days ahead in NaNo now, so I can actually go to bed at a normal time tonight. Of course, I have to get an...EEG, I think it is--some kind of heart test--on Wednesday in



Movie Review: Twilight.

OOPS, I forgot to tell y'all what I thought of the movie!=O   So yeah. *Dons helmet*   Overall, the movie is very true to the book. That translates to mean that people who loved the book will love the movie, and people who hate the book or mock the book but refuse to be intelligent and READ THE DANG THING before they slander it will hate it. I should know, because I (foolishly) brought along a friend who had not read the book. She thought the whole thing was a laugh, and was preoccupied wi



Middle Age Crisis.

I love how my mom always makes the excuse "You know, 40 is the new 20."   Go crazy Lady K.8D   -Raia-



Neurologists And Mud Puddles.

Well, I went to see a neurologist today in my quest to discover the cause of the dizzy spells which I've been having randomly since a year ago. After being poked, prodded, and questioned, I have a new set of doctors to see. Whee. I just wish we could figure out what my problem is already...but at least the doc was nice. Apparently, she also saw me at the Marching Festival last week.xD It's such a small world!   What else have I been doing?...well, tests. Tests, timed writings, etc, etc.



The Best Drink Ever

Those new mocha frappes at McDonald's are to DIE for. Seriously. They are the nectar of the gods.     (what, were you expecting something else?)         Mkay, anyway, the real reason I am posting is because I'm bored of this blog theme and want a new one, but I can't decide what to do next...the random title "Karaoke Night in Kansas City" popped up in my brain, and I love that idea, but I didn't think it was the "right" one because someone who has never done karaoke simply should not have a







Zesk Speedpaint.

zomg I luvz ze zeskzorz :3     MOUSE ONLY ON PDN IN LIKE A MINUTE OMIGOSH *dies* I dunno what I was thinking...guess I wanted to see how steady my hand was.^.^ Not very, but enough to produce an acceptable likeness of my favorite small set for this year.   -Raia-



In Regards To The New Toa Element

Eeeeeee! 8DDDDDD   Don't know what I'm talking about? Psionics has just been canonized by the Greg-man as a Toa element. Even better--it is, officially, a female element.   THIS CALLS FOR A FAN-CHARACTER. *brain whirrs into gear*   Expect an art of said fan-character at some time in the future.:3 I haven't been this excited about Bionicle-related stuff since...gee, I dunno. Since that clip of the Mata Nui robot rising out of the ocean came out, probably. That animation was epicly epic.



High School Concerts: Now In Surround Sound!

So last night was the final concert of the year for band and it was both epic and fail on several counts. But the coolest thing that happened was definitely the first song the other band did.* It was based off a battle in the Korean War and it was WIN. They had all these nifty percussion parts where they made it sound like the ocean, and then there were parts where some of their percussionists went to the back of the auditorium and whacked these old drum heads so it sounded exactly as if ther



A Massive Update

...wait, what? So the forums are back now?O_o That was...unexpected.xD   HAI GUYS. So like, it's time for a massive update, ya know? YIPPEE-KII-YAAY!   Raia is: -17 as of last Thursday -A Junior in High School as of last Friday -Braces-less as of...um...well, I got my braces off during the downtime. Whatever.>> -Busy as heck -Pit Captain...technically. But I didn't get an official Captain t-shirt. Boo. -Finally taking an art class <3 -Too busy loving on her new t




Okay, look people.   It's not that Twilight is a bad book. It's not the best book in the world. It is a good book. I have read it, as well as New Moon, so don't any fangirls come swarm over me. I read it voraciously. It's the sort of thing that sucks you in like a helpless fish in a whirlpool, whether you want to or not.   But seriously. Draw the line, people, draw the line. To fangirls: CHILL OUT, why don't you? To haters/bashers: bash the behavior, not the book, please. Just cuz y



And They Dance, Too

I've said this before, but this time I really mean it...I had like the craziest weekend eveeeerr. Unfortunately I'm bored of regaling the details, so I'll just say that it was two days of standardized testing, whacky percussionist mishaps, and illnesses.   Also we just replaced all the appliances in our kitchen...honestly I miss the old ones, they were so much more easy to use. But that's just my lazy side kicking in. On the plus side, they have really pretty LCD displays and the diswasher p



Mother Trouble

*waves from Planet Homework*   Hey everyone. Life pulled a fast one on me again. My mom has been a total pain lately...she's been having mood swings in which she's generally been disproportionately angry (mostly with me, it seems like) and she's kinda made my life miserable. Which is sad, because I feel that in other areas, like academically and socially, I've made so much progress and effort, but then she tears me down and acts like being human, or more accurately, myself, is an evil act.



Why I Don't Post

Because half of the forums are people arguing over stuff like "They're BIONICLE sets, not Bionicles, fools!!!"   Silly BZPers.   On a related note, I just don't like arguing in general, unless it's just a goofy argument which is more about being ridiculous then a genuine exchange of anger at each others' opinions or whatever. Just to clarify. So I hardly ever state my hardcore opinion on an issue because I don't want to start a debate, and EVERYONE seems obligated to debate other people'




Raia fell for a fad, gasp!   Link, because the board is being stupid and won't let me put the pic in directly. Who CARES if it's freaking www.domain.com/picture.one.gif instead o' www.domain.com/picture.gif?!?!   Anyway...I don't hate anybody!=3 I HUG THE WORLD.   <333   Except that one crazy girl in my gym class who loathes me for no apparent reason. I threw my hairbrush at her once and completely missed.>< And terrorists. And politicians. And-   Yeah. You're right. I've been dep



The Hotbellsguy Update.

Love has thwarted me once again! YAY!8D   ...so remember hotbellsguy? No? Well he's that incredibly hot, friendly, smart, awesome flute player. The one who -used- to play bells beside me. The one that Raia still harbors a crush on. The one who is so dang LOVEABLE that Raia can't get OVER IT?   ...so this week is Valentine's. And they are selling these little Valentine whatchamacallits that they will deliver for you during lunch. So I stuffed a dollar in my jeans pocket and plotted.   ...so I



We Now Interrupt This Program...

...to bring you some random! Because I hate to see this place rot.:< I have no ideas for wacky entries anymore...so we are interrupting the program of BLAH with some random Raia facts that are random, and not even possibly relevant to anyone except me, and if you're lucky, you'll find them entertaining.^^   This is only temporary programming...I have art coming soon.0: HONEST TO GOODNESS, GENUINE BIONICLE ART.   ...okay I kinda lied, it's HB.>.> But still! It's not even Glitch-re



Adios, Amigos!

Well, I leave tomorrow. And I still haven't finished packing yet.xD   Hasta luego, mis amigos! Don't throw any fiestas while I'm gone, mkay?;D   -Raia-



Strange But True.

She speaks the truth, guys. She speaks the truth. And if you deny it, Raia will come after you. -Raia-




My new Sansa Fuze came in-- a mere TWO DAYS before my departure. What kind of luck is that? Raia is NEVER lucky.0:   Well, may as well enjoy its shininess while I wait for the other shoe to drop.   -Raia-



Paint.net <3

Raia discovered Paint.NET.   Raia LOVES Paint.NET.   After an unknown number of hours, Raia came up with her first CG art EVER! Is one of my Original Characters from a story I'm writing. Non-Bionicle, so you won't see it on BZP. Especially since it's my pet project, and someday, as in years and years from now, I hope to publish it. So yeah. Just a fun little practice-thing. I hope it turned out okay...   Wheeeee!   -Raia-    



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