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Transformers 5 Review

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kat_wJQQUww   I've decided to do something different. Here's my video review.         24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Fake News

Nope. Nothing political. But I am legitimately getting ticked off with Yahoo for consistently reporting falsehoods. Specifically, they often use pictures that don't have anything to do with the stories they're reporting. I've seen several examples in the last few days. Some of them are fairly simple, such as reporting on a new poster for the Justice League movie and using a fan-made poster instead of the actual one, but the one bit of fake news that really takes the cake is a report on a gi

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Wonder Woman Inspired Kindergarteners

I came across this, which has been retweeted a ton. I think that sometimes, in order to truly appreciate a movie, you have to look at it through a kid's eyes: I work at a kindergarten and this is a collection of cute Wonder Woman related things that happened within a week of the movie being released. On Monday, a boy who was obsessed with Iron Man, told me he had asked his parents for a new Wonder Woman lunchbox. A little girl said “When I grow up I want to speak hundreds of languages like

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Wonder Woman Inspired Kindergarteners

I came across this, which has been retweeted a ton. I think that sometimes, in order to truly appreciate a movie, you have to look at it through a kid's eyes: I work at a kindergarten and this is a collection of cute Wonder Woman related things that happened within a week of the movie being released. On Monday, a boy who was obsessed with Iron Man, told me he had asked his parents for a new Wonder Woman lunchbox. A little girl said “When I grow up I want to speak hundreds of languages like

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Cars 3 Review

This is going to be pretty short and to the point: If you saw the poster, you know what this film is about. Unlike Cars 2, which had just about nothing to do with the first one, Cars 3 is as natural of a continuation of the first movie as you can get. It's all about Lightning McQueen learning to be more like Doc Hudson. I think one of the great things about this movie is that Lightning is actually far more mature than he was when we first met him in 2006, and you can see how he applies a lot

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Cars 3 Review

This is going to be pretty short and to the point: If you saw the poster, you know what this film is about. Unlike Cars 2, which had just about nothing to do with the first one, Cars 3 is as natural of a continuation of the first movie as you can get. It's all about Lightning McQueen learning to be more like Doc Hudson. I think one of the great things about this movie is that Lightning is actually far more mature than he was when we first met him in 2006, and you can see how he applies a lot

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

See You Again surpassing Gangnam Style?

People keep on rooting for "See You Again" to overtake "Gangnam Style". I mean, I'm not opposed to it, but some people have animosity for "Gangnam Style" for having more views. Seriously, "Gangnam Style" is a good song and it's #1 for a reason. It has that meme quality to it. And I don't know why out of all of the tributes to deceased people, "See You Again" is the only one that people are rooting to get billions of views. Personally, if a song that was a tribute to a deceased celebrity were to

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

A warning about raccoons

Speaking from experience, pet raccoons can be tamed enough to not bite people, but they will never be house-trained. Unfortunately, they have the worst preferences for where to relieve themselves. Usually mine climes up onto the back of my neck and goes to the bathroom right there. Kangaroos can't be house-trained either, but at least poop on the floor, in little pellets. Eventually, I'm going to get a kangaroo instead.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

RIP Adam West

I just heard the news. He might have been my favorite Batman. Sad to hear of his passing.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Wonder Woman Review

When Superman starred in his first tent-pole production, it became a beloved classic. As the first major superhero film, it set the tone for all future superhero films. It became the gold standard against which all other superhero films are measured, either by how well they capture the classic comic book atmosphere, or by how they break from comic book movie lore. Superman: The Movie wasn't only a classic because it was the first, though. Director Richard Donner knew exactly what tone to give to

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Woverine's Bone Claws

Apparently there are people who hate the idea that he once had bone claws and that it ruins the character, because they prefer the idea of the claws being implants from the Weapon X program.   The reason why I've never been able to accept the "claws as implants" story, right from the very beginning, was because the mechanics didn't make sense. How did he protract them? You would have to have a special set of muscles to bring them out. If they were implants, there would be no way of naturally

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Nostalgia Bomb!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3C7H_xvwHs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66y6m_epjbU   Bam. You're all thinking happy thoughts now. So am I. Glad we're all on the same page.   Seriously, this music gives me the best feeling. It's my favorite game music of all time, and that means that I even like it more than "Baba Yetu". I love it, and it always inspires me, not just emotionally, but also creatively.   Why hasn't LEGO released an official CD with this soundtrack? I went to put it i

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Ghost in the Shell Review

The one thing that I knew about this movie going into it was that it had very good aesthetics, and that it was on the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 level of prettiness. I guess you could say that I also knew that it starred Scarlett Johansson, although that wasn't really a selling point for me. Actually, that was a point against it, because it made me think that it would be a lot like Luc Besson's dumb Lucy movie. I enjoyed Lucy, but I didn't want a retread of that.   Now that I've seen it, I ca

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Yes, I will be reviewing Wonder Woman

I will be watching the movie on Friday with someone who is herself a Wonder Woman. I've heard that the reviews are actually good, so this makes me excited. I know that a lot of times I say I'm going to review something and I don't, or I get around to it belatedly, but I will review Wonder Woman. I love this character, and it means a lot to me that someone finally made a movie about her. I also highly envy the likes of Jeremy Jahns and Chris Stuckman who are able to get press screenings and be at

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Kim Jong-Un and His Bombs

Every time I look at the news, I get a little more nervous. My one consolation is that if the U.S. does get nuked, it will likely be on the West Coast and nowhere near the Midwest. But it would still be an absolutely terrible thing.   Does this count as a political entry? If so, I'm sorry. I just wanted to express my feelings on something.   In addition to that, I'm also being stressed out by a family member being hospitalized, and the IRS not accepting my tax returns due to technical proble

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Logan > Dark Knight

Sure, Dark Knight was really gritty. But it was pompous and pretentious. It was really annoying, and had terrible editing. It's considered the best comic film of all time due to a really, really good performance, but I don't think that it makes the movie itself perfect. It has some huge flaws with the story. It feels pretty incomplete. And ultimately, it takes itself so seriously and sees itself as such a relevant film when in reality it doesn't have much of a human element. You don't loo

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Alien or Aliens?

They're both so perfect. One is the perfect horror movie, and the other is the perfect action movie, which also manages to stay pretty horrifying at many times. Aliens is one of those movies that is in contention for being the best sequel of all time, because it's so good. I love how it evolves Ripley.   Both films manage to do something incredible. I think that one of the hardest things to ever do is to come up with a legitimately scary horror movie that gives you nightmares. Alien is argu

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Zack Snyder's Daughter Died

I feel guilty for initially celebrating, because the news reported it with the headline that he had stepped down from directing DC movies. And then it revealed the tragic news. I don't want to do what the other news articles are doing, so I gave a much more honest title to this blog entry.   I feel sorry for his loss. She was twenty years old, and took her own life. No family should ever have to deal with that kind of darkness.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Alien: Covenant Review

Advertisements have a tricky job to carry out. First, the advertisements must sell a movie, and get people excited. Second, it is a good idea for an advertisement to be aesthetically pleasing and a work of art unto itself. Third, very few people want an advertisement to give away too much. And finally, an advertisement should set audience expectations so that they know what to look for in order to get the most out of its film. Advertisements don't always carry through on that last function,

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Homeward Bound Review

1993 was a good year. Steven Spielberg released two of the best films ever, Jurassic Park and, especially, Schindler's List. Harrison Ford starred in one of his best movies, The Fugitive. Tim Burton directed presented The Nightmare Before Christmas. Child friendly films like The Sandlot became classics. And there's also this one, Homeward Bound, a Disney remake of their 1963 film The Incredible Journey. I just watched it today, and nearly cried. It's been...a long time. What was I? Five?

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Logan Review

This is probably the first time that the main draw for a superhero film (if you can call Logan such) has been its cinematography. For those of you who saw the one-time-only black-and-white showing of Logan, congratulations; you saw something truly beautiful. For the rest of you who missed out, too bad, but at least it will be available on blue ray.   Before I go into Logan itself, the subject of quality black and white cinematography demands some address of color photography. They require two co

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Quote of the Day (5/13/17)

"Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity and incompetence." - Ben Shapiro   Whenever you think that the world is filled with terrible people, just assure yourself with this. Yes, you still live in a messed up world, but at least most people are not malicious.   So no guys, George Lucas is not evil. Goodness. For that matter, I wouldn't call him stupid or incompetent, either. And I know you would like to argue that, but I don't think that you have the, eh, high ground whe

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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