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One Of T H O S E Entries...

To whom it may concern, I tried to figure you out, And understand, And "help," But it didn't work, I looked down that road, And saw no end, So now I'm saying, I will not be baited, I will not be insulted, I will not get angry or flustered, I will look at both sides of the argument, I will agree to disagree, I will not hold grudges, I will not gossip, I will take a step back when I find myself



Wow! Amazing...

I leave for a couple days, and BZP is completely remodeled! It looks cool... I'm diggin' the new profile look... I can get used to this. Maybe. Looks cool, though. I hope none of my info was... you know, poofified during the make-over.  I've been getting ready for our moving-to-Hawaii house sale for the last couple days. So... yeah. We started it today, and we already made $2,000+. We sold most of our stuff... and none, I repeat, none of my Lego was sold. You know why? It's not for sale.   My




I has. Got for $64. Very nice indeed. It's bigger than it looks in any of the pictures... yeah, it's really huge. Lewa's mask isn't as bad as I thought either. Still kinda squashed. All the random silver weapons are throwing off my groove, though. =/ BtB



I Started A Fad...

I don't know if I should be pleased or horrified. No one said WIN or What. before I came along. NOW THE PHRASES ARE EVERYWHERE WHAT HAVE I DONE *runs amok* *escapes* BtB



Oh, Now I Remember...

Playing Halo 2 again, and it's reminding me why it's my favorite of the series... But I should really finish Mass Effect first, shouldn't I? BtB



Star Trek

Pretty darn good. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «But I really wish Mr. Abrams would stop with the time travel already. It's driving me insane. BtB Edit: For some reason I posted this last night but it didn't show up on the blog page... a mystery...



Phase One: 95%

Length, tail: 18.5 inches. Length, no tail: 12 inches. Height: 10 inches. Width: 8 inches. Easily my largest MOC in terms of measurement. I think the yet-unposted Ominous Desecration was slightly heavier though. I need to place a parts order to complete it, and then on to phases two, three, and four. I just need to get the shoulders and neck base to flow right... I can't find an armor piece that fits. I also need another black Metru chest. Who'd have thought three wasn't enough



Earthenware Army

So... sleepy... must... blog... I has a concept. A tan and green concept. Maybe I'll post more later. For now, in my sleep-fogged state, I'll say it'll be Mecha, it'll be in the medium-ish future, (as in, probably within a year) and it'll be mostly, if not all, System. I need to sharpen my fusion claws before I can take on this project though. I need MOAR PARTS And also... uh... I FORGET NOW GO AWAY (but not before you comment) Oh yeh, I thought I might make a collection



*punts Shar-pei*

I wrote this today after getting the idea of Makuta and Shar-peis. Don't take it too seriously, I wrote it in about an hour and I never proof read it. In other news, I finally wrote more in my epic. :: Teridax angrily threw a baby shar-pei at the wall. "Why am I always thwarted?! Those silly Turaga and Matoran have pestered me for the last time! I will beat them! Hang my dastardly plans for keeping them on Mata Nui Random Big City! I will stop using exclamations now!" The nearby Rahks



Clear Sky

I'm really liking the way he's turning out. ... He's my tallest creation to date... already 13 inches without the head. ... uhh I dunno if I'll be able to finish him on time though. 'Cause I want him to be the best I can make him. And I still need to make some adjustments on Tempest and make CS' arms and head. And make CS' gun bigger. ... For those of you who remember it, last year I started the KMR project. This is a continuation of that. Tempest is KMR 04, CS is KMR



I Accidentally A Gelu

Also my mom is currently singing "Getting to Know You" in the kitchen.   Oh yeah, and Stronius to.   Quick facts!   Gelu: Blah. The only reason I got him was 'cause there was a fluke at Wal Mart and all the Legends were 11.50 instead of 14.90 something, like they usually are, and like the other Glatorian were. Mask is nice. Snowflakes are k. Recolored chest is pretty. I finally have some white toed-Inika feet. The blades are larger and cooler than expected. But overall? Pretty blah. He's a b



Bbc... What Is It Now? 57?

Was gonna make Tali.   But someone else on another site is making Tali.   So making maybe Wrex instead? Thoughts?     Yeah it'll be hard.   Maybe there will just be two Tali in the contest. XD   ~Bunda   Edit: Yeah totally not building Wrex anymore.   Tali's cloth head covering thing may prove troublesome, however.   In addition I need to take pics of my Troll From SPACE so I can take it apart. Going to do that now.   Still haven't taken good pics of Packbot lol



The Charlie The Unicorn Songs Keep Getting Worse And Worse

Though I do admit I sing the banana song from time to time. But this one just sucks. I laughed a lot at the cartoon, though. At least until the end. Where they made Charlie pass out (again) and have something stolen from him (again). GRAAAAAHASDF TELL ME TO GET OFF I NEED TO BE STUDYING LIVERWORTS AND HORNWORTS BtB



Headache >_<

I just watched Mystery Science Theater 3000, Hobgoblins. ... ... I caution you against ever seeing that movie. ... ... The MST3000 jokes were funny and great, as usual, BUT THE MOVIE IS SO BAD OMG ... ... It gave me a horrible headache, and I'm not even sure that good movies exist anymore. I need to watch the original Star Wars or LOTR now. >_< ... ... ALSO, THEY ARE MAKING A SEQUEL THIS YEAR DO NOT WANT ... ... EVEN WORSE My sister and our



Midnight Purple

My Walmart stocked the purple 3DS even though it's not supposed to be out until the 20th. You can't buy it, of course, it's just sitting there. Taunting me. Booooo.



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